I have no idea why this is happening. The purpose of my code is to compare two files, and I got it from my programming book. This is my code:
import java.io.*;
class CompFiles {
public static void main(String args[])
int i=0, j=0;
// First make sure that both files have been specified.
if(args.length !=2 ) {
System.out.println("Usage: CompFiles f1 f2");
// Compare the files.
FileInputStream f1 = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
FileInputStream f2 = new FileInputStream(args[1]);
// Check the contents of each file.
do {
i = f1.read();
j = f2.read();
if(i != j) break;
} while(i != -1 && j != -1);
if(i != j)
System.out.println("Files differ.");
System.out.println("Files are the same.");
} catch(IOException exc) {
System.out.println("I/O Error: " + exc);
I compiled the code like this: javac CompFiles.java
then the book told me to copy the files to a temp file using this command: java CompFiles CompFiles.java temp
. The output is java.io.FileNotFoundExceptions: Temp(Access is dined)
. I am not using any IDEs. Thanks for any answers.
我这样编译代码:javac CompFiles。然后,该书告诉我使用这个命令将文件复制到一个临时文件:java CompFiles compfile。输出是java.io。FileNotFoundExceptions:临时用餐(访问)。我没有使用任何ide。谢谢你的任何答案。
3 个解决方案
I am not sure about the book. But to execute your program :
java CompFiles a.java b.java
should work. Assuming that a.java b.java are TEXT files and are present in the current directory (The directory location from where u r executing this program).
应该工作。假设一个。java b。java是文本文件,存在于当前目录(ur执行此程序的目录位置)。
In your case
java CompFiles CompFiles.java temp
temp could be a folder hence u get this error
Your command would be java -cp . CompFiles file1 file2
. But your really should use a package. (-cp . asumes you compiled ComFiles.class to your current directory).
您的命令是java -cp。CompFiles file1 file2。但是你真的应该使用一个软件包。(- cp。你编译ComFiles asumes。类到当前目录)。
The access denied is most likely caused from the fact that you tried to open a directory as a file stream (.\Temp\
). If your test-fiels are in Temp, you can use java -cp . CompFiles temp\file1 temp\file2
被拒绝的访问很可能是由于您试图以文件流的形式打开目录(.\Temp\)。如果您的测试文件在Temp中,您可以使用java -cp。CompFiles临时temp \ \ file1 file2。
I/O Error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Temp (Access is denied)
You are running program as below Java CompFiles CompFiles.java temp
在Java CompFiles下面运行程序。java临时
Here temp
is seems like directory name rather than a file name. so, please give a valid file name in the second argument
You can try this for eg:
Java CompFiles CompFiles.java CompFiles.java
this will give you output: Files are the same
Why Access is denying?
you can not read a directory like a normal file
I am not sure about the book. But to execute your program :
java CompFiles a.java b.java
should work. Assuming that a.java b.java are TEXT files and are present in the current directory (The directory location from where u r executing this program).
应该工作。假设一个。java b。java是文本文件,存在于当前目录(ur执行此程序的目录位置)。
In your case
java CompFiles CompFiles.java temp
temp could be a folder hence u get this error
Your command would be java -cp . CompFiles file1 file2
. But your really should use a package. (-cp . asumes you compiled ComFiles.class to your current directory).
您的命令是java -cp。CompFiles file1 file2。但是你真的应该使用一个软件包。(- cp。你编译ComFiles asumes。类到当前目录)。
The access denied is most likely caused from the fact that you tried to open a directory as a file stream (.\Temp\
). If your test-fiels are in Temp, you can use java -cp . CompFiles temp\file1 temp\file2
被拒绝的访问很可能是由于您试图以文件流的形式打开目录(.\Temp\)。如果您的测试文件在Temp中,您可以使用java -cp。CompFiles临时temp \ \ file1 file2。
I/O Error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Temp (Access is denied)
You are running program as below Java CompFiles CompFiles.java temp
在Java CompFiles下面运行程序。java临时
Here temp
is seems like directory name rather than a file name. so, please give a valid file name in the second argument
You can try this for eg:
Java CompFiles CompFiles.java CompFiles.java
this will give you output: Files are the same
Why Access is denying?
you can not read a directory like a normal file