如何将IoC Membership provider与ASP.NET MVC集成

时间:2022-06-07 07:28:26

I have a custom membership/roles provider that I use in my MVC controllers that I also want to have accessible to ASP.NET MVC, so I can use AuthorizationFilters, etc. Since so many people have implemented custom providers I imagine many people have done this but I haven't figured it out or found postings that address this problem specifically. This post is sort of a flip side of my question. In my case I have my custom provider working well with my controllers, and I want MVC to use it too.

我有一个自定义成员资格/角色提供程序,我在我的MVC控制器中使用,我也希望ASP.NET MVC可以访问,所以我可以使用AuthorizationFilters等。由于很多人已经实现了自定义提供程序,我想很多人都做过这个,但我没有想出来或发现专门解决这个问题的帖子。这篇文章有点像我的问题的另一面。在我的情况下,我的自定义提供程序与我的控制器配合良好,我也希望MVC也能使用它。

My provider is implemented with a IoC/dependency injection design. The provider exposes additional functionality beyond the baseline membership/roles API. In my controllers, I use Castle Windsor to create instances. The code looks similar to:

我的提供程序使用IoC /依赖注入设计实现。提供程序公开了基线成员资格/角色API之外的其他功能。在我的控制器中,我使用Castle Windsor创建实例。代码看起来类似于:

public class HomeController : Controller {
    IMembershipService _membershipService;
    public HomeController(IMembershipService membershipService) {
        _membershipService= membershipService;

  <component id="MembershipService" 
             service="IMembershipService, MyApp" 
             type="MembershipService, MyApp" lifestyle="PerWebRequest">

public class WindsorControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory {
    private WindsorContainer _container;
    public WindsorControllerFactory() {
        _container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter(new ConfigResource("castle")));

        List<Type> controllerTypes = new List<Type>();
        foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()) {
            if (typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(t))

        foreach (Type t in controllerTypes) {
            // LifestyleType.Transient = new controller instance for each request
            _container.AddComponentLifeStyle(t.FullName, t, LifestyleType.Transient);

    protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType) {
        return (IController)_container.Resolve(controllerType);

This all works great in my C# code but I want to wire my provider into MVC to use [Authorize] filters with it:


[Authorize (Users="user1, user2", Roles="role8")]
public ViewResult MyResult(int x) {
    // implement

I know that the usual way to tell ASP.NET about a custom membership or roles provider is in the web.config file as below but if I do this ASP.NET will just try to call the default constructor, which won't work. Any help appreciated.


  <add name="MyMembershipProvider" type="MyMembershipProvider">

1 个解决方案



The simplest way to get this to work is to use ASP.NET's standard mechanism of <membership> in web.config. You just let it use the default constructor but you override Initialize() and pull the dependencies there. Use this as reference.

让它工作的最简单方法是在web.config中使用ASP.NET的 标准机制。您只需让它使用默认构造函数,但您重写Initialize()并将依赖项拉到那里。使用此作为参考。

Personally, due to things like this, I prefer to avoid the provider model altogether so I use an approach similar to the ones described in the MonoRail docs. IMHO it's less bloated and more flexible. In the end, it's just about setting HttpContext.User with a proper IPrincipal implementation which is what the AuthorizeAttribute uses.


I recently blogged about a solution to do proper IoC with MembershipProviders.




The simplest way to get this to work is to use ASP.NET's standard mechanism of <membership> in web.config. You just let it use the default constructor but you override Initialize() and pull the dependencies there. Use this as reference.

让它工作的最简单方法是在web.config中使用ASP.NET的 标准机制。您只需让它使用默认构造函数,但您重写Initialize()并将依赖项拉到那里。使用此作为参考。

Personally, due to things like this, I prefer to avoid the provider model altogether so I use an approach similar to the ones described in the MonoRail docs. IMHO it's less bloated and more flexible. In the end, it's just about setting HttpContext.User with a proper IPrincipal implementation which is what the AuthorizeAttribute uses.


I recently blogged about a solution to do proper IoC with MembershipProviders.
