
时间:2022-01-14 07:33:22

This question already has an answer here:


I'm not sure how to get the hostname of my iOS device? I'd like to compare NSNetServices against it, to ensure that it doesn't include its own hostname in the list of available services.


1 个解决方案



In <unistd.h>, you can find the function gethostname() which takes an argument for a char pointer, and sadly enough, a length. It null terminates if the second argument provided is too long (it defines HOST_NAME_MAX as 255, so that would be your best bet), so you can use some huge int value and still get a valid result.




In <unistd.h>, you can find the function gethostname() which takes an argument for a char pointer, and sadly enough, a length. It null terminates if the second argument provided is too long (it defines HOST_NAME_MAX as 255, so that would be your best bet), so you can use some huge int value and still get a valid result.
