1. ssh idracip, and reset RAC -- will need around 10mins
/admin1-> racadm racreset
RAC reset operation initiated successfully. It may take up to a minute
for the RAC to come back online again.
2. check the web service status
/admin1-> racadm getconfig -g cfgRacTuning cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable=1 cfgRacTuneWebserverEnable=1 cfgRacTuneHttpPort=80 cfgRacTuneHttpsPort=443 cfgRacTuneTelnetPort=23 cfgRacTuneSshPort=22 cfgRacTuneConRedirEnable=1 cfgRacTuneConRedirPort=5900 cfgRacTuneConRedirEncryptEnable=1 cfgRacTuneLocalServerVideo=1 cfgRacTuneIpRangeEnable=0 cfgRacTuneIpRangeAddr= cfgRacTuneIpRangeMask= cfgRacTuneIpBlkEnable=0 cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailCount=5 cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailWindow=60 cfgRacTuneIpBlkPenaltyTime=300 cfgRacTuneTimezoneOffset=0 cfgRacTuneDaylightOffset=0 cfgRacTuneAsrEnable=1 cfgRacTuneCtrlEConfigDisable=0 cfgRacTuneLocalConfigDisable=0 cfgRacTuneVirtualConsoleAuthorizeMultipleSessions=0
3. racadm help
/admin1-> racadm help help [subcommand] -- display usage summary for a subcommand arp -- display the networking ARP table clearasrscreen -- clear the last ASR (crash) screen closessn -- close a session clrraclog -- clear the RAC log clrsel -- clear the System Event Log (SEL) config -- modify RAC configuration properties coredump -- display the last RAC coredump coredumpdelete -- delete the last RAC coredump fwupdate -- update the RAC firmware getconfig -- display RAC configuration properties getniccfg -- display current network settings getraclog -- display the RAC log getractime -- display the current RAC time getsel -- display records from the System Event Log (SEL) getssninfo -- display session information getsvctag -- display service tag information getsysinfo -- display general RAC and system information gettracelog -- display the RAC diagnostic trace log ifconfig -- display network interface information netstat -- display routing table and network statistics ping -- send ICMP echo packets on the network racdump -- display RAC diagnostic information racreset -- perform a RAC reset operation racresetcfg -- restore the RAC configuration to factory defaults remoteimage -- make a remote ISO image available to the server serveraction -- perform system power management operations setniccfg -- modify network configuration properties sshpkauth -- manage SSH PK authentication keys on the RAC sslcertview -- view SSL certificate information sslcsrgen -- generate a certificate CSR from the RAC testemail -- test RAC e-mail notifications testtrap -- test RAC SNMP trap notifications usercertview -- view user certificate information vflashpartition -- manage partitions on the vFlash SD card vflashsd -- perform vFlash SD Card initialization vmdisconnect -- disconnect Virtual Media connections