I need to know the average color from an image when I upload it to my Ruby on Rails application. Is it possible to get the average color value in HEX or in RGB to use this color later in the view that's going to display this image?
当我将图片上传到Ruby on Rails应用程序时,我需要知道图片的平均颜色。是否有可能得到十六进制或RGB的平均颜色值,以便稍后在显示图像的视图中使用这种颜色?
Something like:
img = Magick::Image.read(path).first
hexVal = img.getHexValue
5 个解决方案
Resize the image to one pixel and get its color?
img = Magick::Image.read(path).first
pix = img.scale(1, 1)
averageColor = pix.pixel_color(0,0)
I don't think you can ask an RMagick image for its average color directly but computing such a thing isn't that difficult.
I think the easiest way would be to extract the color histogram and then use that to compute your average. You'd probably want to quantize the image first though, computing the histogram for an image with a lot of colors is not cheap and probably pointless busy work if you're just interested in an average:
total = 0
avg = { :r => 0.0, :g => 0.0, :b => 0.0 }
img.quantize.color_histogram.each { |c, n|
avg[:r] += n * c.red
avg[:g] += n * c.green
avg[:b] += n * c.blue
total += n
[:r, :g, :b].each { |comp| avg[comp] /= total }
That'll give you the average color in avg
. But, the color will be in ImageMagick's internal format (i.e. the components will range from zero to Magick::QuantumRange
) so you'll have to scale them down to 0-255:
这将给出avg的平均颜色。但是,该颜色将采用ImageMagick的内部格式(即组件的范围从0到Magick: QuantumRange),因此必须将它们缩小到0-255:
[:r, :g, :b].each { |comp| avg[comp] = (avg[comp] / Magick::QuantumRange * 255).to_i }
And finally you have the RGB components in avg
as integers between zero and 255 and getting the average color in hex format should be trivial. You could easily merge this into the averaging step if desired.
I could probably be cleverer with the iterators but .each
is nice and clear and clarity is more important than cleverness.
You can also try with and without the quantization step and use whichever one works best for the images that you're working with.
I found my solution (here), after I tested all the possibilities presented here.
def maincolor()
img = Magick::Image.read(self.url).first
pix = img.scale(1, 1)
avg_color_hex = pix.to_color(pix.pixel_color(0,0))
return avg_color_hex
I hope this helps. I added the conversion to hex color by rmagick, because it's a pita with ruby ( otherwise I used sprintf to hex conversion)
Consider using the miro gem, which seems to follow "mu is too short"'s approach: https://github.com/jonbuda/miro
考虑使用miro gem,它似乎遵循“mu is too short”的方法:https://github.com/jonbuda/miro
According to @muistooshort - If all the quantize function does is make a image less complex by taking averages of pixel colors (assuming) - wouldn't be even simpler if you just quantized the image down to color like:
And just use the resulting color?
Resize the image to one pixel and get its color?
img = Magick::Image.read(path).first
pix = img.scale(1, 1)
averageColor = pix.pixel_color(0,0)
I don't think you can ask an RMagick image for its average color directly but computing such a thing isn't that difficult.
I think the easiest way would be to extract the color histogram and then use that to compute your average. You'd probably want to quantize the image first though, computing the histogram for an image with a lot of colors is not cheap and probably pointless busy work if you're just interested in an average:
total = 0
avg = { :r => 0.0, :g => 0.0, :b => 0.0 }
img.quantize.color_histogram.each { |c, n|
avg[:r] += n * c.red
avg[:g] += n * c.green
avg[:b] += n * c.blue
total += n
[:r, :g, :b].each { |comp| avg[comp] /= total }
That'll give you the average color in avg
. But, the color will be in ImageMagick's internal format (i.e. the components will range from zero to Magick::QuantumRange
) so you'll have to scale them down to 0-255:
这将给出avg的平均颜色。但是,该颜色将采用ImageMagick的内部格式(即组件的范围从0到Magick: QuantumRange),因此必须将它们缩小到0-255:
[:r, :g, :b].each { |comp| avg[comp] = (avg[comp] / Magick::QuantumRange * 255).to_i }
And finally you have the RGB components in avg
as integers between zero and 255 and getting the average color in hex format should be trivial. You could easily merge this into the averaging step if desired.
I could probably be cleverer with the iterators but .each
is nice and clear and clarity is more important than cleverness.
You can also try with and without the quantization step and use whichever one works best for the images that you're working with.
I found my solution (here), after I tested all the possibilities presented here.
def maincolor()
img = Magick::Image.read(self.url).first
pix = img.scale(1, 1)
avg_color_hex = pix.to_color(pix.pixel_color(0,0))
return avg_color_hex
I hope this helps. I added the conversion to hex color by rmagick, because it's a pita with ruby ( otherwise I used sprintf to hex conversion)
Consider using the miro gem, which seems to follow "mu is too short"'s approach: https://github.com/jonbuda/miro
考虑使用miro gem,它似乎遵循“mu is too short”的方法:https://github.com/jonbuda/miro
According to @muistooshort - If all the quantize function does is make a image less complex by taking averages of pixel colors (assuming) - wouldn't be even simpler if you just quantized the image down to color like:
And just use the resulting color?