VBScript / Classic ASP中的任何其他预处理程序指令?

时间:2023-01-09 07:29:42

The only pre-process directive that I know about in VBScript / Classic ASP is the #include. I don't know if that is the official name but I'm basically looking for code that can execute code or other instructions before the general VBScript.

我在VBScript / Classic ASP中了解的唯一预处理指令是#include。我不知道这是否是官方名称,但我基本上是在寻找可以在一般VBScript之前执行代码或其他指令的代码。

Are there any other such directives in VBScript? Such as #If or something?


I'd like to be able to conditionally include or exclude a certain include file.


2 个解决方案


There are six directives. They are:


  • include

  • config

  • echo

  • fsize

  • flastmod

  • exec


According to MSDN, though others are valid for Server Side Include files - only #include works in ASP.

根据MSDN,虽然其他文件对服务器端包含文件有效 - 只有#include在ASP中有效。


There are six directives. They are:


  • include

  • config

  • echo

  • fsize

  • flastmod

  • exec


According to MSDN, though others are valid for Server Side Include files - only #include works in ASP.

根据MSDN,虽然其他文件对服务器端包含文件有效 - 只有#include在ASP中有效。