
时间:2022-08-13 08:57:19

I use the following code in MATLAB to convert an Excel worksheet into PDF, but I am getting the info (name) of the Excel file at the top of the PDF.


How can I get rid of it?
I know there is an optional field IncludeDocProperties, but I am not sure how to use it?


hExcel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
hWorkbook = hExcel.Workbooks.Open(sprintf('%s',excel_filepath));     
hWorksheet = hWorkbook.Sheets.Item(1);

1 个解决方案



As far as I know, convert to pdf by ExportAsFixedFormat method will give you a pdf file that looks exactly like what you get when you print out the excel file.


So, the info (name) that you mentioned is not created by Matlab, but by Excel. You have to open the file in Excel, and check if the Header/Footer is turned off or not. If you have Header/Footer turned on for the file, then the pdf exported through Matlab will also have that info (maybe file name, or page number, or author name etc.).




As far as I know, convert to pdf by ExportAsFixedFormat method will give you a pdf file that looks exactly like what you get when you print out the excel file.


So, the info (name) that you mentioned is not created by Matlab, but by Excel. You have to open the file in Excel, and check if the Header/Footer is turned off or not. If you have Header/Footer turned on for the file, then the pdf exported through Matlab will also have that info (maybe file name, or page number, or author name etc.).
