I'm attempting to use Tesseract-OCR-iOS in a new Swift 3.0 project. I'm using Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62). CocoaPods is version 1.1.1.
我正在尝试在新的Swift 3.0项目中使用Tesseract-OCR-iOS。我正在使用Xcode版本8.1(8B62)。 CocoaPods是1.1.1版。
When I attempt to use tesseract.recognize()
, my app crashes and I get the following output in the console:
actual_tessdata_num_entries_ <= TESSDATA_NUM_ENTRIES:Error:Assert failed:in file tessdatamanager.cpp, line 53
I found this post, which sounds I'm using the wrong version of traineddata
. I downloaded tessdata
from the tesseract-ocr/tessdata repo, so I'm baffled as to why I'd have a mismatch on the version numbers.
我发现这篇文章,听起来我使用的是训练有素的数据的错误版本。我从tesseract-ocr / tessdata repo下载了tessdata,所以我很困惑为什么我的版本号不匹配。
Any suggestions how to get Tesseract working are greatly appreciated. Below is additional information re: my setup.
Here's what my Podfile
looks like:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'TesseractDemo' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for TesseractDemo
pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '4.0.0'
I've dragged a tessdata
folder containing eng.traineddata
into the root directory of my project outside of Xcode and dragged a reference from Finder to Xcode's Project Navigator.
我已将包含eng.traineddata的tessdata文件夹拖到Xcode外部项目的根目录中,并将Finder中的引用拖到Xcode的Project Navigator中。
Everything works fine up to this point. No compiler errors, linker whining, etc. In a UIViewController
I'm importing TesseratOCR
and calling it like so:
// MARK: - OCR Methods
func scanImage(image: UIImage) {
if let tesseract = G8Tesseract(language: "eng") {
tesseract.delegate = self
tesseract.image = imageToScan?.g8_blackAndWhite()
textView.text = tesseract.recognizedText
Update I found a link to a repo of traineddata files for version 4.0. I nuked my old eng.traineddata file and replaced it with the one from the 4.0 repo. I get the same error referencing the same line.
更新我找到了4.0版本的训练数据文件的回购链接。我修改了我的旧eng.traineddata文件,并将其替换为4.0 repo中的文件。我得到引用相同行的相同错误。
1 个解决方案
The current version of eng.traineddata
linked above on GitHub will not work with the current version of the Tesseract-OCR-iOS.
The installation instructions posted on GitHub work perfectly if you've got the right <language>.traineddata
I discovered this after dragging the eng.traineddata
from Lyndsey Scott's brilliant Tesseract tutorial on Ray Wenderlich.
我从Lyndsey Scott的Ray Wenderlich精彩的Tesseract教程中拖出eng.traineddata后发现了这一点。
This repo contains the eng.traineddata
file I needed to get Tesseract working. I'm not sure if that applies to all languages.
The current version of eng.traineddata
linked above on GitHub will not work with the current version of the Tesseract-OCR-iOS.
The installation instructions posted on GitHub work perfectly if you've got the right <language>.traineddata
I discovered this after dragging the eng.traineddata
from Lyndsey Scott's brilliant Tesseract tutorial on Ray Wenderlich.
我从Lyndsey Scott的Ray Wenderlich精彩的Tesseract教程中拖出eng.traineddata后发现了这一点。
This repo contains the eng.traineddata
file I needed to get Tesseract working. I'm not sure if that applies to all languages.