vector<Magick::Image> frames;
int delay = 20;
for(auto iter=taskList.begin(); iter != taskList.end(); ++iter){
/* hide some codes here*/
// write images to file, works fine
Magick::writeImages(frames.begin(), frames.end(), "xxx.gif");
Magick::Blob tmpBlob;
// write images to blob, I then decode the data in blob,
// and write this blob to yyy.gif. The gif file only contains the first frame image.
Magick::writeImages(frames.begin(), frames.end(), &tmpBlob, true);
// the length is far too small
LOG_DEBUG("blob data length: %d", tmpBlob.length());
// read from the blob into a imagelist, and print the size of the list
// the size is 1
vector<Magick::Image> image_list;
Magick::readImages(&image_list, tmpBlob);
LOG_DEBUG("new frames length: %d", image_list.size());
hi, I have a problem when I try to write a list of Image to Blob with ImageMagick(version 7.0.3) Magick++ STL.h writeImages function. It doesn't work correctly, it seems that only one frame was written into the blob. But with the same image list, writing them to gif file works just fine. could anybody help me out?
嗨,当我尝试使用ImageMagick(版本7.0.3)Magick ++ STL.h writeImages函数编写Image to Blob列表时出现问题。它无法正常工作,似乎只有一帧被写入blob。但是使用相同的图像列表,将它们写入gif文件就可以了。有人可以帮帮我吗?
1 个解决方案
problem solved. The reason why I failed is that I didn't do img->magick("GIF"), which cause the failure of writing to blob correctly.
问题解决了。我失败的原因是我没有做img-> magick(“GIF”),导致无法正确写入blob。
problem solved. The reason why I failed is that I didn't do img->magick("GIF"), which cause the failure of writing to blob correctly.
问题解决了。我失败的原因是我没有做img-> magick(“GIF”),导致无法正确写入blob。