
时间:2021-04-24 09:37:49

I am having some problems getting some French text to convert to UTF8 so that it can be displayed properly, either in a console, text file or in a GUI element.


The original string is




which is supposed to be




Here is a code snippet that shows how I am using the jackcess Database driver to read in the Acccess MDB file in an Eclipse/Linux environment.


Database database = File(filepath));
Table table = database.getTable(tableName, true);
Iterator rowIter = table.iterator();
while (rowIter.hasNext()) {
    Map<String, Object> row =;
    // convert fields to UTF
    Map<String, Object> rowUTF = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    try {
        for (String key : row.keySet()) {
            Object o = row.get(key);
            if (o != null) {
                String valueCP850 = o.toString();
                // String nameUTF8 = new String(valueCP850.getBytes("CP850"), "UTF8"); // does not work!
                String valueISO = new String(valueCP850.getBytes("CP850"), "ISO-8859-1");
                String valueUTF8 = new String(valueISO.getBytes(), "UTF-8"); // works!
                rowUTF.put(key, valueUTF8);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        System.err.println("Encoding exception: " + e);

In the code you'll see where I want to convert directly to UTF8, which doesn't seem to work, so I have to do a double conversion. Also note that there doesn't seem to be a way to specify the encoding type when using the jackcess driver.


Thanks, Cam


4 个解决方案



New analysis, based on new information.
It looks like your problem is with the encoding of the text before it was stored in the Access DB. It seems it had been encoded as ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252, but decoded as cp850, resulting in the string HANDICAP╔ES being stored in the DB.

新的分析,基于新的信息。看起来您的问题是在它存储在Access DB之前的文本编码。似乎被编码为iso - 8859 - 1或windows - 1252,但解码cp850,导致字符串障碍╔ES被存储在数据库中。

Having correctly retrieved that string from the DB, you're now trying to reverse the original encoding error and recover the string as it should have been stored: HANDICAPÉES. And you're accomplishing that with this line:


String valueISO = new String(valueCP850.getBytes("CP850"), "ISO-8859-1");

getBytes("CP850") converts the character to the byte value 0xC9, and the String constructor decodes that according to ISO-8859-1, resulting in the character É. The next line:

getBytes(“CP850”)转换字符╔字节值0 xc9,构造函数和字符串解码,根据iso - 8859 - 1,导致角色E。下一行:

String valueUTF8 = new String(valueISO.getBytes(), "UTF-8");

...does nothing. getBytes() encodes the string in the platform default encoding, which is UTF-8 on your Linux system. Then the String constructor decodes it with the same encoding. Delete that line and you should still get the same result.


More to the point, your attempt to create a "UTF-8 string" was misguided. You don't need to concern yourself with the encoding of Java's strings--they're always UTF-16. When bringing text into a Java app, you just need to make sure you decode it with the correct encoding.


And if my analysis is correct, your Access driver is decoding it correctly; the problem is at the other end, possibly before the DB even comes into the picture. That's what you need to fix, because that new String(getBytes()) hack can't be counted on to work in all cases.


Original analysis, based on no information. :-/
If you're seeing HANDICAP╔ES on the console, there's probably no problem. Given this code:



The JVM converts the (Unicode) string to the platform default encoding, windows-1252, before sending it to the console. Then the console decodes that using its own default encoding, which happens to be cp850. So the console displays it wrong, but that's normal. If you want it to display correctly, you can change the console's encoding with this command:

JVM将(Unicode)字符串转换为平台默认编码(window -1252),然后将其发送到控制台。然后,控制台将使用它自己的默认编码(碰巧是cp850)进行解码。所以控制台显示错误,但这是正常的。如果您希望它正确显示,您可以使用以下命令更改控制台的编码:

CHCP 1252

To display the string in a GUI element, such as a JLabel, you don't have to do anything special. Just make sure you use a font that can display all the characters, but that shouldn't be problem for French.


As for writing to a file, just specify the desired encoding when you create the Writer:


OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(
    new FileOutputStream("myFile.txt"), "UTF-8");



String s = "HANDICAP╔ES";
System.out.println(new String(s.getBytes("CP850"), "ISO-8859-1")); // HANDICAPÉES

This shows the correct string value. This means that it was originally encoded/decoded with ISO-8859-1 and then incorrectly encoded with CP850 (originally CP1252 a.k.a. Windows ANSI as pointed in a comment is indeed also possible since the É has the same codepoint there as in ISO-8859-1).

这显示了正确的字符串值。这意味着它最初是用ISO-8859-1编码/解码的,然后用CP850(最初是CP1252 a.k.a)编码错误。由于E的代码点与ISO-8859-1相同,因此也有可能对其进行注释。

Align your environment and binary pipelines to use all the one and same character encoding. You can't and shouldn't convert between them. You would risk losing information in the non-ASCII range that way.


Note: do NOT use the above code snippet to "fix" the problem! That would not be the right solution.


Update: you are apparently still struggling with the problem. I'll repeat the important parts of the answer:


  1. Align your environment and binary pipelines to use all the one and same character encoding.


  2. You can not and should not convert between them. You would risk losing information in the non-ASCII range that way.


  3. Do NOT use the above code snippet to "fix" the problem! That would not be the right solution.


To fix the problem you need to choose character encoding X which you'd like to use throughout the entire application. I suggest UTF-8. Update MS Access to use encoding X. Update your development environment to use encoding X. Update the readers and writers in your code to use encoding X. Update your editor to read/write files with encoding X. Update the application's user interface to use encoding X. Do not use Y or Z or whatever at some step. If the characters are already corrupted in some datastore (MS Access, files, etc), then you need to fix it by manually replacing the characters right there in the datastore. Do not use Java for this.

要解决这个问题,您需要选择在整个应用程序中使用的字符编码X。我建议utf - 8。更新MS Access以使用编码X.更新您的开发环境以使用编码X.更新java。在你的代码中,io读者和作者使用编码X.更新编辑器,用编码x来读/写文件。更新应用程序的用户界面来使用编码x。不要在某个步骤使用Y或Z或其他任何东西。如果字符在某些数据存储(MS Access、files等)中已经被损坏,那么您需要通过手动替换数据存储中的字符来修复它。不要使用Java。

If you're actually using the "command prompt" as user interface, then you're actually lost. It doesn't support UTF-8. As suggested in the comments and in the article linked in the comments, you need to create a Swing application instead of relying on the restricted command prompt environment.

如果您实际上是使用“命令提示符”作为用户界面,那么您实际上是丢失了。它不支持utf - 8。正如评论中所建议的,在评论中链接的文章中,您需要创建一个Swing应用程序,而不是依赖于受限的命令提示环境。



You can specify encoding when establishing connection. This way was perfect and solve my encoding problem:


    DatabaseImpl open = File("main.mdb"), true, null, Database.DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC, java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets().get("windows-1251"), null, null);
    Table table = open.getTable("FolderInfo");



Using "ISO-8859-1" helped me deal with the French charactes.




New analysis, based on new information.
It looks like your problem is with the encoding of the text before it was stored in the Access DB. It seems it had been encoded as ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252, but decoded as cp850, resulting in the string HANDICAP╔ES being stored in the DB.

新的分析,基于新的信息。看起来您的问题是在它存储在Access DB之前的文本编码。似乎被编码为iso - 8859 - 1或windows - 1252,但解码cp850,导致字符串障碍╔ES被存储在数据库中。

Having correctly retrieved that string from the DB, you're now trying to reverse the original encoding error and recover the string as it should have been stored: HANDICAPÉES. And you're accomplishing that with this line:


String valueISO = new String(valueCP850.getBytes("CP850"), "ISO-8859-1");

getBytes("CP850") converts the character to the byte value 0xC9, and the String constructor decodes that according to ISO-8859-1, resulting in the character É. The next line:

getBytes(“CP850”)转换字符╔字节值0 xc9,构造函数和字符串解码,根据iso - 8859 - 1,导致角色E。下一行:

String valueUTF8 = new String(valueISO.getBytes(), "UTF-8");

...does nothing. getBytes() encodes the string in the platform default encoding, which is UTF-8 on your Linux system. Then the String constructor decodes it with the same encoding. Delete that line and you should still get the same result.


More to the point, your attempt to create a "UTF-8 string" was misguided. You don't need to concern yourself with the encoding of Java's strings--they're always UTF-16. When bringing text into a Java app, you just need to make sure you decode it with the correct encoding.


And if my analysis is correct, your Access driver is decoding it correctly; the problem is at the other end, possibly before the DB even comes into the picture. That's what you need to fix, because that new String(getBytes()) hack can't be counted on to work in all cases.


Original analysis, based on no information. :-/
If you're seeing HANDICAP╔ES on the console, there's probably no problem. Given this code:



The JVM converts the (Unicode) string to the platform default encoding, windows-1252, before sending it to the console. Then the console decodes that using its own default encoding, which happens to be cp850. So the console displays it wrong, but that's normal. If you want it to display correctly, you can change the console's encoding with this command:

JVM将(Unicode)字符串转换为平台默认编码(window -1252),然后将其发送到控制台。然后,控制台将使用它自己的默认编码(碰巧是cp850)进行解码。所以控制台显示错误,但这是正常的。如果您希望它正确显示,您可以使用以下命令更改控制台的编码:

CHCP 1252

To display the string in a GUI element, such as a JLabel, you don't have to do anything special. Just make sure you use a font that can display all the characters, but that shouldn't be problem for French.


As for writing to a file, just specify the desired encoding when you create the Writer:


OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(
    new FileOutputStream("myFile.txt"), "UTF-8");



String s = "HANDICAP╔ES";
System.out.println(new String(s.getBytes("CP850"), "ISO-8859-1")); // HANDICAPÉES

This shows the correct string value. This means that it was originally encoded/decoded with ISO-8859-1 and then incorrectly encoded with CP850 (originally CP1252 a.k.a. Windows ANSI as pointed in a comment is indeed also possible since the É has the same codepoint there as in ISO-8859-1).

这显示了正确的字符串值。这意味着它最初是用ISO-8859-1编码/解码的,然后用CP850(最初是CP1252 a.k.a)编码错误。由于E的代码点与ISO-8859-1相同,因此也有可能对其进行注释。

Align your environment and binary pipelines to use all the one and same character encoding. You can't and shouldn't convert between them. You would risk losing information in the non-ASCII range that way.


Note: do NOT use the above code snippet to "fix" the problem! That would not be the right solution.


Update: you are apparently still struggling with the problem. I'll repeat the important parts of the answer:


  1. Align your environment and binary pipelines to use all the one and same character encoding.


  2. You can not and should not convert between them. You would risk losing information in the non-ASCII range that way.


  3. Do NOT use the above code snippet to "fix" the problem! That would not be the right solution.


To fix the problem you need to choose character encoding X which you'd like to use throughout the entire application. I suggest UTF-8. Update MS Access to use encoding X. Update your development environment to use encoding X. Update the readers and writers in your code to use encoding X. Update your editor to read/write files with encoding X. Update the application's user interface to use encoding X. Do not use Y or Z or whatever at some step. If the characters are already corrupted in some datastore (MS Access, files, etc), then you need to fix it by manually replacing the characters right there in the datastore. Do not use Java for this.

要解决这个问题,您需要选择在整个应用程序中使用的字符编码X。我建议utf - 8。更新MS Access以使用编码X.更新您的开发环境以使用编码X.更新java。在你的代码中,io读者和作者使用编码X.更新编辑器,用编码x来读/写文件。更新应用程序的用户界面来使用编码x。不要在某个步骤使用Y或Z或其他任何东西。如果字符在某些数据存储(MS Access、files等)中已经被损坏,那么您需要通过手动替换数据存储中的字符来修复它。不要使用Java。

If you're actually using the "command prompt" as user interface, then you're actually lost. It doesn't support UTF-8. As suggested in the comments and in the article linked in the comments, you need to create a Swing application instead of relying on the restricted command prompt environment.

如果您实际上是使用“命令提示符”作为用户界面,那么您实际上是丢失了。它不支持utf - 8。正如评论中所建议的,在评论中链接的文章中,您需要创建一个Swing应用程序,而不是依赖于受限的命令提示环境。



You can specify encoding when establishing connection. This way was perfect and solve my encoding problem:


    DatabaseImpl open = File("main.mdb"), true, null, Database.DEFAULT_AUTO_SYNC, java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets().get("windows-1251"), null, null);
    Table table = open.getTable("FolderInfo");



Using "ISO-8859-1" helped me deal with the French charactes.
