
时间:2021-03-28 07:37:33

I'm trying to set up an automation via R that will download a CSV file from Dropbox on a weekly basis. I'm using the retmis package.


The problem is, there is a part of the naming convention within the URL that changes each time someone uploads a new version of the file into the Dropbox folder.



    customer_id <- source_data("https://www.dropbox.com/s/yeeih34mueagpsx/customer_id_update_20180628_adv.csv?dl=1")

It's that middle part which throws a wrench into the automation process: yeeih34mueagpsx


It's not going to be the same thing. The prior week it was:




(You will notice it gets uploaded every Thursday)


All I know is that it's going to be a 15 character string of letters and numbers.


Is this something can be automated, and if so, how can I go about doing it?


1 个解决方案



These strings in the Dropbox shared links are random and not predictable. Every new shared link gets a new string.


There are a few ways you might want to approach this:


a) In your current set up, you include the date in the file name, so each week the upload results in a new file. If you only ever need the current week's data to be available though, and you have control over who or what is doing the uploading, you can instead omit the date from the filename and use the same file name/path every week by overwriting the data each time. If you do this, you can use the same shared link every week, and it will always just return the latest data.


b) If you do need to keep each file though, you can use the Dropbox API to create a new shared link for each new file. To do so, you would use the /2/sharing/create_shared_link_with_settings endpoint. (I don't have sample R code for that, but there is a curl example you can translate, or use a third party library.)

b)如果确实需要保留每个文件,可以使用Dropbox API为每个新文件创建新的共享链接。为此,您将使用/ 2 / sharing / create_shared_link_with_settings端点。 (我没有示例R代码,但有一个卷曲示例,您可以翻译,或使用第三方库。)

c) If you can use the Dropbox API, and don't also need the shared link for something else, you can use the API to access the file data directly without creating a shared link. To do so, you would use the /2/files/download endpoint.

c)如果您可以使用Dropbox API,并且不需要共享链接用于其他内容,则可以使用API​​直接访问文件数据而无需创建共享链接。为此,您将使用/ 2 / files / download端点。



These strings in the Dropbox shared links are random and not predictable. Every new shared link gets a new string.


There are a few ways you might want to approach this:


a) In your current set up, you include the date in the file name, so each week the upload results in a new file. If you only ever need the current week's data to be available though, and you have control over who or what is doing the uploading, you can instead omit the date from the filename and use the same file name/path every week by overwriting the data each time. If you do this, you can use the same shared link every week, and it will always just return the latest data.


b) If you do need to keep each file though, you can use the Dropbox API to create a new shared link for each new file. To do so, you would use the /2/sharing/create_shared_link_with_settings endpoint. (I don't have sample R code for that, but there is a curl example you can translate, or use a third party library.)

b)如果确实需要保留每个文件,可以使用Dropbox API为每个新文件创建新的共享链接。为此,您将使用/ 2 / sharing / create_shared_link_with_settings端点。 (我没有示例R代码,但有一个卷曲示例,您可以翻译,或使用第三方库。)

c) If you can use the Dropbox API, and don't also need the shared link for something else, you can use the API to access the file data directly without creating a shared link. To do so, you would use the /2/files/download endpoint.

c)如果您可以使用Dropbox API,并且不需要共享链接用于其他内容,则可以使用API​​直接访问文件数据而无需创建共享链接。为此,您将使用/ 2 / files / download端点。