
时间:2022-11-02 07:52:44

I'm new to Java and currently doing some experiments on it. I wrote a little program that does read and write stream of std I/O but I kept getting exceptions thrown for out of range. Here is my code

我是Java新手,目前正在做一些实验。我编写了一个小程序,它可以读取和写入std I/O流,但是我一直在抛出超出范围的异常。这是我的代码

int BLOCKSIZE = 128*1024;                                                                                                                                                
InputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(System.in);

OutputStream outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(System.out);

byte[] buffer = new byte[BLOCKSIZE];

int bytesRead = 0;
int writePos = 0;
int readPos = 0;
while ((bytesRead = inStream.read(buffer,readPos,BLOCKSIZE)) != -1) {
 readPos += bytesRead;
 writePos += BLOCKSIZE;
 buffer = new byte[BLOCKSIZE];

Here is the exception thrown:"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:327) at JavaPigz.main(JavaPigz.java:73)"


73th col is the inStream.read(...) statement. Basically I want to read 128kb bytes from stdin once and write it to the stdout and go back to read another 128kb chunk, so on and so forth. The same exception is also thrown to outStream.write()

73th col是inStream.read(…)语句。基本上,我想从stdin中读取128kb的字节,并将其写入stdout,然后返回读取另一个128kb块,等等。同样的异常也被抛出到outStream.write()

I did some debugging and it looks BufferedInputStream buffers at most 64kb chunk once. Don't know if this is true. Thank you.


Edit: I also tried doing InputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(System.in,BLOCKSIZE); to specify the size of buffered chunk I want. But turns out it keeps giving size of 64kb no matter what is specified

编辑:我还尝试了InputStream inStream = new bufferedputstream (systemin,BLOCKSIZE);要指定我想要的缓冲块的大小。但事实证明,不管指定的是什么,它的大小都是64kb。

2 个解决方案



You're increasing your readPos (and writePos) in your loop. The subsequent reads are starting at that offset for inserting into your buffer, and attempting to write BLOCKSIZE bytes into it ... which won't fit, thus giving you an index out of bounds error.


The way you have that loop written, readPos and writePos should always be 0 especially since you're creating a new buffer every time. That being said ... you really don't want to do that, you want to re-use the buffer. It looks like you're just trying to read from the input stream and write it to the output stream ...


while ((bytesRead = inStream.read(buffer,readPos,BLOCKSIZE)) != -1) {



your readPos and writePos correspond to the array ... not to the stream ...


set them 0 and leave them at 0


in your write call set param 3 to bytesRead instead of BLOCKSIZE

在您的write调用中,将param 3设置为bytesRead而不是BLOCKSIZE。



You're increasing your readPos (and writePos) in your loop. The subsequent reads are starting at that offset for inserting into your buffer, and attempting to write BLOCKSIZE bytes into it ... which won't fit, thus giving you an index out of bounds error.


The way you have that loop written, readPos and writePos should always be 0 especially since you're creating a new buffer every time. That being said ... you really don't want to do that, you want to re-use the buffer. It looks like you're just trying to read from the input stream and write it to the output stream ...


while ((bytesRead = inStream.read(buffer,readPos,BLOCKSIZE)) != -1) {



your readPos and writePos correspond to the array ... not to the stream ...


set them 0 and leave them at 0


in your write call set param 3 to bytesRead instead of BLOCKSIZE

在您的write调用中,将param 3设置为bytesRead而不是BLOCKSIZE。