
时间:2022-06-30 08:28:22

I have some confusion in understanding what is different in various paths available in .Net for a resource.


I only guess Physical path is OS directory path for a resource. I am confuse and event can't tell about what path basically I need to use.


2 个解决方案



The following should provide you with the information you're seeking:


Making Sense of ASP.NET Paths




In regards to an ASP.NET application I think of it like this:


Physical Path: OS path using drive/directory/file in which the actual app doesnt really use this path but if it did it would be mapped using a virtual path. A physical path is how the OS locates the resource/s ie: c:\\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnetapp The actual app only cares about paths relative to its root directory.

物理路径:使用驱动器/目录/文件的操作系统路径,其中实际的应用程序并不真正使用此路径,但如果确实如此,它将使用虚拟路径进行映射。物理路径是操作系统如何定位资源,即:c:\\ inetpub \ wwwroot \ aspnetapp实际应用程序只关心相对于其根目录的路径。

Root Path: This would be the URI or URL at the root of your aspnetapp or ~/Home/Index with proper route config (Not to be confused with Unix Root Directory naming convention). http://www.yardpenalty.com could actually be the location of this example's physical path in terms of an OS/NOS.

根路径:这将是您的aspnetapp或〜/ Home / Index的根目录下的URI或URL以及正确的路由配置(不要与Unix根目录命名约定混淆)。 http://www.yardpenalty.com实际上可以是OS / NOS方面的本示例物理路径的位置。

Virtual Path or Relative Virtual Path: The path that the application identifies or is identified by from its Web server.


For instance, in IIS (or OWIN) you may have a resource directory for your images in folder c:\\inetpub\ftp\images but the developer maps this folder to the app like so... ~\Images. So think of this as the ability to create a relative path to resources identifiable by your app and its users while physically located elsewhere.

例如,在IIS(或OWIN)中,您可能在文件夹c:\\ inetpub \ ftp \ images中有图像的资源目录,但开发人员将此文件夹映射到应用程序,如此...〜\ Images。因此,请将此视为能够创建应用程序及其用户可识别的资源的相对路径,同时位于其他位置。

I would imagine that using a virtual path under a root application would be helpful in development when there are one or more projects that the developer wishes to give the appearance of a single application under a single domain.


Absolute Path: The entire path to a resource. Let's say you have a link that takes you to a specific route like this: <a href="http://www.yardpenalty.com/home/about"> About</a>. If this link was in the layout or master page a relative path <a href="~/home/about">About</a> would be cleaner. There are instances when you need to hard code an absolute path but it is typically wiser to use relative paths especially when development involves migrations.




The following should provide you with the information you're seeking:


Making Sense of ASP.NET Paths




In regards to an ASP.NET application I think of it like this:


Physical Path: OS path using drive/directory/file in which the actual app doesnt really use this path but if it did it would be mapped using a virtual path. A physical path is how the OS locates the resource/s ie: c:\\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnetapp The actual app only cares about paths relative to its root directory.

物理路径:使用驱动器/目录/文件的操作系统路径,其中实际的应用程序并不真正使用此路径,但如果确实如此,它将使用虚拟路径进行映射。物理路径是操作系统如何定位资源,即:c:\\ inetpub \ wwwroot \ aspnetapp实际应用程序只关心相对于其根目录的路径。

Root Path: This would be the URI or URL at the root of your aspnetapp or ~/Home/Index with proper route config (Not to be confused with Unix Root Directory naming convention). http://www.yardpenalty.com could actually be the location of this example's physical path in terms of an OS/NOS.

根路径:这将是您的aspnetapp或〜/ Home / Index的根目录下的URI或URL以及正确的路由配置(不要与Unix根目录命名约定混淆)。 http://www.yardpenalty.com实际上可以是OS / NOS方面的本示例物理路径的位置。

Virtual Path or Relative Virtual Path: The path that the application identifies or is identified by from its Web server.


For instance, in IIS (or OWIN) you may have a resource directory for your images in folder c:\\inetpub\ftp\images but the developer maps this folder to the app like so... ~\Images. So think of this as the ability to create a relative path to resources identifiable by your app and its users while physically located elsewhere.

例如,在IIS(或OWIN)中,您可能在文件夹c:\\ inetpub \ ftp \ images中有图像的资源目录,但开发人员将此文件夹映射到应用程序,如此...〜\ Images。因此,请将此视为能够创建应用程序及其用户可识别的资源的相对路径,同时位于其他位置。

I would imagine that using a virtual path under a root application would be helpful in development when there are one or more projects that the developer wishes to give the appearance of a single application under a single domain.


Absolute Path: The entire path to a resource. Let's say you have a link that takes you to a specific route like this: <a href="http://www.yardpenalty.com/home/about"> About</a>. If this link was in the layout or master page a relative path <a href="~/home/about">About</a> would be cleaner. There are instances when you need to hard code an absolute path but it is typically wiser to use relative paths especially when development involves migrations.
