Excel VBA:使用包含列号的变量删除多个列

时间:2022-02-14 07:39:47

Because of the high chances of the arrangement of columns being adjusted in my raw data, I want to store the column numbers in variables.


I think that my syntax Columns(Variable_name) is wrong, but can't figure what will work


I tried Columns("Variable_name") which didn't work too.


Set Cws = Worksheets.Add
Cws.Name = "Ready_For_Send"

Dim Region As Integer: Region = 1
Dim Sub_Region As Integer: Sub_Region = 2
Dim User_Status As Integer: User_Status = 5
Dim Count As Integer: Count = 15

With Cws
  .Range(.Columns(Region) & "," & .Columns(Sub_Region) & "," & .Columns(User_Status) & "," & Columns(Count)).Delete
End With

3 个解决方案



You can use the following:


With Cws
    .Range(Cells(1, Region).EntireColumn.Address & "," _
      & Cells(1, Sub_Region).EntireColumn.Address & "," _
      & Cells(1, User_Status).EntireColumn.Address & "," _
      & Cells(1, Count).EntireColumn.Address).Delete
End With



You can use the Union to merge all your columns to one Range, and then delete it.


Try the code below:


Dim DelRng As Range

With Cws
    ' Set a new range from all the columns you want to delete
    Set DelRng = Union(.Columns(Region), .Columns(Sub_Region), .Columns(User_Status), .Columns(Count))
End With



May be something like this:


Option Explicit

Sub DeleteCols()

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Csw As Worksheet
Dim Region As Long
Dim Sub_Region As Long
Dim User_Status As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim Cws As Worksheet

Region = 1
Sub_Region = 2
User_Status = 5
Count = 15

Set wb = ThisWorkbook

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Set Cws = wb.Worksheets.Add
Cws.Name = "Ready_For_Send"
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

With Cws

.Range( _
           ReturnName(Region) & ":" & ReturnName(Region) & "," & _
           ReturnName(Sub_Region) & ":" & ReturnName(Sub_Region) & "," & _
           ReturnName(User_Status) & ":" & ReturnName(User_Status) & "," & _
           ReturnName(Count) & ":" & ReturnName(Count) _
           ).Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End With

End Sub

Function ReturnName(ByVal num As Integer) As String
   ReturnName = Split(Cells(, num).Address, "$")(1)
End Function

Some structure and Function from here: Delete multiple columns


I have included error handling in case sheet already exists. Also full declarations. I have also put declarations and assignments on different lines for ease of reading.




You can use the following:


With Cws
    .Range(Cells(1, Region).EntireColumn.Address & "," _
      & Cells(1, Sub_Region).EntireColumn.Address & "," _
      & Cells(1, User_Status).EntireColumn.Address & "," _
      & Cells(1, Count).EntireColumn.Address).Delete
End With



You can use the Union to merge all your columns to one Range, and then delete it.


Try the code below:


Dim DelRng As Range

With Cws
    ' Set a new range from all the columns you want to delete
    Set DelRng = Union(.Columns(Region), .Columns(Sub_Region), .Columns(User_Status), .Columns(Count))
End With



May be something like this:


Option Explicit

Sub DeleteCols()

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Csw As Worksheet
Dim Region As Long
Dim Sub_Region As Long
Dim User_Status As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim Cws As Worksheet

Region = 1
Sub_Region = 2
User_Status = 5
Count = 15

Set wb = ThisWorkbook

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Set Cws = wb.Worksheets.Add
Cws.Name = "Ready_For_Send"
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

With Cws

.Range( _
           ReturnName(Region) & ":" & ReturnName(Region) & "," & _
           ReturnName(Sub_Region) & ":" & ReturnName(Sub_Region) & "," & _
           ReturnName(User_Status) & ":" & ReturnName(User_Status) & "," & _
           ReturnName(Count) & ":" & ReturnName(Count) _
           ).Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End With

End Sub

Function ReturnName(ByVal num As Integer) As String
   ReturnName = Split(Cells(, num).Address, "$")(1)
End Function

Some structure and Function from here: Delete multiple columns


I have included error handling in case sheet already exists. Also full declarations. I have also put declarations and assignments on different lines for ease of reading.
