使用Groovy MarkupBuilder的HTML,如何优雅地混合标签和文本?

时间:2022-06-18 07:34:29

When using Groovy MarkupBuilder, I have places where I need to output text into the document, or call a function which outputs text into the document. Currently, I'm using the undefined tag "text" to do the output. Is there a better way to write this code?

使用Groovy MarkupBuilder时,我需要将文本输出到文档中,或者调用将文本输出到文档中的函数。目前,我正在使用未定义的标签“text”来进行输出。有没有更好的方法来编写这段代码?

li {
  text("${type.getAlias()} blah blah ")
  if (type instanceof Class1) {
    text(" implements ")
    ft.getList().each { 
      if (it == '') return
      if (!function2(type, it)) text(", ")

2 个解决方案



Actually, the recommended way now is to use mkp.yield, e.g.,


src.p {
    mkp.yield 'Some element that has a '
    strong 'child element'
    mkp.yield ' which seems pretty basic.'

to produce

<p>Some element that has a <strong>child element</strong> which seems pretty basic.</p>



Include a method:


void text(n){
    builder.yield n

Most likely you (I) copied this code from somewhere that had a text method, but you didn't also copy the text method. Since MarkupBuilder accepts any name for the name of a tag and browsers ignore unknown markup, it just happened to work.




Actually, the recommended way now is to use mkp.yield, e.g.,


src.p {
    mkp.yield 'Some element that has a '
    strong 'child element'
    mkp.yield ' which seems pretty basic.'

to produce

<p>Some element that has a <strong>child element</strong> which seems pretty basic.</p>



Include a method:


void text(n){
    builder.yield n

Most likely you (I) copied this code from somewhere that had a text method, but you didn't also copy the text method. Since MarkupBuilder accepts any name for the name of a tag and browsers ignore unknown markup, it just happened to work.
