转载自 http://www.cnblogs.com/ljhdo/p/5597222.html
设计目的:将table dbo.Person 的数据水平分片,分布到两天SQL Server上,Column [PersonType] 共有6个值,分别是:('IN','EM','SP'),('SC','VC','GC');
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person] ( [PersonID] [int] NOT NULL, [PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL, [FirstName] [sysname] NOT NULL, [MiddleName] [sysname] NOT NULL, [LastName] [sysname] NOT NULL )
step1,打开Win10 MSDTC(Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator)
参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/ljhdo/p/5597078.html
step2,分别在两台Server上创建数据库和表,数据库分别是DBtest1 和 DBTest2,将DBTest1作为Master DB,将DBTest2作为Slave DB。
--default instance CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person]( [PersonID] [int] NOT NULL, [PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL, [FirstName] sysname, [MiddleName] sysname , [LastName] sysname, constraint chk__Person_PersonType check([PersonType] in ('IN','EM','SP')) ); --named instance CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person]( [PersonID] [int] NOT NULL, [PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL, [FirstName] sysname, [MiddleName] sysname , [LastName] sysname, constraint chk__Person_PersonType check([PersonType] in ('SC','VC','GC')) );
Step3,在Master DB中,添加Linked Server
1. 代码Process:
--add linked server exec sys.sp_addlinkedserver @server= N'db1'
,@srvproduct= N'' ,@provider= N'SQLNCLI' ,@datasrc= N'LJHPC\NamedInstance1' ,@location= null ,@provstr= null ,@catalog= N'DBTest2' --check select * from sys.servers where is_linked=1
exec [sys].[sp_linkedservers]
--drop linked server
--EXEC sys.sp_dropserver @server=N'db1', @droplogins='droplogins'
--add login
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'db1'
,@rmtuser ='sa'
2. UI新建链接服务器(Linked Server)
create view dbo.view_Person as select [PersonID] ,[PersonType] ,[FirstName] ,[MiddleName] ,[LastName] from [DBtest1].[dbo].[Person] with(nolock) where [PersonType] in('IN','EM','SP') union all select [PersonID] ,[PersonType] ,[FirstName] ,[MiddleName] ,[LastName] from db1.[DBTest2].[dbo].[Person] with(nolock) where [PersonType] in('SC','VC','GC') with check OPTION;
SELECT * from dbo.view_Person p where p.PersonType in ('em','sc')
create view dbo.view_Person as select [PersonID] ,[PersonType] ,[FirstName] ,[MiddleName] ,[LastName] from [dbo].[Person] with(nolock) where [PersonType] in('IN','EM','SP') union all select [PersonID] ,[PersonType] ,[FirstName] ,[MiddleName] ,[LastName] from OPENQUERY ( db1 , N'select [PersonID] ,[PersonType] ,[FirstName] ,[MiddleName] ,[LastName] from db1.[DBTest2].[dbo].[Person] with(nolock) where [PersonType] in(''SC'',''VC'',''GC'')' ) as p with check OPTION;
2,在Local Server上更新分片数据
update db1.DBTEST2.dbo.person set FirstName=N'Harm' where PersonId=102; --修改成 exec db1.DBTEST2.sys.sp_executesql N'update dbo.person set FirstName=N''Harm'' where PersonId=102;'
--SQL Server 阻止了对组件 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1 reconfigure exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1 reconfigure --使用完成后,关闭Ad Hoc Distributed Queries: exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',0 reconfigure exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',0 reconfigure