c - 程序终止成功或失败的主要功能

时间:2021-10-24 09:35:25

As far as I understand if the main function returns 0 this indicates always successful program termination. Even if success is indicated by another int value.


If main returns a non-zero value it is implementation specific if this stands for unsuccessful program termination or another error code


If the value of status is zero or EXIT_SUCCESS, an implementation-defined form of the status successful termination is returned. If the value of status is EXIT_FAILURE, an implementation-defined form of the status unsuccessful termination is returned. Otherwise the status returned is implementation-defined.)


So only success is defined in the C standard (return 0) and not how a non-zero int value is interpreted, right? E.g. if in a certain system 1 stands for "success" return 0 would be deliver 1 as well? How is this done?


1 个解决方案



The main function is the entry point to your code, it is not the entry point to the executable. The executable contains an operating-system defined entry point, that runs some startup code before calling main.


main is called from the startup code just like a normal function. The return value from main is received by the startup code, which can perform any translations necessary to conform to the requirements of the operating system.

main就像普通函数一样从启动代码调用。 main的返回值由启动代码接收,启动代码可以执行符合操作系统要求所需的任何转换。

The startup code is specific to each operating system. Operating systems have requirements concerning the operation and environment of executables. The C language has requirements concerning the environment that the C code runs in (specifically the arguments to main and the return value from main). It's the responsibility of the startup code to bridge the gaps between those two sets of requirements.

启动代码特定于每个操作系统。操作系统具有关于可执行文件的操作和环境的要求。 C语言有关于C代码运行的环境的要求(特别是main的参数和main的返回值)。启动代码负责弥合这两组要求之间的差距。

The startup code is delivered as an object file, commonly called "crt.o", short for "C runtime". That file is included in the executable by the linker. You can find the actual name of that file by examining the linker command line. The startup file is typically the first file on the linker command line.

启动代码作为目标文件提供,通常称为“crt.o”,是“C runtime”的缩写。该文件由链接器包含在可执行文件中。您可以通过检查链接器命令行来查找该文件的实际名称。启动文件通常是链接器命令行上的第一个文件。



The main function is the entry point to your code, it is not the entry point to the executable. The executable contains an operating-system defined entry point, that runs some startup code before calling main.


main is called from the startup code just like a normal function. The return value from main is received by the startup code, which can perform any translations necessary to conform to the requirements of the operating system.

main就像普通函数一样从启动代码调用。 main的返回值由启动代码接收,启动代码可以执行符合操作系统要求所需的任何转换。

The startup code is specific to each operating system. Operating systems have requirements concerning the operation and environment of executables. The C language has requirements concerning the environment that the C code runs in (specifically the arguments to main and the return value from main). It's the responsibility of the startup code to bridge the gaps between those two sets of requirements.

启动代码特定于每个操作系统。操作系统具有关于可执行文件的操作和环境的要求。 C语言有关于C代码运行的环境的要求(特别是main的参数和main的返回值)。启动代码负责弥合这两组要求之间的差距。

The startup code is delivered as an object file, commonly called "crt.o", short for "C runtime". That file is included in the executable by the linker. You can find the actual name of that file by examining the linker command line. The startup file is typically the first file on the linker command line.

启动代码作为目标文件提供,通常称为“crt.o”,是“C runtime”的缩写。该文件由链接器包含在可执行文件中。您可以通过检查链接器命令行来查找该文件的实际名称。启动文件通常是链接器命令行上的第一个文件。