Run Keyword And Ignore Error,Run Keyword And Return Status,Run Keyword And Continue On Failure,Run Keyword And Expect Error,Wait Until Keyword Succeeds用法

时间:2021-12-27 09:12:14

Run Keyword And Ignore Error,Run Keyword And Return Status,Run Keyword And Continue On Failure,Run Keyword And Expect Error,Wait Until Keyword Succeeds用法

*** Test Cases ***
${Run Keyword And Ignore Error status} ${statusValue} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Click Element //span[@title="aaa"]
${Run Keyword And Return status} Run Keyword And Return Status Click Element //span[@title="aaa"]
${message} Set Variable Are your sure?
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Be Equal ${message} Are your sure?
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Click Element //span[@title="aaa"]
#执行关键字,匹配失败的信息,如果关键字执行成功,则Run Keyword And Expect Error 失败。比如evaluate 1/0肯定会失败,则catch失败信息
${msg} = Run Keyword And Expect Error * evaluate 1/0
Should Start With ${msg} Evaluating expression '1/0' failed: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo
Repeat Keyword 2 Log repeat
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s log Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 执行成功
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s evaluate 1/0