在不使用java中的循环的情况下添加double []数组的元素

时间:2021-08-06 09:47:02

I have a double[] of huge size. (Ex : Eg.double[] array = new double[] {2.0, 3.1, 4.2, 8.9, 10.11, ........})

我有一个巨大的双[]。 (例如:Eg.double [] array = new double [] {2.0,3.1,4.2,8.9,10.11,........})

I want to get the sum of all the elements of that array at once. (Without using a loop).

我想一次得到该数组的所有元素的总和。 (不使用循环)。

Do you have any idea to do this?


13 个解决方案



No, you can't calculate the sum of a list of values in one step. Even if there was an API method or some library that offered a sum function, it would use loops internally. The complexity of the sum algorithm is O(n) (for single CPUs).


A way out could be using parallel computing, but that's a theoretical approach to answer your question. You'd need at least as many CPUs as array cells to calculate the sum in on step. (Or one fictional CPU with as many FP registers as array values).

一个出路可能是使用并行计算,但这是一个回答你的问题的理论方法。您至少需要与阵列单元一样多的CPU来计算步骤中的总和。 (或者一个具有与数组值一样多的FP寄存器的虚构CPU)。

Before you start looking at API's of Java or other libraries:


 public static double sum(double...values) {
   double result = 0;
   for (double value:values)
     result += value;
   return result;



 double sum = sum(array);  // this is in your main code -> no loop (visible)



Yes, use a loop. That's what they're for. Hundreds of elements is a piddling little size for an array and will take almost no time to process.




First of all, 'hundreds' is not 'huge' ('millions' is) and second, adding the elements without looping is not possible unless you have some prior information about the elements (like if they are a part of a particular series).

首先,“数百”不是“巨大的”(“数百万”),其次,除非你有关于元素的一些先验信息(如果它们是特定系列的一部分),否则添加元素而不进行循环是不可能的。 。



I would prefer the following approach.


package rfcampusdata;

public class TestClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String str = "1,2,3,4,5";
    String[] arr = str.split(",");
    int length = arr.length;

    System.out.println(sum(length, arr));

  static Double temp = new Double(0);

  public static Double sum(int length, String[] arr) {
    int length_m = length - 1;
    String[] arr_m = arr;
    temp += Double.parseDouble(arr[length_m]);
    if (length_m != 0) {
      sum(length_m, arr_m);
    } else {
      // temp += Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
      // System.out.println(temp);
    return temp;




In Java 8:

在Java 8中:


And if you want parallel on multiple CPUs:





A loop is the simplest and most efficient way to do things like summing the elements of an array or collection in Java.


There are ways to sum arrays that don't involve explicit loops, but they involve using simulated higher order functions, and they are complicated and ugly when written in Java. (And they are expensive and use loops under the hood.)

有一些方法可以对不涉及显式循环的数组求和,但它们涉及使用模拟的高阶函数,并且在用Java编写时它们很复杂且难看。 (并且它们很昂贵并且在引擎盖下使用循环。)

Java is not a functional programming language. If you want / need to do functional programming on the Java platform, use Scala or Clojure.




If you're really concerned with accuracy, a simple loop might cause some problems. Doubles do not contain arbitrary precision. Here's a simple example to show the flaw of just using a loop.


float f = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000*1000*1000; ++i){

We would hope that f would be 1 billion, or 1.0E9, but instead we get 1.6777216E7. This is because the float can only hold about 6-7 digits of precision. A double can hold about 16-17 digits of precision which means it is less likely to have an issue, but it doesn't solve the problem.


To work around this, we need to not add two numbers when there is a large magnitude difference between them. This can simply be done using a PriorityQueue. We'll take out the first 2 numbers, add them, then put them back into the queue. When the queue only has 1 number left, we return it.


public static double queueSum(double[] da){
    PriorityQueue<Double> pq = new PriorityQueue<Double>(da.length);
    for(double d : da)
    while(pq.size() > 1)
        pq.add(pq.poll() + pq.poll());
    return pq.poll();

Of course accuracy does come at the cost of time. This goes from the loop sum's O(n) to a O(n lg(n)) not to mention the overhead of the objects involved.

当然,准确性确实是以时间为代价的。这从循环和的O(n)变为O(n lg(n)),更不用说所涉及对象的开销。

Because doubles have much more precision than a float, you probably won't need to use this unless you have a huge number of doubles (millions/billions) and/or you have a large difference in magnitudes between your numbers.


Edit: If all the numbers have approximately the same magnitude, this code will help avoid the problem as well as maintain O(n) time. If there is a large magnitude difference between two samples or the numbers are distributed in a fashion that could cause a large magnitude difference, it could suffer the same problems as before.


public static double treeSum(double[] da){
    double[] dc = da.clone();
    int len = dc.length;
    while(len > 1){
        len = (len + 1) / 2;
        for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            dc[i] += dc[i + len];
        dc[len] = 0;
    return dc[0];



If your array is assigned to a DoubleMatrix1D object in cern.colt.matrix library you can use the zSum() method and it will return the sum of all elements in your array without having to loop



your_sum = your_array.zSum()



if the data type in your array is the object type Double ,not the primitive type double,then you can use stream in java 8 like this:

如果数组中的数据类型是对象类型Double,而不是基本类型double,那么你可以在java 8中使用stream,如下所示:

Double[] test = new Double[] {2.0, 3.1, 4.2, 8.9, 10.11};
List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(test);
double sum = list.stream().mapToDouble(p -> p).sum();



Anyone who has an actually huge array of doubles might look up cern.colt.list.AbstractDoubleList, which is built to optimize operations like adding (elements).


As others have said, if you want the summation of all elements in your array, you should write a loop.




Looping is the simplest way for this, but since you asked for a different one:




double sumResult = sum(data, 0, 0);

double sum(double [] d, int sum, int index) {
  if ( index > d.length ) return sum;
  else return sum(d, sum + d[index], index+1);

I haven't tested that, but it should work somewhere along the above.


EDIT: It is not recommended to use such a construct, since for huge array you may hit the *Exception very fast.




You need to create a nested class inside of the function and use recursion inside of the nested class to do the addition:


public double sumArrayNoLoop(double[] v){
 class compute {
            double  total = 0.0;
            public void sumArray(double[] v,int offset){
                if((offset - 1) < 0) return;
                if(offset > (v.length - 1)) offset = v.length;
                total += v[offset - 1];
                sumArray(v,offset - 1);



    compute c = new compute();
    c.sumArray(v, v.length);
    return c.total;





Friends this is the perfect solution that i have done.I am taking complex condition with string. we can used directly double array.


public class TestClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String str = "1,2,3,4,5";
    String[] arr = str.split(",");
    int length = arr.length;

    System.out.println(sum(length, arr));

  static Double temp = new Double(0);

  public static Double sum(int length, String[] arr) {
    int length_m = length - 1;
    String[] arr_m = arr;
    temp += Double.parseDouble(arr[length_m]);
    if (length_m != 0) {
      sum(length_m, arr_m);
    } else {
      // temp += Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
      // System.out.println(temp);
    return temp;


good day!!!!




No, you can't calculate the sum of a list of values in one step. Even if there was an API method or some library that offered a sum function, it would use loops internally. The complexity of the sum algorithm is O(n) (for single CPUs).


A way out could be using parallel computing, but that's a theoretical approach to answer your question. You'd need at least as many CPUs as array cells to calculate the sum in on step. (Or one fictional CPU with as many FP registers as array values).

一个出路可能是使用并行计算,但这是一个回答你的问题的理论方法。您至少需要与阵列单元一样多的CPU来计算步骤中的总和。 (或者一个具有与数组值一样多的FP寄存器的虚构CPU)。

Before you start looking at API's of Java or other libraries:


 public static double sum(double...values) {
   double result = 0;
   for (double value:values)
     result += value;
   return result;



 double sum = sum(array);  // this is in your main code -> no loop (visible)



Yes, use a loop. That's what they're for. Hundreds of elements is a piddling little size for an array and will take almost no time to process.




First of all, 'hundreds' is not 'huge' ('millions' is) and second, adding the elements without looping is not possible unless you have some prior information about the elements (like if they are a part of a particular series).

首先,“数百”不是“巨大的”(“数百万”),其次,除非你有关于元素的一些先验信息(如果它们是特定系列的一部分),否则添加元素而不进行循环是不可能的。 。



I would prefer the following approach.


package rfcampusdata;

public class TestClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String str = "1,2,3,4,5";
    String[] arr = str.split(",");
    int length = arr.length;

    System.out.println(sum(length, arr));

  static Double temp = new Double(0);

  public static Double sum(int length, String[] arr) {
    int length_m = length - 1;
    String[] arr_m = arr;
    temp += Double.parseDouble(arr[length_m]);
    if (length_m != 0) {
      sum(length_m, arr_m);
    } else {
      // temp += Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
      // System.out.println(temp);
    return temp;




In Java 8:

在Java 8中:


And if you want parallel on multiple CPUs:





A loop is the simplest and most efficient way to do things like summing the elements of an array or collection in Java.


There are ways to sum arrays that don't involve explicit loops, but they involve using simulated higher order functions, and they are complicated and ugly when written in Java. (And they are expensive and use loops under the hood.)

有一些方法可以对不涉及显式循环的数组求和,但它们涉及使用模拟的高阶函数,并且在用Java编写时它们很复杂且难看。 (并且它们很昂贵并且在引擎盖下使用循环。)

Java is not a functional programming language. If you want / need to do functional programming on the Java platform, use Scala or Clojure.




If you're really concerned with accuracy, a simple loop might cause some problems. Doubles do not contain arbitrary precision. Here's a simple example to show the flaw of just using a loop.


float f = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000*1000*1000; ++i){

We would hope that f would be 1 billion, or 1.0E9, but instead we get 1.6777216E7. This is because the float can only hold about 6-7 digits of precision. A double can hold about 16-17 digits of precision which means it is less likely to have an issue, but it doesn't solve the problem.


To work around this, we need to not add two numbers when there is a large magnitude difference between them. This can simply be done using a PriorityQueue. We'll take out the first 2 numbers, add them, then put them back into the queue. When the queue only has 1 number left, we return it.


public static double queueSum(double[] da){
    PriorityQueue<Double> pq = new PriorityQueue<Double>(da.length);
    for(double d : da)
    while(pq.size() > 1)
        pq.add(pq.poll() + pq.poll());
    return pq.poll();

Of course accuracy does come at the cost of time. This goes from the loop sum's O(n) to a O(n lg(n)) not to mention the overhead of the objects involved.

当然,准确性确实是以时间为代价的。这从循环和的O(n)变为O(n lg(n)),更不用说所涉及对象的开销。

Because doubles have much more precision than a float, you probably won't need to use this unless you have a huge number of doubles (millions/billions) and/or you have a large difference in magnitudes between your numbers.


Edit: If all the numbers have approximately the same magnitude, this code will help avoid the problem as well as maintain O(n) time. If there is a large magnitude difference between two samples or the numbers are distributed in a fashion that could cause a large magnitude difference, it could suffer the same problems as before.


public static double treeSum(double[] da){
    double[] dc = da.clone();
    int len = dc.length;
    while(len > 1){
        len = (len + 1) / 2;
        for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            dc[i] += dc[i + len];
        dc[len] = 0;
    return dc[0];



If your array is assigned to a DoubleMatrix1D object in cern.colt.matrix library you can use the zSum() method and it will return the sum of all elements in your array without having to loop



your_sum = your_array.zSum()



if the data type in your array is the object type Double ,not the primitive type double,then you can use stream in java 8 like this:

如果数组中的数据类型是对象类型Double,而不是基本类型double,那么你可以在java 8中使用stream,如下所示:

Double[] test = new Double[] {2.0, 3.1, 4.2, 8.9, 10.11};
List<Double> list = Arrays.asList(test);
double sum = list.stream().mapToDouble(p -> p).sum();



Anyone who has an actually huge array of doubles might look up cern.colt.list.AbstractDoubleList, which is built to optimize operations like adding (elements).


As others have said, if you want the summation of all elements in your array, you should write a loop.




Looping is the simplest way for this, but since you asked for a different one:




double sumResult = sum(data, 0, 0);

double sum(double [] d, int sum, int index) {
  if ( index > d.length ) return sum;
  else return sum(d, sum + d[index], index+1);

I haven't tested that, but it should work somewhere along the above.


EDIT: It is not recommended to use such a construct, since for huge array you may hit the *Exception very fast.




You need to create a nested class inside of the function and use recursion inside of the nested class to do the addition:


public double sumArrayNoLoop(double[] v){
 class compute {
            double  total = 0.0;
            public void sumArray(double[] v,int offset){
                if((offset - 1) < 0) return;
                if(offset > (v.length - 1)) offset = v.length;
                total += v[offset - 1];
                sumArray(v,offset - 1);



    compute c = new compute();
    c.sumArray(v, v.length);
    return c.total;





Friends this is the perfect solution that i have done.I am taking complex condition with string. we can used directly double array.


public class TestClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String str = "1,2,3,4,5";
    String[] arr = str.split(",");
    int length = arr.length;

    System.out.println(sum(length, arr));

  static Double temp = new Double(0);

  public static Double sum(int length, String[] arr) {
    int length_m = length - 1;
    String[] arr_m = arr;
    temp += Double.parseDouble(arr[length_m]);
    if (length_m != 0) {
      sum(length_m, arr_m);
    } else {
      // temp += Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
      // System.out.println(temp);
    return temp;


good day!!!!
