您是否在评论网站上查看了潜在的雇主 - 他们是否准确?

时间:2021-01-21 07:32:27

I've recently checked out some reviews of potential employers on sites like JobVent, Telonu, and Glassdoor. The reviews tend to skew negative as might be expected, so I'm wondering how useful they are for job expectations and a metric of morale in the company?


What I've seen in a couple different interviews seems to be very different than what I'm reading online.


If you checked out a company online before taking a job with a fair number of negative reviews, how did it work out for you?


(If it makes a difference, remember to log out to answer anonymously).


3 个解决方案


The problem with (publicly-)anonymous reviews on the internet is that they are particularly appealing to those with an ax to grind.


I think they are useful for learning about specific issues (e.g., lots of reviews mentioning long work hours or management pressure) but not for any actual numeric values.


In addition, smaller companies rarely have reviews, while larger corporations have so many subgroups, divisions, and sites that the likelihood of the review applying to your position is minimal.


If you want the inside scoop, you probably need to talk to somebody who worked there (not just interviewed). If it's a big enough company, Facebook or LinkedIn may be your best resource to find such a person as you can search for alumni of your alma mater, etc.



I usually do this sort of thing as part of the interview process - online reviews can be skewed in that the employer might add false positive reviews, and knocked-back applicants will add false-negatives. If I want to see if I'm going to fit in at a company, I do this during the interview. I ask questions (not just of the person interviewing me) in order to get a feel for how sociable / happy / on-edge the other employees are.

作为访谈过程的一部分,我通常会做这种事情 - 在线评论可能会有偏差,因为雇主可能会添加误报评论,而被淘汰的申请人会增加假阴性。如果我想知道我是否适合参加公司,我会在面试时这样做。我提出问题(不仅仅是采访我的人),以便了解其他员工的社交/快乐/前沿。


I was surprised at how useful it was to ask the interviewers (fellow engineers) what they'd change about the company. It was like opening a release valve... I got very honest answers that really reflected the frustrations they felt - but I could also tell that the source of the frustration was a deep investment in the success of the company.

我很惊讶于询问采访者(同事们)他们对公司的改变是多么有用。这就像打开一个释放阀...我得到了非常诚实的答案,真正反映了他们感到的挫折 - 但我也可以说,挫折的根源是对公司成功的深度投资。

The problem with review sites like those is that if your company is small, it won't be on there, and if it's large, the complaints aired may not be relevant to the specific group you're interviewing with.



The problem with (publicly-)anonymous reviews on the internet is that they are particularly appealing to those with an ax to grind.


I think they are useful for learning about specific issues (e.g., lots of reviews mentioning long work hours or management pressure) but not for any actual numeric values.


In addition, smaller companies rarely have reviews, while larger corporations have so many subgroups, divisions, and sites that the likelihood of the review applying to your position is minimal.


If you want the inside scoop, you probably need to talk to somebody who worked there (not just interviewed). If it's a big enough company, Facebook or LinkedIn may be your best resource to find such a person as you can search for alumni of your alma mater, etc.



I usually do this sort of thing as part of the interview process - online reviews can be skewed in that the employer might add false positive reviews, and knocked-back applicants will add false-negatives. If I want to see if I'm going to fit in at a company, I do this during the interview. I ask questions (not just of the person interviewing me) in order to get a feel for how sociable / happy / on-edge the other employees are.

作为访谈过程的一部分,我通常会做这种事情 - 在线评论可能会有偏差,因为雇主可能会添加误报评论,而被淘汰的申请人会增加假阴性。如果我想知道我是否适合参加公司,我会在面试时这样做。我提出问题(不仅仅是采访我的人),以便了解其他员工的社交/快乐/前沿。


I was surprised at how useful it was to ask the interviewers (fellow engineers) what they'd change about the company. It was like opening a release valve... I got very honest answers that really reflected the frustrations they felt - but I could also tell that the source of the frustration was a deep investment in the success of the company.

我很惊讶于询问采访者(同事们)他们对公司的改变是多么有用。这就像打开一个释放阀...我得到了非常诚实的答案,真正反映了他们感到的挫折 - 但我也可以说,挫折的根源是对公司成功的深度投资。

The problem with review sites like those is that if your company is small, it won't be on there, and if it's large, the complaints aired may not be relevant to the specific group you're interviewing with.
