2.使用cat /proc/sys/fs/nr_open 查看nr_open值,可通过修改/ect/sysct.conf 修改fs.nr_open值,sysctl -p生效
3.fix_max linux内核定义的最大file handles(文件句柄数).nr_open定义是单进程最大file-handles,file-handles(即文件句柄)
file-max: The value in file-max denotes the maximum number of file- handles that the Linux kernel will allocate. When you get lots of error messages about running out of file handles, you might want to increase this limit
nr_open:This denotes the maximum number of file-handles a process canallocate. Default value is 1024*1024 (1048576) which should beenough for most machines. Actual limit depends on RLIMIT_NOFILEresource limit.
在UNIX/LINUX中我们接触更多是file discriptor(FD,即文件描述符),通过百度搜索,似乎file-handle在windows中是一个类似file discrptor的东东,但是我们讨论的是linux,再google一下,我们可以精确到c语言中这两个概念的区别,据他们的讨论file-handle应该是一个高层的对象,使用fopen,fread等函数来调用,而FD是底层的一个对象,可以通过open,read等函数来调用。