
时间:2021-12-24 07:36:51

I was trying out linear regression with R using categorical attributes and observe that I don't get a coefficient value for each of the different factor levels I have.


Please see my code below, I have 5 factor levels for states, but see only 4 values of co-efficients.


> states = c("WA","TE","GE","LA","SF")
> population = c(0.5,0.2,0.6,0.7,0.9)
> df = data.frame(states,population)
> df
  states population
1     WA   0.5
2     TE   0.2
3     GE   0.6
4     LA   0.7
5     SF   0.9
> states=NULL
> population=NULL
> lm(formula=population~states,data=df)

lm(formula = population ~ states, data = df)

(Intercept)     statesLA     statesSF     statesTE     statesWA  
        0.6          0.1          0.3         -0.4         -0.1

I also tried with a larger data set by doing the following, but still see the same behavior


for(i in 1:10)
    df = rbind(df,df)

EDIT : Thanks to responses from eipi10, MrFlick and economy. I now understand one of the levels is being used as reference level. But when I get a new test data whose state's value is "GE", how do I substitute in the equation y=m1x1+m2x2+...+c ?

编辑:感谢eipi10,MrFlick和经济的回应。我现在明白其中一个级别被用作参考级别。但是当我得到一个状态值为“GE”的新测试数据时,如何用等式y = m1x1 + m2x2 + ... + c替换?

I also tried flattening out the data such that each of these factor levels gets it's separate column, but again for one of the column, I get NA as coefficient. If I have a new test data whose state is 'WA', how can I get the 'population value'? What do I substitute as it's coefficient?


> df1

population GE MI TE WA 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0

人口GE MI TE WA 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0

lm(formula = population ~ (GE+MI+TE+WA),data=df1)

lm(公式=人口〜(GE + MI + TE + WA),数据= df1)

lm(formula = population ~ (GE + MI + TE + WA), data = df1)

(Intercept)           GE           MI           TE           WA  
          1            1            0            1           NA  

1 个解决方案



GE is dropped, alphabetically, as the intercept term. As eipi10 stated, you can interpret the coefficients for the other levels in states with GE as the baseline (statesLA = 0.1 meaning LA is, on average, 0.1x more than GE).

按字母顺序删除GE作为拦截术语。正如eipi10所述,你可以解释以GE为基线的状态中其他水平的系数(状态LA = 0.1意味着LA平均比GE多0.1倍)。


To respond to your updated question:


If you include all of the levels in a linear regression, you're going to have a situation called perfect collinearity, which is responsible for the strange results you're seeing when you force each category into its own variable. I won't get into the explanation of that, just find a wiki, and know that linear regression doesn't work if the variable coefficients are completely represented (and you're also expecting an intercept term). If you want to see all of the levels in a regression, you can perform a regression without an intercept term, as suggested in the comments, but again, this is ill-advised unless you have a specific reason to.


As for the interpretation of GE in your y=mx+c equation, you can calculate the expected y by knowing that the levels of the other states are binary (zero or one), and if the state is GE, they will all be zero.

至于你的y = mx + c方程中对GE的解释,你可以通过知道其他状态的水平是二进制(零或一)来计算预期的y,如果状态是GE,它们都将为零。


y = x1b1 + x2b2 + x3b3 + c
y = b1(0) + b2(0) + b3(0) + c
y = c

If you don't have any other variables, like in your first example, the effect of GE will be equal to the intercept term (0.6).




GE is dropped, alphabetically, as the intercept term. As eipi10 stated, you can interpret the coefficients for the other levels in states with GE as the baseline (statesLA = 0.1 meaning LA is, on average, 0.1x more than GE).

按字母顺序删除GE作为拦截术语。正如eipi10所述,你可以解释以GE为基线的状态中其他水平的系数(状态LA = 0.1意味着LA平均比GE多0.1倍)。


To respond to your updated question:


If you include all of the levels in a linear regression, you're going to have a situation called perfect collinearity, which is responsible for the strange results you're seeing when you force each category into its own variable. I won't get into the explanation of that, just find a wiki, and know that linear regression doesn't work if the variable coefficients are completely represented (and you're also expecting an intercept term). If you want to see all of the levels in a regression, you can perform a regression without an intercept term, as suggested in the comments, but again, this is ill-advised unless you have a specific reason to.


As for the interpretation of GE in your y=mx+c equation, you can calculate the expected y by knowing that the levels of the other states are binary (zero or one), and if the state is GE, they will all be zero.

至于你的y = mx + c方程中对GE的解释,你可以通过知道其他状态的水平是二进制(零或一)来计算预期的y,如果状态是GE,它们都将为零。


y = x1b1 + x2b2 + x3b3 + c
y = b1(0) + b2(0) + b3(0) + c
y = c

If you don't have any other variables, like in your first example, the effect of GE will be equal to the intercept term (0.6).
