
时间:2021-05-13 07:36:53

Let's say I have a List<NameValuePair>, where NameValuePair is a simple object that has a Name property and a Value property, both strings.

假设我有一个List ,其中NameValuePair是一个简单的对象,它具有Name属性和Value属性,两个字符串。

The list is populated with values like this:


name = "name1", value = "value1"
name = "name1", value = "value2"
name = "name2", value = "value3"
name = "name3", value = "value4"

Note that there are two instances of the "name1" key. There can be any number of keys (since this is a List).


I want to turn this List into a new list, which has just unique keys, and groups any values with the same key name as an array/list of that key.


So the above should become:


name = "name1", value = "value1", "value2" // value is a string array or list
name = "name2", value = "value3"
name = "name3", value = "value4"

What is the easiest way to accomplish this?


5 个解决方案


Maybe with a Dictionary<string,List<string>> you could do something like

也许使用Dictionary >你可以做类似的事情 ,list>

for (var kv in mylistofnamed) {
   if (!dict.ContainsKey(kv.Key))
      dict[kv.Key] = new List<string>();


The easiest way is with a ILookup, which is essentially like a dictionary but can have more than one value for each key.


You can do something like this to create your lookup:


var lookup = list.ToLookup(pair => pair.name, 
                           pair => pair.value);

Then you could print the name/value pairs like this:


foreach (var nameGroup in lookup)
    var name = nameGroup.Key;
    foreach (string value in nameGroup)
        Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Value: {1}", name, value);


If you only need a read-only collection then Lookup will do the trick, as in Meta-Knight's answer.


If you need to modify the collection after its initial creation/population, then you probably need something like Dictionary<string, List<string>>. You can create and populate such a dictionary from your original list using LINQ:

如果你需要在初始创建/填充后修改集合,那么你可能需要像Dictionary >这样的东西。您可以使用LINQ从原始列表创建和填充此类字典: ,list>

var dict = list
    .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
    .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Select(z => z.Value).ToList()); 


One way is with a dictionary:



A HashTable can do what you need with unique keys. You will have to supply a List as the value however, since you will be storing multiple values per key.


Here's another easy example:



You will need to iterate over each KeyValuePair in your list to populate the HashTable by storing the name as the key and the values as the value. Because you may have a name that points to multiple values, you will need your values in the HashTable to be Lists.


Check for the existence of the name in the HashTable, if it's not there, create a new list for that name and add the value to the list. If the key already exists, access that element in the HashTable and add the new value to the list that maps to the key.



All classes that implement the IDictionary interface or the Generic IDictionary Interface enforce uniqueness checks for the Keys. You could use any of the classes, though I confess my preference for the Generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class.

实现IDictionary接口或通用IDictionary接口的所有类都强制执行Keys的唯一性检查。您可以使用任何类,但我承认我对Generic Dictionary 类的偏好。 ,tvalue>

When adding values, you can just check if the Dictionary object already contains the supplied Key. If not, then you can add the item into the Dictionary.



Maybe with a Dictionary<string,List<string>> you could do something like

也许使用Dictionary >你可以做类似的事情 ,list>

for (var kv in mylistofnamed) {
   if (!dict.ContainsKey(kv.Key))
      dict[kv.Key] = new List<string>();


The easiest way is with a ILookup, which is essentially like a dictionary but can have more than one value for each key.


You can do something like this to create your lookup:


var lookup = list.ToLookup(pair => pair.name, 
                           pair => pair.value);

Then you could print the name/value pairs like this:


foreach (var nameGroup in lookup)
    var name = nameGroup.Key;
    foreach (string value in nameGroup)
        Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Value: {1}", name, value);


If you only need a read-only collection then Lookup will do the trick, as in Meta-Knight's answer.


If you need to modify the collection after its initial creation/population, then you probably need something like Dictionary<string, List<string>>. You can create and populate such a dictionary from your original list using LINQ:

如果你需要在初始创建/填充后修改集合,那么你可能需要像Dictionary >这样的东西。您可以使用LINQ从原始列表创建和填充此类字典: ,list>

var dict = list
    .GroupBy(x => x.Name)
    .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Select(z => z.Value).ToList()); 


One way is with a dictionary:



A HashTable can do what you need with unique keys. You will have to supply a List as the value however, since you will be storing multiple values per key.


Here's another easy example:



You will need to iterate over each KeyValuePair in your list to populate the HashTable by storing the name as the key and the values as the value. Because you may have a name that points to multiple values, you will need your values in the HashTable to be Lists.


Check for the existence of the name in the HashTable, if it's not there, create a new list for that name and add the value to the list. If the key already exists, access that element in the HashTable and add the new value to the list that maps to the key.



All classes that implement the IDictionary interface or the Generic IDictionary Interface enforce uniqueness checks for the Keys. You could use any of the classes, though I confess my preference for the Generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class.

实现IDictionary接口或通用IDictionary接口的所有类都强制执行Keys的唯一性检查。您可以使用任何类,但我承认我对Generic Dictionary 类的偏好。 ,tvalue>

When adding values, you can just check if the Dictionary object already contains the supplied Key. If not, then you can add the item into the Dictionary.
