
时间:2021-06-12 09:00:57

I am trying to convert a message which i receive through JMS, which is in this form "Harry PotterJ.K.Rowling1995"

我正在尝试转换我通过JMS收到的消息,其形式为“Harry PotterJ.K.Rowling1995”

This is stored as a String. For example String contents.


How do i convert this String contents into an XML file.


Thanks you so much for your help in advance.


1 个解决方案



Smart ass answer:
String xmlString = "<myNewXmlString>" + myString + "</mynewXmlString>";

Smart ass answer:String xmlString =“ ”+ myString +“ ”;

If it's more complicated you may want to look at this: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-j/


You probably also need some delimiter (a comma or colon separating the values) of the string to know What is a title, author and year. You'd then need separate tags for each. Another way to solve that is to use fixed width columns. So authors are 50, titles are 50, and years are 4. There are really three steps here: tokenizing the string, parsing the string into a data structure, and outputting the data structure to XML.


There are lots of automated tools that can convert a data structure like this:


class Book {
 String title;
 String author;
 Date year;

into XML as well.


See: http://jackson-users.ning.com/profiles/blogs/experimental-support-for



Smart ass answer:
String xmlString = "<myNewXmlString>" + myString + "</mynewXmlString>";

Smart ass answer:String xmlString =“ ”+ myString +“ ”;

If it's more complicated you may want to look at this: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-j/


You probably also need some delimiter (a comma or colon separating the values) of the string to know What is a title, author and year. You'd then need separate tags for each. Another way to solve that is to use fixed width columns. So authors are 50, titles are 50, and years are 4. There are really three steps here: tokenizing the string, parsing the string into a data structure, and outputting the data structure to XML.


There are lots of automated tools that can convert a data structure like this:


class Book {
 String title;
 String author;
 Date year;

into XML as well.


See: http://jackson-users.ning.com/profiles/blogs/experimental-support-for