如何在循环显示一系列单元格时获取当前单元格编号(Excel VBA)

时间:2022-09-18 07:28:47

I'm trying to get the current cell number whilst looping through a range of cells.


For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")



The purpose of this is to retrieve a value from another cell in the same row e.g. A1 and B1.


3 个解决方案



The i is probably declared as Range object(or Variant). Therefore to get the row number and retrieve the value in neighboring B column you have to call the .Row method of the i object


Sub ForEachAndFor()

    Dim i As Range

    For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")
        MsgBox Sheet3.Range("B" & i.Row).Value

End Sub

You could also use the Offset(how_many_rows_up_or_down, how_many_columns_left_or_right)


you indicate rows down with a positive number an rows up with a negative number


same applies to the columns, use - to navigate to the left of the current cell, and positive number to the right of the current cell.

同样适用于列,使用 - 导航到当前单元格的左侧,以及当前单元格右侧的正数。

Sub ForEachSub()

    Dim i as Range

    For Each i in Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")
        MsgBox i.Offset(0, 1).Value
    next i 

End Sub



Try this

Dim i as Integer

    For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:D213").Rows.Count
     msgbox(Sheet3.Range("B" & i).Value)
    Next i



In your code variable i is of a Range type, thus you have to treat it that way. You can use Offset to get to what is in relation to your i address, like that:


For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")

  MsgBox (i.Offset(0, 1).Value)

Next i



The i is probably declared as Range object(or Variant). Therefore to get the row number and retrieve the value in neighboring B column you have to call the .Row method of the i object


Sub ForEachAndFor()

    Dim i As Range

    For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")
        MsgBox Sheet3.Range("B" & i.Row).Value

End Sub

You could also use the Offset(how_many_rows_up_or_down, how_many_columns_left_or_right)


you indicate rows down with a positive number an rows up with a negative number


same applies to the columns, use - to navigate to the left of the current cell, and positive number to the right of the current cell.

同样适用于列,使用 - 导航到当前单元格的左侧,以及当前单元格右侧的正数。

Sub ForEachSub()

    Dim i as Range

    For Each i in Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")
        MsgBox i.Offset(0, 1).Value
    next i 

End Sub



Try this

Dim i as Integer

    For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:D213").Rows.Count
     msgbox(Sheet3.Range("B" & i).Value)
    Next i



In your code variable i is of a Range type, thus you have to treat it that way. You can use Offset to get to what is in relation to your i address, like that:


For Each i In Sheet3.Range("A3:A213")

  MsgBox (i.Offset(0, 1).Value)

Next i