I am building a game with a requestAnimationFrame
loop that includes a call to jQuery html()
method. It just updates the text in a status window next to the game action.
我正在构建一个带有requestAnimationFrame循环的游戏,该循环包括对jQuery html()方法的调用。它只是更新游戏操作旁边的状态窗口中的文本。
I notice with Chrome's timeline monitor, that the DOM nodes go up and up and up, thousands in a minute! And when I change my code from:
// creates a ton of DOM nodes
// DOM nodes does not increase over time
document.getElementById('readout').innerHTML = data;
the 'memory leak' goes away.
2 个解决方案
Short answer: No.
Long answer: You likely have something else going on in your page/code.
A memory leak is generally caused by a circular reference between the Javascript engine and the DOM. For example:
var div = document.getElementById('divId');
div.onclick = function() {
The script obtains a reference to a div on the page. So far we're fine. The next line assigns a function to an event handler on the DOM, creating a reference from the DOM to the Javascript engine - half way to a leak. The function body uses the tag, which creates a Closure - the tag reference is kept with the function for future calls to it. That completes the circular reference between the tag -> function (DOM -> JS) and function -> tag (JS -> DOM), and so the 2 will sit in memory until the browser's process is destroyed.
该脚本获取对页面上div的引用。到目前为止,我们没事。下一行将一个函数分配给DOM上的事件处理程序,创建从DOM到Javascript引擎的引用 - 泄漏的一半。函数体使用标签创建一个Closure--标签引用与函数一起保存,以便将来调用它。这完成了标记 - >函数(DOM - > JS)和函数 - >标记(JS - > DOM)之间的循环引用,因此2将位于内存中,直到浏览器的进程被销毁。
So in order for either line of code you mentioned to leak, it would have to be eliminating tags that had events attached like above (or data that follows a similar pattern). But, jQuery's .html(string) goes out of its way to prevent these:
// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
elem = this[i] || {};
if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) );
elem.innerHTML = value;
So it's looping through all the tags inside the tag you're running .html(string) on and running cleanData() on them, which in turn does this:
jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
Thus preventing the leak.
So in order to leak memory with this method and not the browser built-in .innerHTML you'd have to be triggering some very obscure browser bug (seems pretty unlikely), or more likely something else is going on and you're mistaking it for jQuery's .html(string).
Always use .empty().html(...)
instead of just .html()
unbinds the event listeners from the DOM objects you are about to remove, and removes them gracefully.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: You likely have something else going on in your page/code.
A memory leak is generally caused by a circular reference between the Javascript engine and the DOM. For example:
var div = document.getElementById('divId');
div.onclick = function() {
The script obtains a reference to a div on the page. So far we're fine. The next line assigns a function to an event handler on the DOM, creating a reference from the DOM to the Javascript engine - half way to a leak. The function body uses the tag, which creates a Closure - the tag reference is kept with the function for future calls to it. That completes the circular reference between the tag -> function (DOM -> JS) and function -> tag (JS -> DOM), and so the 2 will sit in memory until the browser's process is destroyed.
该脚本获取对页面上div的引用。到目前为止,我们没事。下一行将一个函数分配给DOM上的事件处理程序,创建从DOM到Javascript引擎的引用 - 泄漏的一半。函数体使用标签创建一个Closure--标签引用与函数一起保存,以便将来调用它。这完成了标记 - >函数(DOM - > JS)和函数 - >标记(JS - > DOM)之间的循环引用,因此2将位于内存中,直到浏览器的进程被销毁。
So in order for either line of code you mentioned to leak, it would have to be eliminating tags that had events attached like above (or data that follows a similar pattern). But, jQuery's .html(string) goes out of its way to prevent these:
// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
elem = this[i] || {};
if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) );
elem.innerHTML = value;
So it's looping through all the tags inside the tag you're running .html(string) on and running cleanData() on them, which in turn does this:
jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
Thus preventing the leak.
So in order to leak memory with this method and not the browser built-in .innerHTML you'd have to be triggering some very obscure browser bug (seems pretty unlikely), or more likely something else is going on and you're mistaking it for jQuery's .html(string).
Always use .empty().html(...)
instead of just .html()
unbinds the event listeners from the DOM objects you are about to remove, and removes them gracefully.