
时间:2021-08-28 08:59:51

I am new to Sidekiq and use it with Ruby on Amazon EC2 instances to do some work using ImageMagick with images.

我是Sidekiq的新手,并在Amazon EC2实例上使用Ruby来使用ImageMagick和图像做一些工作。

While running it I realized that every worker runs on the same core. I use EC2 c3.2xlarge machines and they have 8 cores. It shows CPU usage is 15% but one core used 100%, and the others are using 0%.

在运行它时,我意识到每个工作者都在同一个核心上运行。我使用EC2 c3.2xlarge机器,它们有8个核心。它显示CPU使用率为15%,但一个核心使用100%,其他核心使用0%。

Can Sidekiq use different CPU cores for different workers? If it can, is this inefficiency caused by ImageMagic and how can I make it to use other cores?


1 个解决方案



If you want to utilize multiple cores using MRI, you'll need to start multiple Sidekiq processes; having multiple threads configured for your sidekiq instance is not enough.


So if you wanted to use all 8 cores, you would start 8 processes. They will all feed off of the same queue, so there's no need to worry about jobs being processed multiple times.




If you want to utilize multiple cores using MRI, you'll need to start multiple Sidekiq processes; having multiple threads configured for your sidekiq instance is not enough.


So if you wanted to use all 8 cores, you would start 8 processes. They will all feed off of the same queue, so there's no need to worry about jobs being processed multiple times.
