
时间:2020-11-30 09:50:57
public void DisplaySB() throws IOException{
System.out.println("\n|| ID || FirstName || LastName ||TelNum || Adults || Kids || Total Price || Total\n");

ArrayList<String> fb = new ArrayList<String>();
                           //Creats an array called fb(First booking) and gives it 4 identifiers. 
            fb.add("1"); //ID
            fb.add("James"); //First name
            fb.add("Pearce"); //Last name
            fb.add("07703768910"); //Phone number

    ArrayList<Integer> fbV = new ArrayList<Integer>();//First booking array storing 4 array items
             fbV.add(3); //first being the adult total
             fbV.add(4); //second kid total    
             fbV.add(fbV.get(0) * AdultPrice + fbV.get(1) * KidPrice); //Calculated the above 2 arrays by set variables 6 and 3
             fbV.add(fbV.get(0) + fbV.get(1)); //Adds the array value [0] 3 and [1] 4

    ArrayList<String> sb = new ArrayList<String>();
    //Creats an array called SecondBooking(sb) and gives it 4 identifiers. 
             sb.add("2"); // ID
             sb.add("Ryan"); //First name
             sb.add("Fellah"); //Last name
             sb.add("07707627112"); //tel num

    ArrayList<Integer> sbV = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // New array storing values like previously above for the second booking array
             sbV.add(2); //Adult array integer
             sbV.add(3); //Kid array integer
             sbV.add(sbV.get(0) * AdultPrice + sbV.get(1) * KidPrice); //Multiplication integer by adults * kids
             sbV.add(sbV.get(0) + sbV.get(1)); //Adding the total from array [0]2 and [1]3

    ArrayList<String> tb = new ArrayList<String>();
    //Creats an array called SetBooking and gives it 4 identifiers. 
             tb.add("3"); //Id
             tb.add("Josh"); // first name
             tb.add("Ford"); // second name
             tb.add("07725687654"); //phone number

    ArrayList<Integer> tbV = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Set a third value(tb) arrayList
            tbV.add(6); //Storing adult value into the array
            tbV.add(6); //Storing kid value into the array
            tbV.add(tbV.get(0) * AdultPrice + tbV.get(1) * KidPrice); //multipling The above values by the correct variable
            tbV.add(tbV.get(0) + tbV.get(1)); //adding the array values [0]6 and [1]6

    ArrayList<Integer> totalMoney = new ArrayList<Integer>();
             totalMoney.add(sbV.get(2)+ fbV.get(2) + tbV.get(2)); //adding up everymultiplication from the above arrays, first booking, second and third

             ArrayList<Integer> total = new ArrayList<Integer>();
             total.add(sbV.get(3)+ fbV.get(3) + tbV.get(3));// Adding every total from the above arrays, first booking, second and third

    System.out.println(sbV);    //Printing arrays

    //Creating an integer, using the integer to store the array value, displaying the array value.
            for (int money: totalMoney){
                System.out.println("\n\nCoach Revenue: £"+(money)); //displaying the money total from the array

    //Creating an integer, using the integer to store the array value, displaying the array value.
            for (int endTotal: total){
                 System.out.println("Seats remaining:"+ (maxSeats - endTotal)); //display the total ammount of bookings from all relatble arrays.

            System.out.println("\nWould you like to enter a new value?");
            System.out.println("[1]Yes [2]Menu");
            int choice = 0; //Creating a local variable named choice and setting it to 0
            Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); //Creating a scan variable named scan and using the system.in functon to store information within the variable
            choice = scan.nextInt(); //Using the choice variable to store an integer

            if(choice > 2){
            System.out.print("Incorrect value, try again!....");


public void UserBooking(){ 
  ArrayList<String> ub = new ArrayList<String>(); //Creating a new array for user bookings(ub)

         String choice1;
         String choice2; // Creating 3 variables later to be used later with the scanner
         String choice3;
         int adultInput;
         int kidInput;

         System.out.println("Please enter your first name:");
         Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(System.in); //Using scanner to store input into a variable
         choice1 = scan2.nextLine(); //Storing the input into variable choice1

         System.out.println("Please enter your last name:");
         choice2 = scan2.nextLine();//Storing the input into variable choice2

         System.out.println("Please enter your phone number:");
         choice3 = scan2.nextLine();//Storing the input into variable choice3

        ArrayList<Integer> ubV = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Array being used to store integer values for the children and adults

        System.out.println("Please enter the number of adults:");
        adultInput = scan2.nextInt(); //Storing the input into variable adultInput

        System.out.println("Please enter the number of children:");
        kidInput = scan2.nextInt(); //Storing the input into variable kidInput

            ub.add(choice3);    //Pring the array values
            ubV.add(adultInput * AdultPrice + kidInput * KidPrice ); //Calculating the above inputs by the set variable price 6 for adults and 3 for kids
            ubV.add(ubV.get(0) + ubV.get(1)); //Adding the array value [0] and [1], this would be taken from the variables

        ArrayList<Integer> totalMoneyUser = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Another array that is gathering the new money total with the new user input array value
                 totalMoneyUser.add(sbV.get(2)+ fbV.get(2) + tbV.get(2) + ubV.get(2));

        ArrayList<Integer> totalUser = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                 totalUser.add(sbV.get(3)+ fbV.get(3) + tbV.get(3) + ubV.get(3));//Another array that is gathering the new booking total with the new user input array value


Hoping the current project is readable, tried my best to edit it. Anyhow. How can I pull the values from DisplaySB arrays and place them into the UserBooking arrays? I need to do this to total the amount of seats left for the coach. The errors are within the last snippet, specifically on the last two arrays.


2 个解决方案



Declare the DisplaySb-arrays as class variables with getters and setters and fetch them from UserBooking like


ArrayList<String> fb = new MyClassNameWhereDisplaySBLives().getFBArray();



public class MyClass{

//class variables - outside method body, so every method "knows" them
private ArrayList<String> fb = new ArrayList<>();
    public void displaySB() throws IOException{
      //fill fb with values
      fb.add("1"); //ID

    public void userBooking(){
      //retrieve data from fb



Declare the DisplaySb-arrays as class variables with getters and setters and fetch them from UserBooking like


ArrayList<String> fb = new MyClassNameWhereDisplaySBLives().getFBArray();



public class MyClass{

//class variables - outside method body, so every method "knows" them
private ArrayList<String> fb = new ArrayList<>();
    public void displaySB() throws IOException{
      //fill fb with values
      fb.add("1"); //ID

    public void userBooking(){
      //retrieve data from fb