swift - MacOs应用程序-添加到查找程序上下文菜单?

时间:2022-05-17 07:32:35

Before all, I'm very new in swift cocoa application.

首先,我对swift cocoa应用程序非常陌生。

I'm developing an MacOS application for my company, the goal of this is to open a file ("right-click -> open with my app") to process it.


But after couples of search, I'm not enable to find a way to do it. (I probably didn't search the good terms, but like I said I'm very new to this)


(I've done a similar things to windows, using the registers)


Somebody has an idea? link, documentation ?


Thanks !


1 个解决方案



Please have a look at Document based applications. It is a huge topic: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/DocBasedAppProgrammingGuideForOSX/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011179-CH1-SW1

请查看基于文档的应用程序。这是一个非常大的主题:https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/datamanagement/conceptual/docbasedappprogrammingguideforosx/tion/tion.html #//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011179-CH1-SW1。

As soon you register for types of documents you app can open, this feature will work the same way as in Windows. I.e. if you register custom extension, you app will onep this file by default. If you specify lets say you app can open pictures, it will show up in "open with" right click popup menu.


Pay attention to document types registration. Here is an example from one of the books (Learning Swift 2016):

注意文件类型登记。以下是其中一本书(《学习Swift 2016》)中的一个例子:

swift - MacOs应用程序-添加到查找程序上下文菜单?



Please have a look at Document based applications. It is a huge topic: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/DocBasedAppProgrammingGuideForOSX/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011179-CH1-SW1

请查看基于文档的应用程序。这是一个非常大的主题:https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/datamanagement/conceptual/docbasedappprogrammingguideforosx/tion/tion.html #//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011179-CH1-SW1。

As soon you register for types of documents you app can open, this feature will work the same way as in Windows. I.e. if you register custom extension, you app will onep this file by default. If you specify lets say you app can open pictures, it will show up in "open with" right click popup menu.


Pay attention to document types registration. Here is an example from one of the books (Learning Swift 2016):

注意文件类型登记。以下是其中一本书(《学习Swift 2016》)中的一个例子:

swift - MacOs应用程序-添加到查找程序上下文菜单?