
时间:2022-08-04 07:37:38

I am new to Node.js and trying to figure out how to request an object from a separate file (rather than just requesting a function) but everything I try--exports,module-exports,etc--is failing.


So, for example, if I have foo.js:


    var methods = {
                            getFoo: function(){return "foo!!";},
                            getBar: function(){return "bar!!";}
module.exports = methods;

And now I want to call a function within an object of foo.js from index.js:

现在我想调用foo对象中的函数。从index.js js:

var m = require('./foo');  
function fooMain(){
  return m.Foobar.getFoo();

How do I do this? I have tried all sorts of combinations of exports and module-exports but they seem to only work if I call a discrete function that is not part of an object.


1 个解决方案



You said that you tried exports, but your code doesn't show it. Anything that you want to be visible from outside your module must be assigned to (or otherwise be referable from) module.exports. In your case, where you have an object already, you can just assign it to module.exports:

您说您尝试了导出,但是您的代码没有显示它。任何您希望在模块之外可见的内容都必须被分配到(或其他可引用的)modu .exports。在你的例子中,如果你已经有了一个对象,你可以把它分配给modu。export:

var methods = {

// You must export the methods explicitly
module.exports = methods;

module.exports isn't magic, it's a normal object, and you can treat it as such. Meaning that you could have assigned your methods directly to it, as in:


module.exports.Foobar = {};
module.exports.Foobar.getFoo = function() { ... };

Or, as you probably know, you could event replace it with a function:


module.exports = function() { return "It's ALWAYS over 9000!!!!"; };

Only after exporting will you be able to use anything in another module.




You said that you tried exports, but your code doesn't show it. Anything that you want to be visible from outside your module must be assigned to (or otherwise be referable from) module.exports. In your case, where you have an object already, you can just assign it to module.exports:

您说您尝试了导出,但是您的代码没有显示它。任何您希望在模块之外可见的内容都必须被分配到(或其他可引用的)modu .exports。在你的例子中,如果你已经有了一个对象,你可以把它分配给modu。export:

var methods = {

// You must export the methods explicitly
module.exports = methods;

module.exports isn't magic, it's a normal object, and you can treat it as such. Meaning that you could have assigned your methods directly to it, as in:


module.exports.Foobar = {};
module.exports.Foobar.getFoo = function() { ... };

Or, as you probably know, you could event replace it with a function:


module.exports = function() { return "It's ALWAYS over 9000!!!!"; };

Only after exporting will you be able to use anything in another module.
