A c++ class wrapper to simplify the use of CRITICAL_SECTION and avoid dead-lock

时间:2023-01-12 08:21:50

The first class is a simple wrapper of CRITICAL_SECTION. The second class provides a scoped lock. Even an exception occurs, the destructor of CGuard can automatically release the lock.

static CThreadMutext g_lockSomething;

// a function that want to access some thing


CGuard<CThreadMutext> guard(lockSomething);


// A c++ class wrapper to simplify the use of CRITICAL_SECTION
class CThreadMutex
 void Enter() const
 void Leave() const

#if(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
 BOOL TryEnter() const
  return ::TryEnterCriticalSection((LPCRITICAL_SECTION)&m_cs);
#endif /* _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400 */



// Gurad class that use stack to autoly perform lock and unloack action
template <class MUTEX>
class CGuard
 CGuard(const MUTEX& mutex)
 const MUTEX& m_oMutex;
 CGuard(const CGuard&);
 CGuard& operator = (const CGuard&);