运行PHP脚本作为cron作业 - 超时问题?

时间:2021-08-04 08:01:34

I am coding a php script that does some back end stuff and needs to run every 8 hours or so. The script takes a while to execute. For the hell of it, I tried it from my browser and the connection to the server gets reset well before the script terminates. My question is - if I run it directly, ie. php -a file.php as a cron job, are there any internal time constraints on execution? This script may take 2-5 minutes to complete and cannot be interrupted. I've never done this before so I am not sure if php has quirks when running heavy scripts.

我正在编写一个PHP脚本来做一些后端的东西,需要每8小时左右运行一次。该脚本需要一段时间才能执行。对于它的地狱,我在我的浏览器中尝试了它,并且在脚本终止之前很快就重置了与服务器的连接。我的问题是 - 如果我直接运行,即。 php -a file.php作为cron作业,执行时是否有内部时间限制?此脚本可能需要2-5分钟才能完成,并且无法中断。我之前从未这样做过,所以我不确定php在运行繁重的脚本时是否有怪癖。

3 个解决方案



As said before, CLI scripts by default have no time limit.


But I would also like to mention an alternative to your cron job approach:
You can fork a CLI PHP script from a PHP script under webserver control. I have done this many times. It is especially useful if you have a script with long execution time which must be triggered by some website user action (e.g. building a very large archive file and send a download link by email when the file is complete). I usually fork a CLI script from a webserver PHP script using the popen() function. This allows to nicely transfer parameters to the new script instance like this:

但我还想提一下您的cron作业方法的替代方法:您可以在Web服务器控件下从PHP脚本派生CLI PHP脚本。我做了很多次。如果您的脚本具有较长的执行时间,必须由某些网站用户操作触发(例如,构建一个非常大的存档文件并在文件完成时通过电子邮件发送下载链接),这将非常有用。我通常使用popen()函数从Web服务器PHP脚本分叉CLI脚本。这样可以很好地将参数传递给新的脚本实例,如下所示:

$bgproc = popen('php "/my/path/my-bckgrnd-proc.php"', 'w');
  die('Could not open bgrnd process');
  // send params through stdin pipe to bgrnd process:
  $p1 = serialize($param1);
  $p2 = serialize($param2);
  $p3 = serialize($param3);
  fwrite($bgproc, $p1 . "\n" . $p2 . "\n" . $p3 . "\n");

In the CLI script you would receive these params like this...


$fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$param1 = unserialize(fgets($fp));
$param2 = unserialize(fgets($fp));
$param3 = unserialize(fgets($fp));

...and do anything with them that would take to long under webserver control.


This technique works equally well in *nix and Windows environments.

这种技术在* nix和Windows环境中同样有效。



No there are no time limits in php itself when executing php from the command line.


But there can be other timeouts, like connections to mysql. So if you have a mysql connection in your code, make sure to keep it alive or set your mysql timeout to something high enough to run your code. Another thing: I've seen some webhosting providers killing php apps running more then a few minutes. So make sure your provider does not do that.




As default, PHP scripts timesout after 30 seconds which can be overridden by editing the PHP.ini or by adding this at the top of your script.



This sets unlimited execution time to your script, that is, it never ends unless the scripts finish execution, or the server goes down, or the file is deleted or any fatal error comes.



You can add this to your script and open it in your browser to initiate the script, and it will run as if you are opening it in a browser and keeping the browser open.



It simply runs the script in background. These both would be useful for you.


ADD : When the scripts are run from the commandline,Cli, the default timeout is 0.(No Timeout)




As said before, CLI scripts by default have no time limit.


But I would also like to mention an alternative to your cron job approach:
You can fork a CLI PHP script from a PHP script under webserver control. I have done this many times. It is especially useful if you have a script with long execution time which must be triggered by some website user action (e.g. building a very large archive file and send a download link by email when the file is complete). I usually fork a CLI script from a webserver PHP script using the popen() function. This allows to nicely transfer parameters to the new script instance like this:

但我还想提一下您的cron作业方法的替代方法:您可以在Web服务器控件下从PHP脚本派生CLI PHP脚本。我做了很多次。如果您的脚本具有较长的执行时间,必须由某些网站用户操作触发(例如,构建一个非常大的存档文件并在文件完成时通过电子邮件发送下载链接),这将非常有用。我通常使用popen()函数从Web服务器PHP脚本分叉CLI脚本。这样可以很好地将参数传递给新的脚本实例,如下所示:

$bgproc = popen('php "/my/path/my-bckgrnd-proc.php"', 'w');
  die('Could not open bgrnd process');
  // send params through stdin pipe to bgrnd process:
  $p1 = serialize($param1);
  $p2 = serialize($param2);
  $p3 = serialize($param3);
  fwrite($bgproc, $p1 . "\n" . $p2 . "\n" . $p3 . "\n");

In the CLI script you would receive these params like this...


$fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$param1 = unserialize(fgets($fp));
$param2 = unserialize(fgets($fp));
$param3 = unserialize(fgets($fp));

...and do anything with them that would take to long under webserver control.


This technique works equally well in *nix and Windows environments.

这种技术在* nix和Windows环境中同样有效。



No there are no time limits in php itself when executing php from the command line.


But there can be other timeouts, like connections to mysql. So if you have a mysql connection in your code, make sure to keep it alive or set your mysql timeout to something high enough to run your code. Another thing: I've seen some webhosting providers killing php apps running more then a few minutes. So make sure your provider does not do that.




As default, PHP scripts timesout after 30 seconds which can be overridden by editing the PHP.ini or by adding this at the top of your script.



This sets unlimited execution time to your script, that is, it never ends unless the scripts finish execution, or the server goes down, or the file is deleted or any fatal error comes.



You can add this to your script and open it in your browser to initiate the script, and it will run as if you are opening it in a browser and keeping the browser open.



It simply runs the script in background. These both would be useful for you.


ADD : When the scripts are run from the commandline,Cli, the default timeout is 0.(No Timeout)
