更新到Xcode 7.0.1后上传iOS应用程序时出错

时间:2021-07-28 09:40:24

I get these errors when uploading an iOS app in Xcode 7.0.1. No errors when using Xcode 7.0.

我在Xcode 7.0.1中上传iOS应用时遇到这些错误。使用Xcode 7.0时没有错误。

ERROR ITMS-90030: "Nib file 'MainWindow~ipad.nib' was not found. Please ensure the specified file is included in the bundle with any required device modifiers appended to the filename."

ERROR ITMS-90030:“找不到Nib文件'MainWindow~ipad.nib'。请确保指定的文件包含在捆绑包中,并且文件名后附加了任何必需的设备修饰符。”

ERROR ITMS-90030: "Nib file 'MainWindow~iphone.nib' was not found. Please ensure the specified file is included in the bundle with any required device modifiers appended to the filename."

ERROR ITMS-90030:“找不到Nib文件'MainWindow~iphone.nib'。请确保指定的文件包含在捆绑包中,文件名后附加了任何必需的设备修饰符。”

The app contains two xib files, but not any nib-files: MainWindow.xib MainWindow~ipad.xib

该应用程序包含两个xib文件,但不包含任何nib文件:MainWindow.xib MainWindow~ipad.xib

In Targets / General / Deployment Info: iPhone: Main Interface: MainWindow iPad: Main interface: MainWindow~ipad

在目标/一般/部署信息:iPhone:主界面:MainWindow iPad:主界面:MainWindow~ipad

In the plist-file: Main nib file base name: MainWindow Main nib file base name (iPad) MainWindow~ipad


Is there an easy way to convert a xib-file to a nib-file?


Any idea how to solve the problem?


2 个解决方案



Check Info.plist of your project and find the entry NSMainNibFile~ipad, than remove this entry and try to Archive again. It should work :)




You may have to delete both the entries NSMainNibFile and NSMainNibFile~ipad.


If you are using cordova, you can do that using a hook and the plist npm module

如果您使用的是cordova,可以使用钩子和plist npm模块来实现

var xml = plist.parse(plistData.toString('utf8'));
delete xml['NSMainNibFile'];
delete xml['NSMainNibFile~ipad'];
return plist.build(xml);



Check Info.plist of your project and find the entry NSMainNibFile~ipad, than remove this entry and try to Archive again. It should work :)




You may have to delete both the entries NSMainNibFile and NSMainNibFile~ipad.


If you are using cordova, you can do that using a hook and the plist npm module

如果您使用的是cordova,可以使用钩子和plist npm模块来实现

var xml = plist.parse(plistData.toString('utf8'));
delete xml['NSMainNibFile'];
delete xml['NSMainNibFile~ipad'];
return plist.build(xml);