如何将restful_authentication插件提交到我的git repo?

时间:2021-11-18 07:34:08

How do I add a the http://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication/tree/master plugin to my Rails project and the commit it to the git repo ? I need it to be committed with the project.

如何在我的Rails项目中添加http://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication/tree/master插件并将其提交给git repo?我需要它与项目一起承诺。

I have tried a few times but it's ignored by git.



3 个解决方案



From the README:


  • either use git clone git://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication.git restful_authentication
  • 要么使用git clone git://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication.git restful_authentication

  • or rename the plugin’s directory to be restful_authentication after fetching it.
  • 或者在获取后将插件的目录重命名为restful_authentication。

Did you do that?


After doing a git clone, you'll want to rm -rf restful_authentication/.git to make your project happy to add it (or use submodules).

在进行git克隆之后,你需要rm -rf restful_authentication / .git让你的项目很乐意添加它(或使用子模块)。



Either way git status doesn't report anything that needs to be added, it's like it doesn't see it.

无论哪种方式,git status都不会报告任何需要添加的内容,就像它没有看到它一样。



@Dustin has likely nailed your problem.


Also note that if you don't already have a "lib" directory in your project, I found the generator will fail:


ruby script/generate authenticated user sessions 

So mkdir lib first.

所以mkdir lib首先。

I posted a narration of restful_authentication + openid that covers these details and may be a little help.

我发布了一个restful_authentication + openid的叙述,涵盖了这些细节,可能会有所帮助。



From the README:


  • either use git clone git://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication.git restful_authentication
  • 要么使用git clone git://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication.git restful_authentication

  • or rename the plugin’s directory to be restful_authentication after fetching it.
  • 或者在获取后将插件的目录重命名为restful_authentication。

Did you do that?


After doing a git clone, you'll want to rm -rf restful_authentication/.git to make your project happy to add it (or use submodules).

在进行git克隆之后,你需要rm -rf restful_authentication / .git让你的项目很乐意添加它(或使用子模块)。



Either way git status doesn't report anything that needs to be added, it's like it doesn't see it.

无论哪种方式,git status都不会报告任何需要添加的内容,就像它没有看到它一样。



@Dustin has likely nailed your problem.


Also note that if you don't already have a "lib" directory in your project, I found the generator will fail:


ruby script/generate authenticated user sessions 

So mkdir lib first.

所以mkdir lib首先。

I posted a narration of restful_authentication + openid that covers these details and may be a little help.

我发布了一个restful_authentication + openid的叙述,涵盖了这些细节,可能会有所帮助。