
Features Image Upload & Share From Url , Youtube, Vimeo, Vine, Instagram, Metacafe, DailyMotion Videos Comments for Media Facebook Comments Responsive Layout User Profile & Points Tags or Category System Super Easy Installation Full Admin Panel Moderate Guest Submissions Social Share Buttons Search for Media Seo Url Much More… Requirements PHP 4.3 or later, PHP 5.x for all functionality. MySQL 4.1 or later, MySQL 5.x for best performance.
Creative Upload Plugins - $ 12.00 / 1 Sales
Dotnetnuke | 6/5/2014 6:05:52 PM| (4) Comments | (0) View Count

Creative Upload Plugins Version 1.0 Creative Upload Plugins to raise the image and use it as a library can be used to control the images and pictures that have been filed by deleting or use an image from the library or use the Image Gallery to select multiple images to work Gallery This product is exclusive only to http://codecanyon.net Demo : http://demo.megatpl.com/creative_upload_plugins/index.php https://vimeo.com/97004362 Features: Easy to use Easy Installation Sma...
WP Online Contract - $ 16.00 / 19 Sales

Test our plugin out using the Live Preview above and the credentials below. Username: demo Password: password The only option you have in the Wordpress administration is the online contract, so it should be easy to find. You can modify anything but remember, after 1 hour, it all disappears. WP Online Contract allows you to create, manage, and save contracts online through WordPress. You can customize contracts using flat text files and short codes and view revisions of your ex...
PHPClips Video Sharing Platform - $ 39.00 / 10 Sales

PHPClips is now at V2.0 release. It is a powerful video sharing platform, supporting uploads from pc or from youtube, themes, plugins, video processing with ffmpeg, and much more features. Checkout the demo with the details here https://phpclips.com/demo Important note: we provide support and answers to your questions though ticket system. Please place your answers at https://phpclips.com/support Documentation at https://phpclips.com/documentation Requirements PHP 5....
Web File Manager - $ 12.00 / 1 Sales
Dotnetnuke | 5/9/2014 12:52:32 AM| (10) Comments | (3) View Count

This tool is a simple file manager software, that provides extra features for your server and developers. Upload your files, create packages or fetch files from an external origin quickly and easily with the File Manager. The system is capable to handle files up to 20 MB. Demo account: Username: superadmin Password: admin Documentation: http://demo.erdsoft.net/FileManager/readme/ ...
Backup My WP to Dropbox - $ 15.00 / 15 Sales

Save your database and attachments with scheduled jobs, get the backups by email or send it to Dropbox. It automatically creates the archive of your database and files. Uses default WP Cron. Once you activate this plugin, it will backup your WordPress file to your backup and once completed, it will send user an email notification of the completion.
Featured Background Images - $ 8.00 / 17 Sales

What can I do with this plugin? Use your Post and Page Featured Images automatically as a full background, set a Default Background Image in your Settings and make your theme look awesome! The background image is always in ratio and responsive and works on iPhone, iPad and other touchscreen devices next to regular browsers. How does that work? The Wordpress Featured Image function is used and expanded. No need to add extra code to your template, just plug and play and adjust your backg...
Out-of-the-Box | Dropbox plugin for WordPress - $ 21.00 / 416 Sales

Out-of-the-Box WordPress Plugin This plugin will help you to easily integrate Dropbox into your WordPress website or blog. Out-of-the-Box allows you to view, download, delete, rename files & folders directly from a WordPress page. You can use Out-of-the-Box as a filebrowser, gallery, audio- or video-player! NOTE: Out-of-the-Box uses the Offical Dropbox API. Although Dropbox requests a SSL connection when using this API, it is possible to use this plugin without SSL certificate. Read ou...
Rcwd Upload for Gravity Forms - $ 16.00 / 129 Sales
Dotnetnuke | 4/29/2014 1:12:41 AM| (43) Comments | (4) View Count

NEWS NEWS NEWS NOW COMPATIBLE with GRAVITY FORMS USER REGISTRATION ADD-ON!! Overview This add-on extends the functionality of the premium Wordpress plugin Gravity Forms. It allows to add a new single file upload field that is not related to the WP media core. Yes, you will not find the loaded file inside the media manager, also it uses a different folder for every location (based on form id, field id and entry id). Also, you can activate the option to let user upload more than 1 file...
Kotakin with API - self-host file sharing - $ 17.00 / 84 Sales
Dotnetnuke | 4/29/2014 12:20:40 AM| (60) Comments | (6) View Count

Kotakin with API – Self-host your own file sharing. If you need file sharing capabilities for personal or business needs. You can share folders with other users or create a public link for anyone. Kotakin was created for everyone that must constantly send or receive files. This version was build based on REST API + OAuth 2 90% of the front-end is using AJAX, so the interaction is more smooth and faster than before, with help using Backbone.js + Require.js You will be abl...