如何通过C ++宏调用编译时错误?

时间:2022-09-10 09:38:45

The idea is to cause a compile-time error with an error message if a certain macro is invoked. Can this be done? How?


#  define alignof(T)  // what here?

const std::size_t = alignof(some_type);  // invocation, causing compilation error

The invocation shall produce a sensible error message like alignof() not available with this compiler.


1 个解决方案



In C++11,

#define DONT_INVOKE_ME static_assert(false, "Don't invoke this macro");

Historically, it was easy to cause an error, but trickier to get a message into the output. One simple trick was to create an invalid declaration, with the message in the declared name:


#define DONT_INVOKE_ME char dont_invoke_this_macro[-1];

This isn't perfect, as you can't use freeform text for the message - it must be a valid identifier. There were fancier tricks (such as those used by Boost's static assert), but they're only of historical interest these days.

这并不完美,因为您不能对邮件使用*格式文本 - 它必须是有效的标识符。有更高级的技巧(例如Boost的静态断言所使用的那些),但它们现在只是历史上的兴趣。



In C++11,

#define DONT_INVOKE_ME static_assert(false, "Don't invoke this macro");

Historically, it was easy to cause an error, but trickier to get a message into the output. One simple trick was to create an invalid declaration, with the message in the declared name:


#define DONT_INVOKE_ME char dont_invoke_this_macro[-1];

This isn't perfect, as you can't use freeform text for the message - it must be a valid identifier. There were fancier tricks (such as those used by Boost's static assert), but they're only of historical interest these days.

这并不完美,因为您不能对邮件使用*格式文本 - 它必须是有效的标识符。有更高级的技巧(例如Boost的静态断言所使用的那些),但它们现在只是历史上的兴趣。