
时间:2021-08-06 07:33:26

I was working on a client contract, and they used Artifactory internally. Now that I'm on a different project, I'd like to remove it. I can't even remember how we set it up now, and I must be Googling for the wrong keywords because I can't find anything on this. I just want to see my packages coming from npm again, but Artifactory won't let me have what I want. What am I missing here?


1 个解决方案



Remove you ~/.npmrc file and try again. You may need to reload the default .npmrc file provided with npm (not sure about that).

删除〜/ .npmrc文件,然后重试。您可能需要重新加载npm提供的默认.npmrc文件(不确定)。

If you are curious, you can probably look into your ~/.npmrc file and confirm that it contains a line like

如果你很好奇,你可以查看你的〜/ .npmrc文件并确认它包含一行代码


This is why any request is sent to the Artifactory server rather than the public npm servers.




Remove you ~/.npmrc file and try again. You may need to reload the default .npmrc file provided with npm (not sure about that).

删除〜/ .npmrc文件,然后重试。您可能需要重新加载npm提供的默认.npmrc文件(不确定)。

If you are curious, you can probably look into your ~/.npmrc file and confirm that it contains a line like

如果你很好奇,你可以查看你的〜/ .npmrc文件并确认它包含一行代码


This is why any request is sent to the Artifactory server rather than the public npm servers.
