
时间:2022-08-23 08:58:03

This is my IM command:


  -limit memory 0
  -limit map 0
  -limit file 0
  -alpha transparent
  -alpha opaque
  -resize 800x600

So this will remove the white background of my TIFF by clipping the path that is given in the file. It will be resized and saved as transparent PNG.


I got no errors from IM running this.


But if I run this command with PHP to execute it on about 13000 files - I sometimes get these errors:


sh: line 1: 25065 Killed                  /usr/bin/convert \
            'public_html/source_files/XXXX123/XXXX123/XXXX123.tif' \
             -limit memory 0 -limit map 0 -limit file 0 -alpha transparent \
             -clip -alpha opaque -resize 800x600 \
            'public_html/converted/XXXX123/XXXX123/XXXX123_web.png' 2>&1

sh: line 1: 25702 Killed                  /usr/bin/convert \
            'public_html/source_files/XXXX123/XXXX123/XXXX123.tif' \
             -limit memory 0 -limit map 0 -limit file 0 -alpha transparent \
             -clip -alpha opaque -resize 800x600 \
            'public_html/converted/XXXX123/XXXX123/XXXX123_web.png' 2>&1

But the bigger problem is: Some of the pictures are broken. Below is a "bad" image on the left, a "good" image on the right (ondrag/on a dark background you see the problem better):



On running the command manually the result was ok. Only on running this PHP loop script will provide broken results. ( PHP loop script )


I run the script this way: php55 run.php. A simple loop with find as shell script provides same results.

我这样运行脚本:php55 run.php。一个带有find as shell脚本的简单循环将提供相同的结果。

So I searched, asked in the IM discourse server and run this procedure on 2 machines with different distribution (Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu Server 14.04)

于是我在IM discourse server上搜索,询问并在两台不同分布的机器上运行这个过程(Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu服务器14.04)

Note/EDIT 1: Running the command in the terminal with the same file provides a perfect result.


EDIT 2: Added example TIFF file here


1 个解决方案



I'm not sure if this is an answer. For now it is pure speculation. So here goes...


By setting the limits to a 0 value, you are basically telling ImageMagick: "Your resources are not limited at all. You do not need to care for any limits."


  • What if didn't set any limit? Remove all -limit ... 0 parts from your command. In this case ImageMagick would use its built-in defaults, or the otherise defined settings (which may be contained in the policy.xml file of your IM installation, or through various environment variables). You can query the current limits of your system with the following command:


    identify -list resource

    On my system, I get these values:


    File       Area     Memory     Map       Disk  Thread  Throttle        Time
     192    4.295GB       2GiB    4GiB  unlimited       1         0   unlimited
  • What if you did set these limits to a reasonable value, that matches your system's really available resources? Assuming you have: 8 GByte of RAM, 50 GByte of free disk space and plenty of free inodes on your disk volume. Then try to set it like this: -limit disk 10GB -limit memory 3GB -limit map 6GB.

    如果您确实将这些限制设置为一个合理的值,该值与系统的真正可用资源相匹配,该怎么办?假设您有:8 GByte of RAM, 50 GByte of free disk space和磁盘卷上大量的free inode。然后尝试这样设置:-limit disk 10GB -limit memory 3GB -limit map 6GB。

ImageMagick resource management

For all its processing and intermediate steps, ImageMagick needs access to an intermediate pixel cache memory/storage, before it can deliver the final result.


This need for pixel cache storage can be satisfied by different resources:


  • heap memory,
  • 堆内存,
  • anonymous memory map,
  • 匿名内存映射,
  • disk-based memory map,
  • 基于磁盘的内存映射,
  • direct disk.
  • 直接的磁盘。

ImageMagick makes use of all these resources progressively:


  • Once heap memory is exhausted, it stores pixels in an anonymous map.
  • 一旦堆内存耗尽,它就在匿名映射中存储像素。
  • Once the anonymous memory map is exhausted, it creates the pixel cache on disk and attempts to memory-map it.
  • 一旦匿名内存映射耗尽,它将在磁盘上创建像素缓存并尝试内存映射它。
  • Once memory-map memory is exhausted, it simply uses standard disk I/O.
  • 一旦内存映射内存耗尽,它只使用标准磁盘I/O。

Disk storage is cheap but very slow too: it is in the order of 3 magnitudes (a thousand times) slower than memory. Some speed improvements (up to 5 times) can be obtained by using memory mapping to the disk-based cache.


ImageMagick is aware of various ways to control the amount of these resources:


  1. Built-in default values. These limits are: 768 files, 3GB of image area, 1.5GiB memory, 3GiB memory map, and 18.45EB of disk space.

    内置的默认值。这些限制是:768个文件、3GB的图像区域、1.5 gb的内存、3GiB的内存映射和18.45EB的磁盘空间。

  2. policy.xml config file. Please look up what's in your own policy.xml file. Use convert -list policy to find the location of this file first. Then use cat /some/path/policy.xml to see its contents. (The file uses an XML syntax. Don't forget: anything enclosed in <!-- and --> is a comment!) It also contains comments explaining various details. The policy.xml can define much more things than just the available limit resources. Settings in policy.xml take precedence over the built-in default values if they are defined there.

    政策。xml配置文件。请查一下你自己的保险单。xml文件。使用转换列表策略首先查找文件的位置。然后使用cat /一些/道路/政策。xml以查看其内容。(该文件使用XML语法。不要忘记:任何包含在 是一个评论!它还包含解释各种细节的评论。这一政策。xml可以定义的东西远不止可用的有限资源。设置在政策。如果在那里定义了xml,那么它优先于内置的默认值。

  3. Environment variables. Here is a list of environment variables which can limit IM resources: MAGICK_AREA_LIMIT (image area limits), MAGICK_DISK_LIMIT (disk space limit), MAGICK_FILE_LIMIT (maximum no. of open files limit), MAGICK_MEMORY_LIMIT (heap memory limit), MAGICK_MAP_LIMIT (memory map limit), MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT (maximum no. of threads limit) and MAGICK_TIME_LIMIT (maximum elapsed time in seconds). These environment variables, if set, take precedence over the policy.xml config file.


  4. -limit <name> <value> settings on command line. The following <names> are recognized:

    -limit <值> 设置在命令行。>的名称识别如下:

    • width (maximum width of an image). When limit is exceeded, exception is thrown and processing stops.
    • 宽度(图像的最大宽度)。当超过限制时,抛出异常并停止处理。
    • height (maximum height of an image). When limit is exceeded, exception is thrown and processing stops.
    • 高度(图像的最大高度)。当超过限制时,抛出异常并停止处理。
    • area (maximum number of bytes for any single image to reside in pixel cache memory). When limit is exceeded, automagical caching to disk (possibly memory-mapped) sets in.
    • 区域(每个图像驻留在像素缓存中的最大字节数)。当超出限制时,自动缓存到磁盘(可能是内存映射)。
    • memory (maximum memory allocated for the pixel cache from anonymous mapped memory or heap).
    • 内存(从匿名映射内存或堆中为像素缓存分配的最大内存)。
    • map (maximum amount for memory map allocated for pixel cache).
    • 映射(为像素缓存分配的内存映射的最大数量)。
    • disk (maximum amount of disk space permitted for use by pixel cache). When limit is exceeded, pixel cache is not created and a fatal exception is thrown.
    • 磁盘(像素缓存允许使用的最大磁盘空间)。当超过限制时,不会创建像素缓存并抛出致命异常。
    • files (maximum number of open pixel cache files). When limit is exceeded, all subsequent pixels cached to disk are closed and reopened on demand.
    • 文件(打开像素缓存文件的最大数量)。当超过限制时,缓存到磁盘的所有后续像素将被关闭并按需重新打开。
    • thread (maximum number of threads which can in parallel).
    • 线程(可并行执行的最大线程数)。
    • time (maximum time in seconds a process is permitted to execute). When this limit is exeeded, an exception is thrown and processing stops.
    • 时间(允许进程执行的最大时间(以秒为单位)。当执行此限制时,抛出异常并停止处理。

    The -limit setting on a command line takes precendence and overrides all other settings.




I'm not sure if this is an answer. For now it is pure speculation. So here goes...


By setting the limits to a 0 value, you are basically telling ImageMagick: "Your resources are not limited at all. You do not need to care for any limits."


  • What if didn't set any limit? Remove all -limit ... 0 parts from your command. In this case ImageMagick would use its built-in defaults, or the otherise defined settings (which may be contained in the policy.xml file of your IM installation, or through various environment variables). You can query the current limits of your system with the following command:


    identify -list resource

    On my system, I get these values:


    File       Area     Memory     Map       Disk  Thread  Throttle        Time
     192    4.295GB       2GiB    4GiB  unlimited       1         0   unlimited
  • What if you did set these limits to a reasonable value, that matches your system's really available resources? Assuming you have: 8 GByte of RAM, 50 GByte of free disk space and plenty of free inodes on your disk volume. Then try to set it like this: -limit disk 10GB -limit memory 3GB -limit map 6GB.

    如果您确实将这些限制设置为一个合理的值,该值与系统的真正可用资源相匹配,该怎么办?假设您有:8 GByte of RAM, 50 GByte of free disk space和磁盘卷上大量的free inode。然后尝试这样设置:-limit disk 10GB -limit memory 3GB -limit map 6GB。

ImageMagick resource management

For all its processing and intermediate steps, ImageMagick needs access to an intermediate pixel cache memory/storage, before it can deliver the final result.


This need for pixel cache storage can be satisfied by different resources:


  • heap memory,
  • 堆内存,
  • anonymous memory map,
  • 匿名内存映射,
  • disk-based memory map,
  • 基于磁盘的内存映射,
  • direct disk.
  • 直接的磁盘。

ImageMagick makes use of all these resources progressively:


  • Once heap memory is exhausted, it stores pixels in an anonymous map.
  • 一旦堆内存耗尽,它就在匿名映射中存储像素。
  • Once the anonymous memory map is exhausted, it creates the pixel cache on disk and attempts to memory-map it.
  • 一旦匿名内存映射耗尽,它将在磁盘上创建像素缓存并尝试内存映射它。
  • Once memory-map memory is exhausted, it simply uses standard disk I/O.
  • 一旦内存映射内存耗尽,它只使用标准磁盘I/O。

Disk storage is cheap but very slow too: it is in the order of 3 magnitudes (a thousand times) slower than memory. Some speed improvements (up to 5 times) can be obtained by using memory mapping to the disk-based cache.


ImageMagick is aware of various ways to control the amount of these resources:


  1. Built-in default values. These limits are: 768 files, 3GB of image area, 1.5GiB memory, 3GiB memory map, and 18.45EB of disk space.

    内置的默认值。这些限制是:768个文件、3GB的图像区域、1.5 gb的内存、3GiB的内存映射和18.45EB的磁盘空间。

  2. policy.xml config file. Please look up what's in your own policy.xml file. Use convert -list policy to find the location of this file first. Then use cat /some/path/policy.xml to see its contents. (The file uses an XML syntax. Don't forget: anything enclosed in <!-- and --> is a comment!) It also contains comments explaining various details. The policy.xml can define much more things than just the available limit resources. Settings in policy.xml take precedence over the built-in default values if they are defined there.

    政策。xml配置文件。请查一下你自己的保险单。xml文件。使用转换列表策略首先查找文件的位置。然后使用cat /一些/道路/政策。xml以查看其内容。(该文件使用XML语法。不要忘记:任何包含在 是一个评论!它还包含解释各种细节的评论。这一政策。xml可以定义的东西远不止可用的有限资源。设置在政策。如果在那里定义了xml,那么它优先于内置的默认值。

  3. Environment variables. Here is a list of environment variables which can limit IM resources: MAGICK_AREA_LIMIT (image area limits), MAGICK_DISK_LIMIT (disk space limit), MAGICK_FILE_LIMIT (maximum no. of open files limit), MAGICK_MEMORY_LIMIT (heap memory limit), MAGICK_MAP_LIMIT (memory map limit), MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT (maximum no. of threads limit) and MAGICK_TIME_LIMIT (maximum elapsed time in seconds). These environment variables, if set, take precedence over the policy.xml config file.


  4. -limit <name> <value> settings on command line. The following <names> are recognized:

    -limit <值> 设置在命令行。>的名称识别如下:

    • width (maximum width of an image). When limit is exceeded, exception is thrown and processing stops.
    • 宽度(图像的最大宽度)。当超过限制时,抛出异常并停止处理。
    • height (maximum height of an image). When limit is exceeded, exception is thrown and processing stops.
    • 高度(图像的最大高度)。当超过限制时,抛出异常并停止处理。
    • area (maximum number of bytes for any single image to reside in pixel cache memory). When limit is exceeded, automagical caching to disk (possibly memory-mapped) sets in.
    • 区域(每个图像驻留在像素缓存中的最大字节数)。当超出限制时,自动缓存到磁盘(可能是内存映射)。
    • memory (maximum memory allocated for the pixel cache from anonymous mapped memory or heap).
    • 内存(从匿名映射内存或堆中为像素缓存分配的最大内存)。
    • map (maximum amount for memory map allocated for pixel cache).
    • 映射(为像素缓存分配的内存映射的最大数量)。
    • disk (maximum amount of disk space permitted for use by pixel cache). When limit is exceeded, pixel cache is not created and a fatal exception is thrown.
    • 磁盘(像素缓存允许使用的最大磁盘空间)。当超过限制时,不会创建像素缓存并抛出致命异常。
    • files (maximum number of open pixel cache files). When limit is exceeded, all subsequent pixels cached to disk are closed and reopened on demand.
    • 文件(打开像素缓存文件的最大数量)。当超过限制时,缓存到磁盘的所有后续像素将被关闭并按需重新打开。
    • thread (maximum number of threads which can in parallel).
    • 线程(可并行执行的最大线程数)。
    • time (maximum time in seconds a process is permitted to execute). When this limit is exeeded, an exception is thrown and processing stops.
    • 时间(允许进程执行的最大时间(以秒为单位)。当执行此限制时,抛出异常并停止处理。

    The -limit setting on a command line takes precendence and overrides all other settings.
