arg1, arg2, ++参数将被插入到主体字符串中的百分号(%)之后。这个函数是“一步一步[step-by-step]”执行的。在第一个“%”之后插入arg1,在第二个“%”之后插入arg2,依次类推。
Parameter参数 |
Description描述 |
format |
Required. Specifies the string and how to format the variables in it. 必要参数。指定字符串,以及如何定义其中变量的格式。Possible format values: 可能值如下:
- %% - Returns a percent sign
%% -返回百分号
- %b - Binary number
%b –返回二进制数
- %c - The character according to the ASCII value
%c –返回与ASCII值相对应的字符
- %d - Signed decimal number
%d –带有正负号的十进制数
- %e - Scientific notation (e.g. 1.2e+2)
%e –科学计数符号(如:1.2e+2)
- %u - Unsigned decimal number
%u –不带正负号的十进制数
- %f - Floating-point number (local settings aware)
%f – 浮点数据(本地设置)
- %F - Floating-point number (not local settings aware)
%F –浮点数据(非本地设置)
- %o - Octal number
%o –十进制数
- %s - String
%s –字符串
- %x - Hexadecimal number (lowercase letters)
%x –十六进制数(小写字母)
- %X - Hexadecimal number (uppercase letters)
%X –十六进制数(大写字母)
Additional format values. These are placed between the % and the letter (example %.2f): 其它格式的值。它是位于%和字母之间的(如:%.2f)
- + (Forces both + and - in front of numbers. By default, only negative numbers are marked)
- ‘ (Specifies what to use as padding. Default is space. Must be used together with the width specifier. Example: %’x20s (this uses “x” as padding)
- - (Left-justifies the variable value)
- (左调整变量值)
- [0-9] (Specifies the minimum width held of to the variable value)
- .[0-9] (Specifies the number of decimal digits or maximum string length)
Note: If multiple additional format values are used, they must be in the same order as above. 注意:如果使用附加格式值,那么它必须与上述顺序相同 |
arg1 |
Required. The argument to be inserted at the first %-sign in the format string 必要参数。这个自变量(arg1)必须安插在第一个%-符号前 |
arg2 |
Optional. The argument to be inserted at the second %-sign in the format string 可选参数。这个自变量(arg2)必须安插在第二个%-符号前 |
arg++ |
Optional. The argument to be inserted at the third, fourth, etc. %-sign in the format string 可选参数。与上述自变量相同,它们可以安插在第三个、第四个……(依次类推)%-符号前。 |
$number = 123;
$txt = sprintf("With 2 decimals: %1/$.2f<br />With no decimals: %1/$u",$number);
echo $txt;
With 2 decimals: 123.00 With no decimals: 123