
时间:2022-09-27 08:59:15

There may be a simple answer but i have tried quite a few things and nothing seems to work unless i just manually display the images but what i want is to use this sub for other pictures as well which i will fix later once i get it to display these images. My code is as follows


Private Sub updateStandardToolbar()
    'Draws the sprites to the pictureboxes
    Dim bit As New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)
    Dim dest_rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, gridSize, gridSize)
    Dim i As Integer = 0

    ' Associate a Graphics object with the Bitmap
    Dim gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bit)

    For y As Integer = 0 To standardNum.Y
        For x As Integer = 0 To standardNum.X
            Call getSrcRect(x, y)

            'Copy that part of the image.
            gr.DrawImage(bmpStandardTile, dest_rect, src_rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

            'Display the result.
            pb(i).Image = bit

            i += 1
End Sub

The problem with this code is all the pictureboxes (pb()) displays the same picture which is the last one on my image. StandardNum.x and standardNum.y are variables which hold 3 and 1 respectively. bmpStandardTile is the image I want to copy from and hopefully dest_rect and src_rect is self explanatory =). Any helps is appreciated.

这段代码的问题是所有的图片框(pb())都显示了相同的图片,这是我图片上的最后一张图片。 StandardNum.x和standardNum.y是分别保存3和1的变量。 bmpStandardTile是我要复制的图像,希望dest_rect和src_rect是自解释的=)。任何帮助表示赞赏。

1 个解决方案



Oh. I just found the answer to my own problem after looking at why the pictureboxes displays the same image. Here is my code and how i fixed it if anyone else has a similar or the same problem.


Private Sub updateStandardToolbar()
    'Draws the sprites to the pictureboxes
    Dim bit As Bitmap
    Dim dest_rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, gridSize, gridSize)
    Dim i As Integer = 0

    ' Associate a Graphics object with the Bitmap
    'Dim gr As Graphics

    'For u As Integer = 0 To maxPics
    '    bit = New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)

    For y As Integer = 0 To standardNum.Y
        For x As Integer = 0 To standardNum.X
            bit = New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)
            Dim gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bit)
            Call getSrcRect(x, y)

            'Copy that part of the image.
            gr.DrawImage(bmpStandardTile, dest_rect, src_rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

            'Display the result.
            pb(i).Image = bit

            i += 1
End Sub

The answer was actually very simple. Silly me. I forgot to clear the bitmap image so it will not change the image which the last picturebox was using.


bit = New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)

Anyway Learnt from my mistakes =)




Oh. I just found the answer to my own problem after looking at why the pictureboxes displays the same image. Here is my code and how i fixed it if anyone else has a similar or the same problem.


Private Sub updateStandardToolbar()
    'Draws the sprites to the pictureboxes
    Dim bit As Bitmap
    Dim dest_rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, gridSize, gridSize)
    Dim i As Integer = 0

    ' Associate a Graphics object with the Bitmap
    'Dim gr As Graphics

    'For u As Integer = 0 To maxPics
    '    bit = New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)

    For y As Integer = 0 To standardNum.Y
        For x As Integer = 0 To standardNum.X
            bit = New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)
            Dim gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bit)
            Call getSrcRect(x, y)

            'Copy that part of the image.
            gr.DrawImage(bmpStandardTile, dest_rect, src_rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

            'Display the result.
            pb(i).Image = bit

            i += 1
End Sub

The answer was actually very simple. Silly me. I forgot to clear the bitmap image so it will not change the image which the last picturebox was using.


bit = New Bitmap(gridSize, gridSize)

Anyway Learnt from my mistakes =)
