ubuntu10.04 使用busybox制作根文件系统 1

时间:2023-02-06 09:00:41

参看之前的文字,下载了1.9.2版本和1.16.0版本,1.9.2使用gcc-3.4.1到时候,出现错误,查看资料,说这个版本使用3.3.2没问题。但是我想使用3.4.1所以下载了较新到1.16.0 下载: http://www.busybox.net/
修改  Makefile 修改ARCH和CROSS_COMPILE为如下
#gedit Makefile
CROSS_COMPILE = arm- linux-
ARCH = arm

配置busybox #make menuconfig
此时出现错误:In file included from scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.c:24:
scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/dialog.h:31:20: error: curses.h: 没有那个文件或目录
In file included from scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.c:24:

解决办法:ubuntu系统中缺少一个套件 ncurses devel ,把此套件安装下即可

$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev

ubuntu10.04 使用busybox制作根文件系统 1


Busybox Settings - - - >
    General Configuration - - - >
            Buffer allocation policy ( Allocate with Malloc) - - - >
        [ * ] Show verbose applet usage messages
        [ * ] Store applet usage messages in compressed form
        [ * ] Support - - install [ - s] to install applet links at runtime
        [ * ] Enable locale support ( system needs locale for this to work)
        [ * ] Support for - - long- options
        [ * ] Use the devpts filesystem for Unix98 PTYs
        [ * ] Support writing pidfiles
        [ * ] Runtime SUID/ SGID configuration via / etc/ busybox. conf
        [ * ] Suppress warning message if / etc/ busybox. conf is not readable
        ( / proc/ self/ exe) Path to BusyBox executable
    Build Options - - - >
        [ * ] Build BusyBox as a static binary ( no shared libs)
        [ * ] Build with Large File Support ( for accessing files > 2 GB)
    Installation Options - - - >
        [ ] Don


coreutils/fsync.c: In function `fsync_main':
coreutils/fsync.c:27: error: `O_NOATIME' undeclared (first use in this function)
coreutils/fsync.c:27: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
coreutils/fsync.c:27: error: for each function it appears in.)
make[1]: *** [coreutils/fsync.o] 错误 1
make: *** [coreutils] 错误 2


Coreutils - - - >
      [ ] fsync


miscutils/ionice.c: In function `ioprio_set':
miscutils/ionice.c:16: error: `SYS_ioprio_set' undeclared (first use in this function)
miscutils/ionice.c:16: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
miscutils/ionice.c:16: error: for each function it appears in.)
miscutils/ionice.c: In function `ioprio_get':
miscutils/ionice.c:21: error: `SYS_ioprio_get' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[1]: *** [miscutils/ionice.o] 错误 1
make: *** [miscutils] 错误 2

Miscellaneous Utilities  --->    
[ ] ionice      

networking/interface.c:818: error: `ARPHRD_INFINIBAND' undeclared here (not in a function)
networking/interface.c:818: error: initializer element is not constant
networking/interface.c:818: error: (near initialization for `ib_hwtype.type')
make[1]: *** [networking/interface.o] 错误 1
make: *** [networking] 错误 2
#define ARPHRD_INFINIBAND 32   /* InfiniBand */

In file included from util-linux/mkfs_vfat.c:13:
/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/lib/gcc/arm-linux/3.4.1/../../../../arm-linux/sys-include/linux/fd.h:342: error: variable or field `__user' declared void
/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/lib/gcc/arm-linux/3.4.1/../../../../arm-linux/sys-include/linux/fd.h:342: error: parse error before '*' token
/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/lib/gcc/arm-linux/3.4.1/../../../../arm-linux/sys-include/linux/fd.h:360: error: parse error before '}' token
make[1]: *** [util-linux/mkfs_vfat.o] 错误 1
make: *** [util-linux] 错误 2
添加#include <linux/compiler.h> 

ok,如果有问题,在google。然后make install

You will probably need to make your busybox binary
setuid root to ensure all configured applets will
work properly.
顺利的话,你会在busybox-1.16.0文件夹下发现一个新的文件夹 _install ,他就是你需要的该文件系统,恭喜你,根文件系统编译成功了。

开始构建文件系统   新建一个目录myroot-,把busybox- 1. 16. 0/_install/目录下生成:bin、linuxrc、sbin、usr复制过来,并且在该目录下创建文件系统所需 要的其他目录

#mkdir root- 2. 6. 33. 4
#cp - rf busybox- 1. 16. 0/ _install/ * root- 2. 6. 33. 4/
#cd root- 2. 6. 33. 4/
#mkdir dev etc home lib mnt opt proc tmp var www

向各目录中添加文件系统所需要的目录或文件,没有提到的就不用添加。这里要注意各种文件的权限,建议都改为777,命令:#chmod 777 文件名

"dev"目录 ,创建两个设备文件:

#mknod console c 5 1
#mknod null c 1 3

"etc"目录 ,创建各种配置文件并向里面添加内容,没有列出的就不用添加:

boa/boa.conf: boa WEB服务器配置文件,暂时为空。

group: 系统用户组配置文件,内容如下:
root: * : 0:
daemon: * : 1:
bin: * : 2:
sys: * : 3:
adm: * : 4:
tty: * : 5:
disk: * : 6:
lp: * : 7: lp
mail: * : 8:
news: * : 9:
uucp: * : 10:
proxy : * : 13:
kmem: * : 15:
dialout: * : 20:
fax: * : 21:
voice: * : 22:
cdrom: * : 24:
floppy: * : 25:
tape: * : 26:
sudo: * : 27:
audio: * : 29:
ppp: x: 99:
500: x: 500: plg
501: x: 501: fa
inittab: 系统init进程配置文件,内容如下:
# /etc/inittab
::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r

mime.types: 暂时为空。

passwd: 系统密码文件,内容如下:

ftp::14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:
sky::502:502:Linux User,,,:/home/mry:/bin/sh

rc.d/init.d/httpd: 内容如下:


base= boa

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
    pid= ` / bin/pidof $base`
    if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
        kill -9 $pid

exit 0

sysconfig/HOSTNAME: 主机名称文件,内容如下:


fstab: 系统挂载文件系统列表,内容如下:

# device  mount-point   type     options     dump   fsck order
none      /proc         proc     defaults    0      0
none      /dev/pts      devpts   mode= 0622   0      0
tmpfs     /dev/shm      tmpfs    defaults    0      0

init.d/rcS: 系统启动加载项,内容如下:


PATH= / sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
runlevel= S
prevlevel= N
umask 022
export PATH runlevel prevlevel

#    Trap CTRL-C &c only in this shell so we can interrupt subprocesses.
/bin/mount -t proc none /proc
/bin/mount -t tmpfs none /tmp
/bin/mount -t tmpfs none /var

/bin/mkdir -p /var/log

/bin/hostname -F /etc/sysconfig/HOSTNAME

mdev.conf: mdev设备配置文件,暂时为空。

net.conf: 网络配置文件,暂时为空。

profile: 用户环境配置文件,内容如下:
# Ash profile
# vim: syntax= sh

# No core files by default
#ulimit -S -c 0 > /dev/null 2>&1

USER= "`id -un`"
PS1= ' [ / u@/h /W]/# '
PATH= $ PATH:/usr/local/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH : / usr/local/lib
HOSTNAME= ` / bin/hostname`

resolv.conf: DNS配置文件,内容如下:

"home"目录 :创建一个mry 目录,与etc目录passwd文件中的mry 相对应

"lib"目录 :这个里面放的都是库文件,直接从交叉编译器的库文件目录中拷贝过来(也可以不拷贝):
#cp -f /usr/local/arm/arm-linux3.4.1/gcc-3.4.1-glibc-2.3.3/arm-linux/lib /*so* lib/ -a
使用yaffs制作工具编译构建好的文件系统。先解压mkyaffs2image.tgz(可以在他们的网站上下载),会自动解压 到开发主机的/usr/sbin/目录下。编译后生成的文件系统镜像root- 也 在这个目录下
#tar -zxvf mkyaffs2image.tgz
#mkyaffs2image root- root-
ubuntu10.04 使用busybox制作根文件系统 1