I have my config.inc.php file, and have set my host name to localhost. Unfortunately, I have no idea what my username/password should be. Is that something I need to configure on the MySql side? I tried creating an arbitrary username/password (admin/password), but when I try to log into phpMyAdmin with those credentials, I get an error: (#1045 - Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
我有我的config.inc.php文件,并将我的主机名设置为localhost。不幸的是,我不知道我的用户名/密码是什么。这是我需要在MySql端配置的东西吗?我尝试创建一个任意的用户名/密码(管理员/密码),但是当我尝试使用这些凭据登录phpMyAdmin时,我收到一个错误:(#1045 - 拒绝访问用户'admin'@'localhost'(使用密码:是))
Can anyone point me in the right direction? (Sorry for the dumb question; I just haven't had to install mysql before. I've always had a host name / username / password given to me.)
谁能指出我正确的方向? (抱歉这个愚蠢的问题;我之前没有安装过mysql。我总是有一个主机名/用户名/密码给我。)
4 个解决方案
here you have the default privileges in mysql, and how to change them.
What installation of mysql are you using? Without knowing that its very hard to know. I would recommend getting the wamp installation and remembering that the usual "normal" installation uses user name: root and no password
root with no password.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL user $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // MySQL password (only needed
$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ i] ['user'] ='root'; // MySQL用户$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ i] ['password'] =''; // MySQL密码(仅需要
I had this problem before, you need to go and look up the password in the config files yourself, since phpMyAdmin's interface will hide the password from you. It's a pain... unfortunately I'm too lazy to install it myself and find exactly where it is for you.
here you have the default privileges in mysql, and how to change them.
What installation of mysql are you using? Without knowing that its very hard to know. I would recommend getting the wamp installation and remembering that the usual "normal" installation uses user name: root and no password
root with no password.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL user $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // MySQL password (only needed
$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ i] ['user'] ='root'; // MySQL用户$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ i] ['password'] =''; // MySQL密码(仅需要
I had this problem before, you need to go and look up the password in the config files yourself, since phpMyAdmin's interface will hide the password from you. It's a pain... unfortunately I'm too lazy to install it myself and find exactly where it is for you.