
时间:2022-10-15 07:27:00

Our application has a file format similar to the OpenDocument file format (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument) - i.e. zipped with a manifest file, a thumbnail image, etc.

我们的应用程序具有类似于OpenDocument文件格式的文件格式(请参阅http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument) - 即使用清单文件,缩略图图像等进行压缩。

I notice that OpenOffice files have a preview image of the Open Office file as their icons, both in Windows and in Linux. Is there some way to accomplish this for our files: i.e. I want a dynamic icon based on the internal thumbnail.png?

我注意到OpenOffice文件在Windows和Linux中都有Open Office文件的预览图像作为图标。有没有办法为我们的文件实现这一点:即我想要一个基于内部thumbnail.png的动态图标?

Edit 1 Wow, thanks for all the quick answers. Thumbnailer looks great for the GNOME world. Windows I'll be looking into those links, thanks. As for the comment question: programmatically OR via our installer.

编辑1哇,谢谢你所有的快速答案。 Thumbnailer看起来非常适合GNOME世界。 Windows我会查看这些链接,谢谢。至于评论问题:通过我们的安装程序以编程方式OR。

Edit 2 Oh, forgot Mac. How about on the Mac? (Sorry Mac lovers!) Also are there any links or info for how OpenOffice does their IconHandler stuff - since ours would be very similar?

编辑2哦,忘了Mac。在Mac上怎么样? (对不起Mac爱好者!)还有任何关于OpenOffice如何处理他们的IconHandler内容的链接或信息 - 因为我们的非常相似吗?

9 个解决方案




What you need is an Icon Handler, also known as a Thumbnail Handler. Here is an example written as an active x control.

你需要的是一个Icon Handler,也称为Thumbnail Handler。这是一个写为活动x控件的示例。

Another resource is to look up Property Handlers, which should also point to you to the latest and greatest way of having dynamic meta data handled correctly in windows.


These are dynamic solutions - they aren't needed if you just want an icon associated with all your files - they are only used when you want windows explorer to display an icon based on what's in the file, not just the extension, and when the file changes the icon is updated to reflect the changes. It doesn't have to be an image of the file itself, either, the thumbnail handler can generate any image based on the file contents.

这些是动态解决方案 - 如果您只想要一个与所有文件相关联的图标,则不需要它们 - 只有当您希望Windows资源管理器根据文件中的内容(而不仅仅是扩展名)显示图标时才使用它们。文件更改图标已更新以反映更改。它不必是文件本身的图像,缩略图处理程序也可以根据文件内容生成任何图像。

The property handler updates other metadata, such as song or video length, so you can use all the metadata Windows Explorer supports.


Regarding MAC support, this page says, "The Mac and Windows operating systems have different methods of enabling this type of thumbnail, and in the case of the Mac OS, this support has been inconsistent from version to version so it hasn't been pursued [for Adobe InDesign]."

关于MAC支持,这个页面说,“Mac和Windows操作系统有不同的方法来启用这种类型的缩略图,而在Mac OS的情况下,这种支持在版本之间是不一致的,所以它没有被追求[适用于Adobe InDesign]。“


Icons for Mac OSX are determined by the Launch Services Database. However, it refers to a static icon file for all files handled by a registered application (it's not based on extension - each file has meta data attached that determines the application to which it belongs, although extensions give hints when the meta data doesn't exist, such as getting the file from a different OS or file system)

Mac OSX的图标由启动服务数据库确定。但是,它指的是由注册应用程序处理的所有文件的静态图标文件(它不是基于扩展名 - 每个文件都附加了元数据,用于确定它所属的应用程序,尽管扩展在元数据不提供时提供提示存在,例如从不同的OS或文件系统获取文件)

It appears that the dynamic icon functionality in OSX is provided by Finder, but searches aren't bringing up any easy pointers in this direction. Since Finder keeps changing over time, I can see why this target is hard to hit...



For Gnome you use a thumbnailer. (thanks Dorward)

对于Gnome,你使用缩略图。 (感谢Dorward)

This is an extraordinarily simple program you write, which has 3 command line arguments:


  • input file name, the file you are describing with the thumbnail (or URI if you accept those instead)
  • 输入文件名,用缩略图描述的文件(如果接受,则为URI)

  • output file name, where you need to write the PNG
  • 输出文件名,您需要在其中编写PNG

  • size, a number, in pixels, that describes the maximum square image size you should produce (128 --> 128x128 or smaller)
  • size,一个数字,以像素为单位,描述您应该生成的最大方形图像大小(128 - > 128x128或更小)

I wish all systems were this simple. On the other hand this doesn't support animation and a few other features that are provided by more difficult to implement plugins on other systems.



I'm a bit uncertain, but there are a few pointers that should get you started. First is that Konqueror is the file manager and displays the icons - it supports dynamic icons for some inbuilt types, but I don't know if these are hardcoded, or plugins you can write. Check out the Embedded Components Tutorial for a starting point.

我有点不确定,但有一些指针应该让你开始。首先是Konqueror是文件管理器并显示图标 - 它支持一些内置类型的动态图标,但我不知道这些是硬编码还是可以编写的插件。查看嵌入式组件教程了解起点。

There's a new (ish?) feature (or planned feature...) called Plasma which has a great deal to do with icons and icon functionality. Check out this announcment and this initial implementation.


You may need to dig into the source of Konqueror and check out how they did this for text files and others already implemented.





Mac OSX since version 10.5 …

… has two approaches:


  1. Your document is in the standard OSX bundle format and has a static image This can be done by creating a subfolder QuickLook and placing the Thumbnail/Preview.png/tiff/jpg inside.

    您的文档采用标准OSX包格式并具有静态图像这可以通过创建子文件夹QuickLook并将Thumbnail / Preview.png / tiff / jpg放在其中来完成。

  2. Everything else needs a QuickLook generator plugin which can be stored in either /Library/QuickLook ~/Library/QuickLook or inside the YourApp.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook Folders.

    其他所有东西都需要一个QuickLook生成器插件,可以存储在/ Library / QuickLook~ / Library / QuickLook或YourApp.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook文件夹中。

This generator is being used to create Thumbnails and QuickLook previews on the fly. XCode offers a template for this. The template generates the needed ANSI C files which have to be implemented. If you want to write Object-C code you have to rename the GenerateThumbnailForURL.c and GeneratePreviewForURL.c to GenerateThumbnailForURL.m and GeneratePreviewForURL.m (and read the Apple Devel Docs carefully ;) )

此生成器用于动态创建缩略图和QuickLook预览。 XCode为此提供了一个模板。该模板生成必须实现的所需ANSI C文件。如果要编写Object-C代码,则必须将GenerateThumbnailForURL.c和GeneratePreviewForURL.c重命名为GenerateThumbnailForURL.m和GeneratePreviewForURL.m(并仔细阅读Apple Devel Docs;))

Simple zip container based demo:

You will have to add the Cocoa.framework and Foundation.framework to your project In your GenerateThumbnailForURL.c (this is partly out of my head - so no guarantee that it works out of the box ;) ):

你必须将Cocoa.framework和Foundation.framework添加到你的项目中你的GenerateThumbnailForURL.c(这部分不在我的脑海里 - 所以不能保证它开箱即用;)):

#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>

OSStatus GenerateThumbnailForURL(void *thisInterface, QLThumbnailRequestRef thumbnail, CFURLRef url, CFStringRef contentTypeUTI, CFDictionaryRef options, CGSize maxSize)
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  /* unzip the thumbnail and put it into an NSData object */
  // Create temporary path and writing handle for extraction
  NSString *tmpPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingFormat: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.0f.%@" , [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] * 1000.0, @"png"]];
  [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath: tmpPath contents: [NSData alloc] attributes:nil];
  NSFileHandle *writingHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath: tmpPath];

  // Use task to unzip - create command: /usr/bin/unzip -p <pathToFile> <fileToExtract>
  NSTask *unzipTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
  [unzipTask setLaunchPath: @"/usr/bin/unzip"];

  // -p -> output to StandardOut, added File to extract, nil to terminate Array
  [unzipTask setArguments: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"-p", [(NSURL *) url path], @"Thumbnails/thumbnail.png", nil]];

  // redirect standardOut to writingHandle
  [unzipTask setStandardOutput: writingHandle];

  // Unzip - run task
  [unzipTask launch];
  [unzipTask waitUntilExit];

  // Read Image Data and remove File
  NSData *thumbnailData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: tmpPath];
  [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeFileAtPath: tmpPath handler:nil];

  if ( thumbnailData == nil || [thumbnailData length] == 0 ) {
     // Nothing Found. Don't care.
     [pool release];
     return noErr;

  // That is the Size our image should have - create a dictionary too
  CGSize size = CGSizeMake(256, 256);
  NSDictionary *properties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
      [NSNumber numberWithInt:size.width],kQLPreviewPropertyWidthKey,
      [NSNumber numberWithInt:size.height],kQLPreviewPropertyHeightKey,

  // Get CGContext for Thumbnail
  CGContextRef CGContext = QLThumbnailRequestCreateContext(thumbnail, size, TRUE, (CFDictionaryRef)properties);
  if(CGContext) {
     NSGraphicsContext* context = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:(void *)CGContext flipped:size.width > size.height];
     if(context) {
        //These two lines of code are just good safe programming…
       [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
       [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:context];

       NSBitmapImageRep *thumbnailBitmap = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:thumbnailData];
       [thumbnailBitmap draw];

       //This line sets the context back to what it was when we're done
       [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];

    // When we are done with our drawing code QLThumbnailRequestFlushContext() is called to flush the context
    QLThumbnailRequestFlushContext(thumbnail, CGContext);

    // Release the CGContext

  [pool release];
  return noErr;


You will have to modify your info.plist file too - when you open it up it has a lot of fields pre-set. Most of them are self-explaning (or will not have to be changed) but I had to add the following structure (copy paste should do - copy the text, go into the plist editor and just paste.):

您还必须修改info.plist文件 - 当您打开它时,它预先设置了很多字段。他们中的大多数是自我解释(或不必更改)但我必须添加以下结构(复制粘贴应该 - 复制文本,进入plist编辑器,然后粘贴。):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
     <string>i-net Crystal-Clear Report File</string>

This will register your filetype $fileExt$ and tell the system that your filetype is a zipy format type. A nice refference, that I used here is the QuickLook IPA Plugin from googlecode

这将注册您的文件类型$ fileExt $并告诉系统您的文件类型是压缩格式类型。我在这里使用的一个很好的参考是来自googlecode的QuickLook IPA插件



In Windows, what you need is to implement an Icon Handler. I did this many moons ago and it is not difficult as long as you know the basics of COM.


See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776857(VS.85).aspx



For Gnome you use a thumbnailer.




This is up to the operating system as far as I know, it will be based on the file extension.




for WINDOWS try this:





Executables have the icon inside the file (potentially multiple) as a "resource".


Data files pick up an icon based on file association.


If you want a custom icon per file that is much harder. you either need too fool the OS into thinking it is an executable and embed the icon as a resource in the file, or deep link into the OS to override the default icon selection routine.




I think, "custom own" icon can have only PE files in windows. Every other icons for file extensions are stored in windows registry.


For specification of PE file, you can look at An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format and Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format.


How it works in other OS, I don't know :/.




I don't know about Linux, but for Windows you can start here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774614.aspx


Edit: I think this interface is for the thumbnails shown in thumbnail view, not icons. Sorry for wasting your time.





What you need is an Icon Handler, also known as a Thumbnail Handler. Here is an example written as an active x control.

你需要的是一个Icon Handler,也称为Thumbnail Handler。这是一个写为活动x控件的示例。

Another resource is to look up Property Handlers, which should also point to you to the latest and greatest way of having dynamic meta data handled correctly in windows.


These are dynamic solutions - they aren't needed if you just want an icon associated with all your files - they are only used when you want windows explorer to display an icon based on what's in the file, not just the extension, and when the file changes the icon is updated to reflect the changes. It doesn't have to be an image of the file itself, either, the thumbnail handler can generate any image based on the file contents.

这些是动态解决方案 - 如果您只想要一个与所有文件相关联的图标,则不需要它们 - 只有当您希望Windows资源管理器根据文件中的内容(而不仅仅是扩展名)显示图标时才使用它们。文件更改图标已更新以反映更改。它不必是文件本身的图像,缩略图处理程序也可以根据文件内容生成任何图像。

The property handler updates other metadata, such as song or video length, so you can use all the metadata Windows Explorer supports.


Regarding MAC support, this page says, "The Mac and Windows operating systems have different methods of enabling this type of thumbnail, and in the case of the Mac OS, this support has been inconsistent from version to version so it hasn't been pursued [for Adobe InDesign]."

关于MAC支持,这个页面说,“Mac和Windows操作系统有不同的方法来启用这种类型的缩略图,而在Mac OS的情况下,这种支持在版本之间是不一致的,所以它没有被追求[适用于Adobe InDesign]。“


Icons for Mac OSX are determined by the Launch Services Database. However, it refers to a static icon file for all files handled by a registered application (it's not based on extension - each file has meta data attached that determines the application to which it belongs, although extensions give hints when the meta data doesn't exist, such as getting the file from a different OS or file system)

Mac OSX的图标由启动服务数据库确定。但是,它指的是由注册应用程序处理的所有文件的静态图标文件(它不是基于扩展名 - 每个文件都附加了元数据,用于确定它所属的应用程序,尽管扩展在元数据不提供时提供提示存在,例如从不同的OS或文件系统获取文件)

It appears that the dynamic icon functionality in OSX is provided by Finder, but searches aren't bringing up any easy pointers in this direction. Since Finder keeps changing over time, I can see why this target is hard to hit...



For Gnome you use a thumbnailer. (thanks Dorward)

对于Gnome,你使用缩略图。 (感谢Dorward)

This is an extraordinarily simple program you write, which has 3 command line arguments:


  • input file name, the file you are describing with the thumbnail (or URI if you accept those instead)
  • 输入文件名,用缩略图描述的文件(如果接受,则为URI)

  • output file name, where you need to write the PNG
  • 输出文件名,您需要在其中编写PNG

  • size, a number, in pixels, that describes the maximum square image size you should produce (128 --> 128x128 or smaller)
  • size,一个数字,以像素为单位,描述您应该生成的最大方形图像大小(128 - > 128x128或更小)

I wish all systems were this simple. On the other hand this doesn't support animation and a few other features that are provided by more difficult to implement plugins on other systems.



I'm a bit uncertain, but there are a few pointers that should get you started. First is that Konqueror is the file manager and displays the icons - it supports dynamic icons for some inbuilt types, but I don't know if these are hardcoded, or plugins you can write. Check out the Embedded Components Tutorial for a starting point.

我有点不确定,但有一些指针应该让你开始。首先是Konqueror是文件管理器并显示图标 - 它支持一些内置类型的动态图标,但我不知道这些是硬编码还是可以编写的插件。查看嵌入式组件教程了解起点。

There's a new (ish?) feature (or planned feature...) called Plasma which has a great deal to do with icons and icon functionality. Check out this announcment and this initial implementation.


You may need to dig into the source of Konqueror and check out how they did this for text files and others already implemented.





Mac OSX since version 10.5 …

… has two approaches:


  1. Your document is in the standard OSX bundle format and has a static image This can be done by creating a subfolder QuickLook and placing the Thumbnail/Preview.png/tiff/jpg inside.

    您的文档采用标准OSX包格式并具有静态图像这可以通过创建子文件夹QuickLook并将Thumbnail / Preview.png / tiff / jpg放在其中来完成。

  2. Everything else needs a QuickLook generator plugin which can be stored in either /Library/QuickLook ~/Library/QuickLook or inside the YourApp.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook Folders.

    其他所有东西都需要一个QuickLook生成器插件,可以存储在/ Library / QuickLook~ / Library / QuickLook或YourApp.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook文件夹中。

This generator is being used to create Thumbnails and QuickLook previews on the fly. XCode offers a template for this. The template generates the needed ANSI C files which have to be implemented. If you want to write Object-C code you have to rename the GenerateThumbnailForURL.c and GeneratePreviewForURL.c to GenerateThumbnailForURL.m and GeneratePreviewForURL.m (and read the Apple Devel Docs carefully ;) )

此生成器用于动态创建缩略图和QuickLook预览。 XCode为此提供了一个模板。该模板生成必须实现的所需ANSI C文件。如果要编写Object-C代码,则必须将GenerateThumbnailForURL.c和GeneratePreviewForURL.c重命名为GenerateThumbnailForURL.m和GeneratePreviewForURL.m(并仔细阅读Apple Devel Docs;))

Simple zip container based demo:

You will have to add the Cocoa.framework and Foundation.framework to your project In your GenerateThumbnailForURL.c (this is partly out of my head - so no guarantee that it works out of the box ;) ):

你必须将Cocoa.framework和Foundation.framework添加到你的项目中你的GenerateThumbnailForURL.c(这部分不在我的脑海里 - 所以不能保证它开箱即用;)):

#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>

OSStatus GenerateThumbnailForURL(void *thisInterface, QLThumbnailRequestRef thumbnail, CFURLRef url, CFStringRef contentTypeUTI, CFDictionaryRef options, CGSize maxSize)
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

  /* unzip the thumbnail and put it into an NSData object */
  // Create temporary path and writing handle for extraction
  NSString *tmpPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingFormat: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.0f.%@" , [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] * 1000.0, @"png"]];
  [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath: tmpPath contents: [NSData alloc] attributes:nil];
  NSFileHandle *writingHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath: tmpPath];

  // Use task to unzip - create command: /usr/bin/unzip -p <pathToFile> <fileToExtract>
  NSTask *unzipTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
  [unzipTask setLaunchPath: @"/usr/bin/unzip"];

  // -p -> output to StandardOut, added File to extract, nil to terminate Array
  [unzipTask setArguments: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"-p", [(NSURL *) url path], @"Thumbnails/thumbnail.png", nil]];

  // redirect standardOut to writingHandle
  [unzipTask setStandardOutput: writingHandle];

  // Unzip - run task
  [unzipTask launch];
  [unzipTask waitUntilExit];

  // Read Image Data and remove File
  NSData *thumbnailData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: tmpPath];
  [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeFileAtPath: tmpPath handler:nil];

  if ( thumbnailData == nil || [thumbnailData length] == 0 ) {
     // Nothing Found. Don't care.
     [pool release];
     return noErr;

  // That is the Size our image should have - create a dictionary too
  CGSize size = CGSizeMake(256, 256);
  NSDictionary *properties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
      [NSNumber numberWithInt:size.width],kQLPreviewPropertyWidthKey,
      [NSNumber numberWithInt:size.height],kQLPreviewPropertyHeightKey,

  // Get CGContext for Thumbnail
  CGContextRef CGContext = QLThumbnailRequestCreateContext(thumbnail, size, TRUE, (CFDictionaryRef)properties);
  if(CGContext) {
     NSGraphicsContext* context = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:(void *)CGContext flipped:size.width > size.height];
     if(context) {
        //These two lines of code are just good safe programming…
       [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
       [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:context];

       NSBitmapImageRep *thumbnailBitmap = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:thumbnailData];
       [thumbnailBitmap draw];

       //This line sets the context back to what it was when we're done
       [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];

    // When we are done with our drawing code QLThumbnailRequestFlushContext() is called to flush the context
    QLThumbnailRequestFlushContext(thumbnail, CGContext);

    // Release the CGContext

  [pool release];
  return noErr;


You will have to modify your info.plist file too - when you open it up it has a lot of fields pre-set. Most of them are self-explaning (or will not have to be changed) but I had to add the following structure (copy paste should do - copy the text, go into the plist editor and just paste.):

您还必须修改info.plist文件 - 当您打开它时,它预先设置了很多字段。他们中的大多数是自我解释(或不必更改)但我必须添加以下结构(复制粘贴应该 - 复制文本,进入plist编辑器,然后粘贴。):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
     <string>i-net Crystal-Clear Report File</string>

This will register your filetype $fileExt$ and tell the system that your filetype is a zipy format type. A nice refference, that I used here is the QuickLook IPA Plugin from googlecode

这将注册您的文件类型$ fileExt $并告诉系统您的文件类型是压缩格式类型。我在这里使用的一个很好的参考是来自googlecode的QuickLook IPA插件



In Windows, what you need is to implement an Icon Handler. I did this many moons ago and it is not difficult as long as you know the basics of COM.


See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776857(VS.85).aspx



For Gnome you use a thumbnailer.




This is up to the operating system as far as I know, it will be based on the file extension.




for WINDOWS try this:





Executables have the icon inside the file (potentially multiple) as a "resource".


Data files pick up an icon based on file association.


If you want a custom icon per file that is much harder. you either need too fool the OS into thinking it is an executable and embed the icon as a resource in the file, or deep link into the OS to override the default icon selection routine.




I think, "custom own" icon can have only PE files in windows. Every other icons for file extensions are stored in windows registry.


For specification of PE file, you can look at An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format and Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format.


How it works in other OS, I don't know :/.




I don't know about Linux, but for Windows you can start here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774614.aspx


Edit: I think this interface is for the thumbnails shown in thumbnail view, not icons. Sorry for wasting your time.
