如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?

时间:2022-08-21 09:00:02

I have a SVG file which has a defined size of 16x16. When I use Image Magick's convert program to convert it into a PNG then I get a 16x16 pixel PNG which is way too small:


convert test.svg test.png

I need to specify the pixel size of the output PNG. -size parameter seems to be ignored, -scale parameter scales the PNG after it has been converted to PNG. The best result up to now I got by using the -density parameter:


convert -density 1200 test.svg test.png

But I'm not satisfied because I want to specify the output size in pixels without doing math to calculate the density value. So I want to do something like this:


convert -setTheOutputSizeOfThePng 1024x1024 test.svg test.png

So what is the magic parameter I have to use here?


13 个解决方案



I haven't been able to get good results from ImageMagick in this instance, but Inkscape does a nice job of it on Linux and Windows:


inkscape -z -e test.png -w 1024 -h 1024 test.svg

Here's the result of scaling a 16x16 SVG to a 200x200 PNG using this command:

下面是使用这个命令将16x16 SVG扩展到200x200 PNG的结果:

如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?

如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?

Just for reference, my Inkscape version (on Ubuntu 12.04) is:

作为参考,我的Inkscape版本(Ubuntu 12.04)是:

Inkscape r9886 (Mar 29 2012)

and on Windows 7, it is:

在Windows 7上,它是:

Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939 (Dec 17 2012)



Try svgexport:


svgexport input.svg output.png 64x
svgexport input.svg output.png 1024:1024

svgexport is a simple cross-platform command line tool that I have made for exporting svg files to jpg and png, see here for more options. To install svgexport install npm, then run:


npm install svgexport -g

Edit: If you find an issue with the library, please submit it on GitHub, thanks!




This is not perfect but it does the job.


convert -density 1200 -resize 200x200 source.svg target.png

Basically it increases the DPI high enough (just use an educated/safe guess) that resizing is done with adequate quality. I was trying to find a proper solution to this but after a while decided this was good enough for my current need.


Note: Use 200x200! to force the given resolution

注意:使用200 x200型!强制执行给定的决议



If you are on MacOS X and having problems with Imagemagick's convert, you might try reinstalling it with RSVG lib. Using HomeBrew:

如果您在MacOS X上,并且在Imagemagick的转换上有问题,您可以尝试使用RSVG lib重新安装它。

brew remove imagemagick
brew install imagemagick --with-librsvg

Verify that it's delegating correctly:


$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-8 Q16 x86_64 2014-12-17 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates: bzlib cairo fontconfig freetype jng jpeg lcms ltdl lzma png rsvg tiff xml zlib

It should display rsvg.




Inkscape doesn't seem to work when svg units are not px (e.g. cm). I got a blank image. Maybe, it could be fixed by twiddling the dpi, but it was too troublesome.


Svgexport is a node.js program and so not generally useful.


Imagemagick's convert works ok with:


 ~$ convert -background none -size 1024x1024 infile.svg outfile.png

If you use -resize, the image is fuzzy and the file is much larger.




~$ rsvg  -w 1024 -h 1024 infile.svg  outfile.png

It is fastest, has the fewest dependencies, and the output is about 30% smaller than convert. Install librsvg2-bin to get it. There does not appear to be a man page but you can type:


~$ rsvg --help

to get some assistance. Simple is good.




After following the steps in Jose Alban's answer, I was able to get ImageMagick to work just fine using the following command:


convert -density 1536 -background none -resize 100x100 input.svg output-100.png

The number 1536 comes from a ballpark estimate of density, see this answer for more information.




In order to rescale the image, the option -density should be used. As far as I know the standard density is 72 and maps the size 1:1. If you want the output png to be as double as big as the original svg set density to 72*2=144


convert -density 144 source.svg target.png

将密度144源。svg target.png



why don't you give a try to inkscape command line, this is my bat file to convert all svg in this dir to png:


FOR %%x IN (*.svg) DO C:\Ink\App\Inkscape\inkscape.exe %%x -z --export-dpi=500 --export-area-drawing --export-png="%%~nx.png"

为%x IN (*.svg)做C:\Ink\App\Inkscape Inkscape。exe %x -z——export-dpi=500——export-area-draw -export-png="%%~nx.png"



One thing that just bit me was setting the -density AFTER the input file name. That didn't work. Moving it to the first option in convert (before anything else) made it work (for me, YMMV, etc).




I came to this post - but I just wanted to do the conversion by batch and quick without the usage of any parameters (due to several files with different sizes).


rsvg drawing.svg drawing.png

For me the requirements were probably a bit easier than for the original author. (Wanted to use SVGs in MS PowerPoint, but it doesn't allow)




I've solved this issue through changing the width and height attributes of the <svg> tag to match my intended output size and then converting it using ImageMagick. Works like a charm.

通过更改 标记的宽度和高度属性以匹配预期的输出大小,然后使用ImageMagick对其进行转换,我解决了这个问题。就像一个魅力。

Here's my Python code, a function that will return the JPG file's content:


import gzip, re, os
from ynlib.files import ReadFromFile, WriteToFile
from ynlib.system import Execute
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString

def SVGToJPGInMemory(svgPath, newWidth, backgroundColor):

    tempPath = os.path.join(self.rootFolder, 'data')
    fileNameRoot = 'temp_' + str(image.getID())

    if svgPath.lower().endswith('svgz'):
        svg = gzip.open(svgPath, 'rb').read()
        svg = ReadFromFile(svgPath)

    xmldoc = parseString(svg)

    width = float(xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['width'].value.split('px')[0])
    height = float(xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['height'].value.split('px')[0])

    newHeight = int(newWidth / width * height) 

    xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['width'].value = '%spx' % newWidth
    xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['height'].value = '%spx' % newHeight

    WriteToFile(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.svg'), xmldoc.toxml())
    Execute('convert -background "%s" %s %s' % (backgroundColor, os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.svg'), os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.jpg')))

    jpg = open(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.jpg'), 'rb').read()

    os.remove(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.jpg'))
    os.remove(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.svg'))

    return jpg



For simple SVG to PNG conversion I found cairosvg (https://cairosvg.org/) performs better than ImageMagick. Steps for install and running on all SVG files in your directory.

对于简单的SVG到PNG转换,我发现cairosvg (https://cairosvg.org/)比ImageMagick更好。在目录中的所有SVG文件上安装和运行的步骤。

pip3 install cairosvg

Open a python shell in the directory which contains your .svg files and run:

在包含.svg文件的目录中打开一个python shell并运行:

import os

for file in os.listdir('.'):
    name = file.split('.svg')[0]

This will also ensure you don't overwrite your original .svg files, but will keep the same name. You can then move all your .png files to another directory with:


$ mv *.png [new directory]



The top answer by @808sound did not work for me. I wanted to resize 如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?


and got 如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?


So instead I opened up Inkscape, then went to File, Export as PNG fileand a GUI box popped up that allowed me to set the exact dimensions I needed.


Version on Ubuntu 16.04 Linux: Inkscape 0.91 (September 2016)

Ubuntu 16.04 Linux版本:Inkscape 0.91(2016年9月)

(This image is from Kenney.nl's asset packs by the way)




I haven't been able to get good results from ImageMagick in this instance, but Inkscape does a nice job of it on Linux and Windows:


inkscape -z -e test.png -w 1024 -h 1024 test.svg

Here's the result of scaling a 16x16 SVG to a 200x200 PNG using this command:

下面是使用这个命令将16x16 SVG扩展到200x200 PNG的结果:

如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?

如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?

Just for reference, my Inkscape version (on Ubuntu 12.04) is:

作为参考,我的Inkscape版本(Ubuntu 12.04)是:

Inkscape r9886 (Mar 29 2012)

and on Windows 7, it is:

在Windows 7上,它是:

Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939 (Dec 17 2012)



Try svgexport:


svgexport input.svg output.png 64x
svgexport input.svg output.png 1024:1024

svgexport is a simple cross-platform command line tool that I have made for exporting svg files to jpg and png, see here for more options. To install svgexport install npm, then run:


npm install svgexport -g

Edit: If you find an issue with the library, please submit it on GitHub, thanks!




This is not perfect but it does the job.


convert -density 1200 -resize 200x200 source.svg target.png

Basically it increases the DPI high enough (just use an educated/safe guess) that resizing is done with adequate quality. I was trying to find a proper solution to this but after a while decided this was good enough for my current need.


Note: Use 200x200! to force the given resolution

注意:使用200 x200型!强制执行给定的决议



If you are on MacOS X and having problems with Imagemagick's convert, you might try reinstalling it with RSVG lib. Using HomeBrew:

如果您在MacOS X上,并且在Imagemagick的转换上有问题,您可以尝试使用RSVG lib重新安装它。

brew remove imagemagick
brew install imagemagick --with-librsvg

Verify that it's delegating correctly:


$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-8 Q16 x86_64 2014-12-17 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates: bzlib cairo fontconfig freetype jng jpeg lcms ltdl lzma png rsvg tiff xml zlib

It should display rsvg.




Inkscape doesn't seem to work when svg units are not px (e.g. cm). I got a blank image. Maybe, it could be fixed by twiddling the dpi, but it was too troublesome.


Svgexport is a node.js program and so not generally useful.


Imagemagick's convert works ok with:


 ~$ convert -background none -size 1024x1024 infile.svg outfile.png

If you use -resize, the image is fuzzy and the file is much larger.




~$ rsvg  -w 1024 -h 1024 infile.svg  outfile.png

It is fastest, has the fewest dependencies, and the output is about 30% smaller than convert. Install librsvg2-bin to get it. There does not appear to be a man page but you can type:


~$ rsvg --help

to get some assistance. Simple is good.




After following the steps in Jose Alban's answer, I was able to get ImageMagick to work just fine using the following command:


convert -density 1536 -background none -resize 100x100 input.svg output-100.png

The number 1536 comes from a ballpark estimate of density, see this answer for more information.




In order to rescale the image, the option -density should be used. As far as I know the standard density is 72 and maps the size 1:1. If you want the output png to be as double as big as the original svg set density to 72*2=144


convert -density 144 source.svg target.png

将密度144源。svg target.png



why don't you give a try to inkscape command line, this is my bat file to convert all svg in this dir to png:


FOR %%x IN (*.svg) DO C:\Ink\App\Inkscape\inkscape.exe %%x -z --export-dpi=500 --export-area-drawing --export-png="%%~nx.png"

为%x IN (*.svg)做C:\Ink\App\Inkscape Inkscape。exe %x -z——export-dpi=500——export-area-draw -export-png="%%~nx.png"



One thing that just bit me was setting the -density AFTER the input file name. That didn't work. Moving it to the first option in convert (before anything else) made it work (for me, YMMV, etc).




I came to this post - but I just wanted to do the conversion by batch and quick without the usage of any parameters (due to several files with different sizes).


rsvg drawing.svg drawing.png

For me the requirements were probably a bit easier than for the original author. (Wanted to use SVGs in MS PowerPoint, but it doesn't allow)




I've solved this issue through changing the width and height attributes of the <svg> tag to match my intended output size and then converting it using ImageMagick. Works like a charm.

通过更改 标记的宽度和高度属性以匹配预期的输出大小,然后使用ImageMagick对其进行转换,我解决了这个问题。就像一个魅力。

Here's my Python code, a function that will return the JPG file's content:


import gzip, re, os
from ynlib.files import ReadFromFile, WriteToFile
from ynlib.system import Execute
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString

def SVGToJPGInMemory(svgPath, newWidth, backgroundColor):

    tempPath = os.path.join(self.rootFolder, 'data')
    fileNameRoot = 'temp_' + str(image.getID())

    if svgPath.lower().endswith('svgz'):
        svg = gzip.open(svgPath, 'rb').read()
        svg = ReadFromFile(svgPath)

    xmldoc = parseString(svg)

    width = float(xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['width'].value.split('px')[0])
    height = float(xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['height'].value.split('px')[0])

    newHeight = int(newWidth / width * height) 

    xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['width'].value = '%spx' % newWidth
    xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].attributes['height'].value = '%spx' % newHeight

    WriteToFile(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.svg'), xmldoc.toxml())
    Execute('convert -background "%s" %s %s' % (backgroundColor, os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.svg'), os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.jpg')))

    jpg = open(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.jpg'), 'rb').read()

    os.remove(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.jpg'))
    os.remove(os.path.join(tempPath, fileNameRoot + '.svg'))

    return jpg



For simple SVG to PNG conversion I found cairosvg (https://cairosvg.org/) performs better than ImageMagick. Steps for install and running on all SVG files in your directory.

对于简单的SVG到PNG转换,我发现cairosvg (https://cairosvg.org/)比ImageMagick更好。在目录中的所有SVG文件上安装和运行的步骤。

pip3 install cairosvg

Open a python shell in the directory which contains your .svg files and run:

在包含.svg文件的目录中打开一个python shell并运行:

import os

for file in os.listdir('.'):
    name = file.split('.svg')[0]

This will also ensure you don't overwrite your original .svg files, but will keep the same name. You can then move all your .png files to another directory with:


$ mv *.png [new directory]



The top answer by @808sound did not work for me. I wanted to resize 如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?


and got 如何将SVG转换成具有图像效果的PNG ?


So instead I opened up Inkscape, then went to File, Export as PNG fileand a GUI box popped up that allowed me to set the exact dimensions I needed.


Version on Ubuntu 16.04 Linux: Inkscape 0.91 (September 2016)

Ubuntu 16.04 Linux版本:Inkscape 0.91(2016年9月)

(This image is from Kenney.nl's asset packs by the way)
