
时间:2022-03-23 09:40:24

I have a quite complex (C++) project using autoconf / automake, which includes some "generated" files (foo.yy -> foo.cc). Actual builds are done using a "control script" (Gentoo .ebuild for those familiar with the concept), on various platforms.

我有一个非常复杂的(C ++)项目使用autoconf / automake,其中包含一些“生成”文件(foo.yy - > foo.cc)。在各种平台上,使用“控制脚本”(Gentoo .ebuild,熟悉这个概念的人)完成实际构建。

Now, one of the target platforms does not properly support the foo.yy -> foo.cc step, and has to use the foo.cc file generated on a Linux box.

现在,其中一个目标平台不能正确支持foo.yy - > foo.cc步骤,并且必须使用在Linux机器上生成的foo.cc文件。

Now I have two ways to go about this:


1) Check in foo.cc into the project repository and somehow patch configure.in (or whatever) to include a timestamp check on foo.yy / foo.cc, generating a comprehensible error message if run on the target in question with an outdated foo.cc;

1)将foo.cc检入项目存储库并以某种方式修补configure.in(或其他)以在foo.yy / foo.cc中包含时间戳检查,如果在有问题的目标上运行过期,则生成可理解的错误消息foo.cc;

2) Check in foo.cc into the control script repository, and have the script control time stamps and give the error message.


I could do 2) no problem, but I don't think it's the right place to put foo.cc.


On the other hand, I don't know much about autoconf / automake, and wouldn't know how to implement a timestamp check / error message in configure.in (or whereever).

另一方面,我不太了解autoconf / automake,也不知道如何在configure.in(或whereever)中实现时间戳检查/错误消息。

What are your suggestions, and would anyone here know how to go about solution 1)?


Edit: Solved using solution 3), tweaking the problematic target box until it is able to do the foo.yy -> foo.cc step itself. My problem is solved.

编辑:解决使用解决方案3),调整有问题的目标框,直到它能够执行foo.yy - > foo.cc步骤本身。我的问题解决了。

But I'll leave the question open - how to do timestamp checks / comprehensible error messages with autoconf / automake?

但是我将问题保持开放 - 如何使用autoconf / automake进行时间戳检查/可理解的错误消息?

1 个解决方案


From 8.8 in the Automake manual:


The intermediate files generated by ‘yacc’ (or ‘lex’) will be included in any distribution that is made. That way the user doesn't need to have ‘yacc’ or ‘lex’.


That makes it sound as if the problem you're describing should not exist.



From 8.8 in the Automake manual:


The intermediate files generated by ‘yacc’ (or ‘lex’) will be included in any distribution that is made. That way the user doesn't need to have ‘yacc’ or ‘lex’.


That makes it sound as if the problem you're describing should not exist.
