
时间:2022-03-22 07:37:42

In, you usually use a specific syntax on the server side if you want to send a message to a specific room:'event', 'message');.


But how would a client (what I mean is the code running in a browser) indicate that a message should go to a specific room?


Is it common to just create something like this (of course the server has to evaluate it):


socket.emit('chat message', {room: 'abc', msg: 'hello there'});

Or does the client-side library offer a specific syntax for this purpose as well?


edit: to clarify, my suggestion from above seems to work, I'm just not sure if there's a better solution.


2 个解决方案



You've pretty much figured it out. Only the server can emit to specific rooms, because it is only the server that is actually connected to multiple clients. In other words, clients aren't connected to each other — the client-side library only manages communications between that one client and the server. So, if you want your client app to instruct the server to emit a message to all clients connected to a given room… that's basic API design. You could emit a socket event, or just do a regular http call to a route on your server. Either way you'll be sending metadata about which room(s) the server should broadcast to. The former (emitting) is probably preferred however, because that way on the server side you can use to emit to all clients in the room EXCEPT the socket that initiated the call (a pretty common use case).

你已经弄明白了。只有服务器可以向特定房间发射,因为它只是实际连接到多个客户端的服务器。换句话说,客户端没有相互连接 - 客户端库只管理该客户端和服务器之间的通信。因此,如果您希望您的客户端应用程序指示服务器向连接到给定房间的所有客户端发送消息...这是基本的API设计。您可以发出套接字事件,或只是对服务器上的路由进行常规http调用。无论哪种方式,您都将发送有关服务器应广播到哪个房间的元数据。然而,前者(发射)可能是首选,因为在服务器端,您可以使用socket.broadcast.to向房间中的所有客户端发出除了发起调用的套接字(一个非常常见的用例)。



Alapeno's solution was for the client to send a specific room as part of the message data to the server, so that the server would know which room to broadcast the message to.


However, if you just want the client to send a message to its own room, you can have the server detect the client's room on its own via the socket.rooms object. Thus, you wouldn't need the client to send the name of its room as part of the message as you indicated.




socket.emit('chat message', 'hello');



socket.on('chat message', function(msg){
    var keys = Object.keys(socket.rooms);
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {[keys[i]]).emit('chat message', msg);

Update: The socket.rooms object includes a sort of hash such as the example below, thus you'd better send to all the rooms in the socket.rooms to be sure the room members receive it. You can't be guaranteed the ordering of the keys.




socket.rooms[keys[0]]) = WMWlX-ekAxa8hP8FAAAE

socket.rooms [keys [0]])= WMWlX-ekAxa8hP8FAAAE

socket.rooms[keys[1]]) = app-chat-room

socket.rooms [keys [1]])= app-chat-room



You've pretty much figured it out. Only the server can emit to specific rooms, because it is only the server that is actually connected to multiple clients. In other words, clients aren't connected to each other — the client-side library only manages communications between that one client and the server. So, if you want your client app to instruct the server to emit a message to all clients connected to a given room… that's basic API design. You could emit a socket event, or just do a regular http call to a route on your server. Either way you'll be sending metadata about which room(s) the server should broadcast to. The former (emitting) is probably preferred however, because that way on the server side you can use to emit to all clients in the room EXCEPT the socket that initiated the call (a pretty common use case).

你已经弄明白了。只有服务器可以向特定房间发射,因为它只是实际连接到多个客户端的服务器。换句话说,客户端没有相互连接 - 客户端库只管理该客户端和服务器之间的通信。因此,如果您希望您的客户端应用程序指示服务器向连接到给定房间的所有客户端发送消息...这是基本的API设计。您可以发出套接字事件,或只是对服务器上的路由进行常规http调用。无论哪种方式,您都将发送有关服务器应广播到哪个房间的元数据。然而,前者(发射)可能是首选,因为在服务器端,您可以使用socket.broadcast.to向房间中的所有客户端发出除了发起调用的套接字(一个非常常见的用例)。



Alapeno's solution was for the client to send a specific room as part of the message data to the server, so that the server would know which room to broadcast the message to.


However, if you just want the client to send a message to its own room, you can have the server detect the client's room on its own via the socket.rooms object. Thus, you wouldn't need the client to send the name of its room as part of the message as you indicated.




socket.emit('chat message', 'hello');



socket.on('chat message', function(msg){
    var keys = Object.keys(socket.rooms);
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {[keys[i]]).emit('chat message', msg);

Update: The socket.rooms object includes a sort of hash such as the example below, thus you'd better send to all the rooms in the socket.rooms to be sure the room members receive it. You can't be guaranteed the ordering of the keys.




socket.rooms[keys[0]]) = WMWlX-ekAxa8hP8FAAAE

socket.rooms [keys [0]])= WMWlX-ekAxa8hP8FAAAE

socket.rooms[keys[1]]) = app-chat-room

socket.rooms [keys [1]])= app-chat-room