- string sysFlag = "CBIP";
- IRegistryCenterClient rCenter = RegistryCenterClientFactory.GetRegistryCenterClient();
- ServiceInfo sInfo1 = new ServiceInfo();
- sInfo1.serviceName = "HelloService";
- sInfo1.serviceIP = "";
- sInfo1.servicePort = 1888;
- rCenter.RegisterService(sInfo1);
- while (true)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(rCenter.GetConfigItem(sysFlag, "configA"));
- Console.WriteLine(rCenter.GetConfigItem(sysFlag, "configB"));
- Thread.Sleep(200);
- }
我连接到的是集群中的127.0.0.1:4001节点,开始的时候集群的leader是127.0.0.1:4001,但是随着时间推移leader会产生变化,可能会变成127.0.0.1:4002或者127.0.0.1:4003,我发现一个结论: 只要leader是127.0.0.1:4001,服务就能够成功注册(成功写入集群),只要leader不是127.0.0.1:4001,就会注册失败!而循环中读取配置项会一直有效,不会随着leader的变化失效。
问题: 为什么我按照这个教程启动的三个节点的集群,随时时间推移,leader会变来变去???
jiq408694711 commented 13 days agoHello:
I have built a cluster of three machines according to this document:https://github.com/coreos/etcd/blob/master/Documentation/clustering.md .
then i connect to by etcetera and register a service address(actually write service info to etcd node with ttl) by using .NET timer:
private void KeepAliveTimer(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (source != null && source is ServiceInfo)
ServiceInfo serviceInfo = source as ServiceInfo;
string serviceDir = "service/" + serviceInfo.serviceName;
client.CreateDir(serviceDir, 0, false);
string key = serviceDir + "/" + serviceInfo.serviceIP;
string value = JsonSerializer.GetJsonByObject(serviceInfo);
client.Set(key, value, nodeTTL);
logger.Info("[KeepAliveTimer]register success:[key]" + key + ",[value]" + value);
catch (Exception ee)
logger.Info("[KeepAliveTimer]register fail:" + ee.Message);
when i run my code, i find that the output sometimes is "register success", sometimes is "register fail", The reseaon is that the leader of cluster always change by itself, The registeration will fail if the leader is not "", The registeration will success if the leader is "".
I want to know :
(1) why the leader always keep changing???
(2) If i want to write to etcd correctly, which active peer i should connect ???
if the correct active peer is leader, how can i get the leader???
Thank you!!!
unihorn commented 9 days ago(1) It is a common case for etcd to change leader, though it should not be so frequent.
(2) if you connect to non leader, it will send back a 307 redirect http response, which indicates where the leader is
jiq408694711 commented 8 days agothanks
why the etcd can not redirect my http request to leader automatically? i just need to connect to any peer of the clustering whitout concerning which is the leader
@jiq408694711 for now, honouring the redirect is the responsibility of the client, and many implementations will follow it automatically.
In future, etcd will have a proxy mode which will provide the behaviour you're after.