检查Rails视图- I18n中的硬编码文本

时间:2022-05-17 07:32:35

some of our devs (me included) don't always take it serious to put text in a localization file, result is a lot of hardcoded texts scattered around a lot of views. I'm wondering if any of you has an idea to automate the search for hardcoded texts in views? Has anyone a tool or an approach how to check for this? I was thinking if a nifty bash script would do the job, but I'm a bit lost where to start. Any help much appreciated.


Edit: Not 100% accurate but works best for me so I accepted Andi's answer.


4 个解决方案



I think you can get very far by just using grep:


cat $(find . | grep .html.erb) | grep -v '[=<>{}$/;]' | grep '\w \w'

This finds texts based on the idea that there are some characters which are not typical for texts


grep -v '[=<>{}$/;]'

and that there should be at least one space with a preceding word character and one where a word character follows


grep '\w \w'

This might not be a hundred percent accurate but is a fast and easy way to quickly check for hard coded text.




If most lines of code are short and the hard-coded text is long, you can use strings -n [number] to find any text with a particular number of characters.

如果大多数代码行都很短,并且硬编码的文本很长,您可以使用string -n [number]来查找任何具有特定数量字符的文本。

  <html>                                  |
   <head>                                 |
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
     <title>Example Page</title>          |
   </head>                                |
   <body>                                 |
     <h1><%= @page.name %></h1>           |
     <p>                                  |
       This is a piece of hard coded text which must be found.
     </p>                                 |
   </body>                                |
  </html>                                 | 40 characters

If you set the length to 40...


$ cat $(find . | grep .html.erb) | strings -n 40
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  This is a piece of hard coded text which must be found.

It should be mostly accurate in finding hard-coded text.




You could use a regular expression to find anything neither enclosed within angle brackets (catching most HTML tags and Ruby) nor inside style, script or title tags.



^(? !。*(<(脚本风格| |标题)。* ? < \ / \ 1 > | < . * ? >)。*美元

If you discover that any other tags are getting through, just add them to the list of exceptions.




why don't you raise exception in development and test environments when the translations are missing. In development and test environments you can add this:


Rails.application.configure do |config|
  config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true

This should help. For more details read this.


Also if you just want to find all the missing translations this gem looks promising. I've personally not used this gem, but seems like an ideal way to find missing translations instead of writing a script by myself:


i18n-tasks missing

Gem also has a task to find all unused translations.




I think you can get very far by just using grep:


cat $(find . | grep .html.erb) | grep -v '[=<>{}$/;]' | grep '\w \w'

This finds texts based on the idea that there are some characters which are not typical for texts


grep -v '[=<>{}$/;]'

and that there should be at least one space with a preceding word character and one where a word character follows


grep '\w \w'

This might not be a hundred percent accurate but is a fast and easy way to quickly check for hard coded text.




If most lines of code are short and the hard-coded text is long, you can use strings -n [number] to find any text with a particular number of characters.

如果大多数代码行都很短,并且硬编码的文本很长,您可以使用string -n [number]来查找任何具有特定数量字符的文本。

  <html>                                  |
   <head>                                 |
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
     <title>Example Page</title>          |
   </head>                                |
   <body>                                 |
     <h1><%= @page.name %></h1>           |
     <p>                                  |
       This is a piece of hard coded text which must be found.
     </p>                                 |
   </body>                                |
  </html>                                 | 40 characters

If you set the length to 40...


$ cat $(find . | grep .html.erb) | strings -n 40
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  This is a piece of hard coded text which must be found.

It should be mostly accurate in finding hard-coded text.




You could use a regular expression to find anything neither enclosed within angle brackets (catching most HTML tags and Ruby) nor inside style, script or title tags.



^(? !。*(<(脚本风格| |标题)。* ? < \ / \ 1 > | < . * ? >)。*美元

If you discover that any other tags are getting through, just add them to the list of exceptions.




why don't you raise exception in development and test environments when the translations are missing. In development and test environments you can add this:


Rails.application.configure do |config|
  config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true

This should help. For more details read this.


Also if you just want to find all the missing translations this gem looks promising. I've personally not used this gem, but seems like an ideal way to find missing translations instead of writing a script by myself:


i18n-tasks missing

Gem also has a task to find all unused translations.
