
时间:2021-02-25 09:11:15

is it possible to script a .XML file?


what we are after is there will be a .XML file on a webserver (IIS) for e.g. www.myserver.com/update.xml

我们所追求的是网络服务器(IIS)上将有一个.XML文件,例如: www.myserver.com/update.xml

which when called should execute it as a script rather than serve it as a file.


when the .XML file is called it will excute a series of calls example make a DB trip and then return the result in .XML format


is this possible?


3 个解决方案


XML is a data representation and not a scripting language.


It sounds to me like you actually want to map the URL /update.xml to an underlying script/program (in any executable language), have that run and then return the data as an XML type (mime type text/xml). Which is perfectly feasible.

听起来像你真的想要将URL /update.xml映射到底层脚本/程序(用任何可执行语言),运行然后将数据作为XML类型返回(mime type text / xml)。这是完全可行的。


why call it .xml at all? If you have a asp.net page with an extention of .aspx (so it will run) then you can have that return XML in its response and set its content type to be text/xml

为什么要把它称为.xml?如果您有一个扩展名为.aspx的asp.net页面(因此它将运行),那么您可以在其响应中返回XML并将其内容类型设置为text / xml

Nothing to say an xml file has to have a .xml extention :)


Other web languages are available it could easily be a PHP file, Ruby, JSP etc.


Additionally you could also set up IIS (or Apache) to treat all .xml extention files as aspx files though I would advise against it for ease of maintenance.



There's absolutely no way an XML file can be executed: it's just markup, nothing more. However, you can come up with an interpreter which would execute this XML, but using XML as a programming language is generally a very bad idea:


<if condition="a = 5">        
    <invoke function="doStuff">
        <parameter value="34" />

The behavior you're after can be achieved with any server-side scripting technology (PHP, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, etc.): you just map the Update.xml to an appropriate handler and it will then do everything you need.

您可以使用任何服务器端脚本技术(PHP,Ruby on Rails,ASP.NET等)实现您所遵循的行为:您只需将Update.xml映射到适当的处理程序,然后它将执行您需要的所有操作。


XML is a data representation and not a scripting language.


It sounds to me like you actually want to map the URL /update.xml to an underlying script/program (in any executable language), have that run and then return the data as an XML type (mime type text/xml). Which is perfectly feasible.

听起来像你真的想要将URL /update.xml映射到底层脚本/程序(用任何可执行语言),运行然后将数据作为XML类型返回(mime type text / xml)。这是完全可行的。


why call it .xml at all? If you have a asp.net page with an extention of .aspx (so it will run) then you can have that return XML in its response and set its content type to be text/xml

为什么要把它称为.xml?如果您有一个扩展名为.aspx的asp.net页面(因此它将运行),那么您可以在其响应中返回XML并将其内容类型设置为text / xml

Nothing to say an xml file has to have a .xml extention :)


Other web languages are available it could easily be a PHP file, Ruby, JSP etc.


Additionally you could also set up IIS (or Apache) to treat all .xml extention files as aspx files though I would advise against it for ease of maintenance.



There's absolutely no way an XML file can be executed: it's just markup, nothing more. However, you can come up with an interpreter which would execute this XML, but using XML as a programming language is generally a very bad idea:


<if condition="a = 5">        
    <invoke function="doStuff">
        <parameter value="34" />

The behavior you're after can be achieved with any server-side scripting technology (PHP, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, etc.): you just map the Update.xml to an appropriate handler and it will then do everything you need.

您可以使用任何服务器端脚本技术(PHP,Ruby on Rails,ASP.NET等)实现您所遵循的行为:您只需将Update.xml映射到适当的处理程序,然后它将执行您需要的所有操作。