【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

时间:2022-12-16 09:11:09







【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录

【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录


' Procedure :
' Author    : whd
' Date      : 2016/9/1
' Purpose   :
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i
Dim ArrayCount
Dim path As String '目录字符串
Dim splitstr  '分割后的字符串
For i = 2 To 1001 '数据的行数
    path = Cells(i, 1)
    splitstr = Split(path, "/")
    ArrayCount = UBound(splitstr) - LBound(splitstr) + 1 '分割后字符串长度
    If IsArray(splitstr) Then  '如果是数组
       If ArrayCount > 5 Then  '如果有三级目录及以上,则只显示前三级目录
           Cells(i, 10) = splitstr(1)
           Cells(i, 11) = splitstr(2)
           Cells(i, 12) = splitstr(3)
       ElseIf ArrayCount > 3 Then '如果有两级目录,显示两级目录
           Cells(i, 10) = splitstr(1)
           Cells(i, 11) = splitstr(2)
       ElseIf ArrayCount > 2 Then           '只有一级目录显示一级目录
            Cells(i, 10) = splitstr(1)
       End If
    End If
Next i
Dim fatherpathstr(1000) '父目录字符串数组
Dim fatherpath As String '父目录字符串
Dim fatherpathtracount '字符串数组的大小
Dim j '行循环变量
Dim k '存放父目录字符串数组的循环变量
Dim flag '字符串数组是否含有该字符串
Dim downbound '下标
downbound = 0
For j = 2 To 1001 '数据的行数
    fatherpathtracount = UBound(fatherpathstr) - LBound(fatherpathstr) + 1 '分割后字符串长度
    fatherpath = Cells(j, 10)
    If IsArray(fatherpathstr) Then  '如果是数组
       flag = 0 '每次判断是否重复之前,默认是不重复
      For k = 0 To (fatherpathtracount - 1)
         If (fatherpathstr(k) = fatherpath) Then
             flag = 1           '已经重复标志
             Cells(j, 10) = ""  '如果字符串数组中有相同的字符串,则应该把该单元格清空
         End If  '如果输入中有相同的字符串,字符串标志位flag必定为1
       Next k
     If flag = 0 Then
     fatherpathstr(downbound) = fatherpath
     downbound = downbound + 1
     End If
    End If
Dim fatherpathstrtwo(1000) '父目录字符串数组
Dim fatherpathtwo As String '父目录字符串
Dim fatherpathtracounttwo '字符串数组的大小
Dim flagtwo '字符串数组是否含有该字符串
Dim downboundtwo '下标
downboundtwo = 0
 fatherpathtracount = UBound(fatherpathstrtwo) - LBound(fatherpathstrtwo) + 1 '分割后字符串长度
    fatherpathtwo = Cells(j, 11)
    If IsArray(fatherpathstrtwo) Then  '如果是数组
       flagtwo = 0 '每次判断是否重复之前,默认是不重复
      For k = 0 To (fatherpathtracount - 1)
         If (fatherpathstrtwo(k) = fatherpathtwo) Then
             flagtwo = 1           '已经重复标志
             Cells(j, 11) = ""  '如果字符串数组中有相同的字符串,则应该把该单元格清空
         End If  '如果输入中有相同的字符串,字符串标志位flag必定为1
       Next k
     If flagtwo = 0 Then
     fatherpathstrtwo(downboundtwo) = fatherpathtwo
     downboundtwo = downboundtwo + 1
     End If
    End If
Next j
    Dim lRow As Long     '数据行
    Dim lFile As Long    'TXT文件编号
    Dim iFn As Byte      '文件号
    Dim sPath As String  '保存位置
    Dim m As Long        '循环计数
    Dim arr              'A列数组
    Dim strError As String  '错误消息
    Dim str As String  '加入多个空格,调节一级和二级目录之间的位置关系

    sPath = ThisWorkbook.path & Application.PathSeparator '当前文件表格路径
    lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row  '数据总行数
    arr = Range("j2:k" & lRow) '  第j2到k最大的行数

    On Error Resume Next
    For m = 1 To lRow - 1
    str = "                  "
        If Len(arr(m, 1)) > 0 Or Len(arr(m, 2)) > 0 Then
            'lFile = lFile + 1
            iFn = FreeFile
            Open sPath & lFile & ".txt" For Append As #iFn
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                strError = strError & "A" & i & "写入TXT失败"
                If Len(arr(m, 1)) > 0 Then
                Print #iFn, arr(m, 1)
                End If
                If Len(arr(m, 2)) > 0 Then
                str = str & arr(m, 2) '加入空格调节距离
                Print #iFn, str
                End If
                Close #iFn
            End If
        End If
    Next m
    If Len(strError) > 0 Then
        MsgBox strError
        MsgBox "输出完成"
    End If
End Sub


【VBA编程实例】 如何导出百度云盘的目录